Rosh Hashanah Greetings From YW Editor

shanatova_yw.jpgDear readers of YW: Since its inception more than two years ago, YW has grown from a small blog into a massive news website with tens of thousands reading it daily. This is only due to you – the readership! Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for reading YW and making it the #1 news website.

A much needed thanks must be given to the many thousands of people throughout the globe who constantly email us with breaking news, photographs, and other interesting information.

Last year on this day we wrote: “I”H in the near future there will be some major changes to Yeshivaworld which everyone will enjoy.” Sure enough, we launched the new website. This year, we can write it again – as in the very near future, there will be many new and exciting features added to the website.

Don’t forget to make an Eruv Tavshilin, (and a Pruzbul if it’s your Minhag). 

May Hashem grant us all a year of prosperity, health, and only good news to report!

Kisiva Vachasima Tova!

YW Editor.

31 Responses

  1. Kesiva Vechasima Tovah to the YW Editor and to all its readers. May you have the zechus to broadcast only good news this coming year (and lots of it!)

  2. I must thank YW for giving me a place to read Kosher news. Let us pray that next year we will hear only good news on this website.


    Kalman N.

  3. From the oilam at the BMG coffee room, to the oilam at the cofee rooms across the world (YOUR OFFICES) – zulst ale hubben ah gezunta geshmacka yur full mit gutta besuros tovos un asach politics far dem oilam tzu shmuuuuzin in caffe tzimmer at BMG.

  4. YW editor: Thank you for the umpteenth time for being there and doing what you do! May Hashem bless you and all of us with only besuros tovos this new year. Kesiva V’chasima Tova!

  5. May we, our famiilies, and gans Klal Yisrael have a Gut Gebentsh Yoir,
    Shana Tova U’Metuka, Ksiva V’Chasima Tova, and a happy new year.

    Hopefully will all be zoche to stand together in Eretz Yisrael this coming

    Dvar Torah from R.Aaron:
    Chazal tell us that at four occasions during the year, the world is
    judged. On Pesach for produce; on Shavuos for the fruit of the tree;
    on Succos for water; and on Rosh Hashana the whole world passes in
    front of Him like sheep. The question is asked: if so, why is it that
    on all the Chagim, except for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we recite
    “Halel” even though they are also days of judgement?
    Answered Rav Shraga Fivel Frank: There is a difference between the
    judgement of Rosh Hashana and that of the other days: Although it is
    true that they are also days of ‘din’, however the ‘din’ at these
    times are on the entire world. As such, one can thus rely on the merit
    of the many. As opposed to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur where every
    individual is judged in detail–“the whole world passes in front of
    Him like sheep”–who can withstand such a scrupulous judgement?? How
    can we sing praises when we are scared for our lives…???

    May we all be zoche to be signed and sealed in the book of life!!!!

  6. Git Gebensht Yur to YW,staff and all of Klall Yisroel.

    Shana Tova Umetukah. Vitichtivu, Visichtimu L’chaim tovim aruchim vlisholom!

    I just received a very cool wish from a friend and I would like to share
    it with the rest of you;

    May the BEST thing that happened to you last year be the WORST thing that happens to you this year!

  7. To all my dear friends:

    K’siva v’Chasima tova u’Mesuka

    and… even though all these posts are pretty much annonymous… if I have offended anyone with my sometimes sharp or cutting posts, please forgive me.

    YW – Editor: keep up the good work


  8. It is a pleasure and a ZECHUS to join with my fellow choshuveh Yidden to thank YW Editor for the many moments of pleasure he has provided us for having a koshereh place to read important news that affects us all.

    I am also mispallel that we should only be able to read emeseh besuros tovos for the coming year.

    YW Editor: You have done a wonderful job on this site and it has really been m’zakeh the oilam. I had such hano’oh to see pics of Rav Shteinman just hours (!) after his droshoh in the Mir. Thank you for bringing us closer the world we may be farther from, but to where all are hearts ache to be- b’koslei botei medrash b’eretz hakedoshoh u’bemichtzas Gedolei Doreinu Shlita.

    May this be a year of continued shefa brocho for you, the site and your mishpocho.

  9. YW – most people don’t know who you are…..but I do… to all of you out there who love this site, you should just know the YW editor himself in person is even greater then the site. He is 1 an a million!

    Keep up the great work.

  10. Thank you YW for all the great work and tireless effort you put into this wonderful site.

    May this be a year where people appreicate you rather than crticize you.

    OH , nos 16,?
    In your judgemental haste you forgot to wish everyone a GIT YUR.Thats what this time is all about, remember,?,,,,,,No prob, I’ll do it for you.

    on behalf of torahis1 and MYSELF, I wish you all a ksiva vichasima Tovah!

  11. May this be a year in which YW CONTINUES to be a mouthpiece for a narrow, BUT CORRECT AL PI DAAS TORAH(mostly), stream of Torah Judaism.

  12. YW Editor – Thanks for all the good work. A gut gebencht yur.

    May this be the year that we wake up one morning to find the following post on Yeshiva World News: “Eliyahu HaNavi arrives in Yerushalyim to announce the arrival of Moshiach Zidkeinu!”

  13. Thank You so much for all you do and providing news that is truly FIT TO PRINT (post) on your site. Much Hakaras Hatov especially for the featured article post on the Hachnosas Sefer Torah at Yeshiva Passaic Torah Institute (where I am zoche to learn). May you continue your services to the community and go from strength to strength!! K’siva V’Chasima Tova to all of Klal Yisrael!!

  14. YW Editor,

    Ksiva Vchasima Tova!

    Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of the Tzibur.

    (I also would like to apologize in this public forum for stealing your car!)


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