GOP Big Pushes Giuliani For Vice President

One of New York’s best-known Republicans is calling on pres idential hopeful Rick Perry to choose Rudy Giuliani as his running mate for next year’s election.

Former state GOP Chairman William Powers, a longtime Giuliani friend and a key player in his first mayoral election in 1993, told The Post that such a move by Perry could deliver key swing states like New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio to the Republicans.

“He’d be the best No. 2 anybody in the world could pick,” said Powers, who has a longstanding relationship with leading Texas Republicans like Karl Rove, former President George W. Bush’s top political adviser.

“A Perry-Giuliani ticket would absolutely defeat the Obama-Biden ticket and would have a big impact in New Jersey, in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, in Rhode Island and Connecticut, all places where Rudy is absolutely admired,” Powers said.

“Even in heavily Democratic New York, people should realize he could have a big impact for the ticket upstate and in the outer boroughs, which elected Rudy two times.”

Powers predicted Giuliani would welcome the opportunity to be Perry’s running mate, even though the former mayor strikes many as being unsuited for the role of second-in-command.

“I think he would do it for the right person. I believe he would for Perry,” Powers said.

“He had hoped to be the first Italian-American president. He could be the first Italian-American vice president.”


5 Responses

  1. It’s a bit early to talk about Vice-Presidents, though unless national security was and issue, Guiliani would not be an effective candidate. He hasn’t won an election since 1997, and his left wing social views don’t mesh with anyone likely to being the Republican nominee (somehow, a pro-marriage candidate and pro-adultery candidate don’t really balance the ticker).

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