Need A Pruzbul For Rosh Hashanah?

yw story logo.jpgClick HERE to open page with a printable Pruzbul. NOTE: There is a Machlokes if a Pruzbul is needed this year (before Shemita), next year, or both years. Please consult with a Rov as to what one should do.

11 Responses

  1. Hillel instituted this halachically legal loophole in order that people should not withold lending money before shmitta.
    It works by transfering ones shtar over to bais din. The halacha that shmitta takes away loans does not apply to Bais Din’s loans.
    I thought that it is pretty much taken on by almost all poskim that this is only necessary at the end of shmitta.

  2. Heter Mechira is when they sell Eretz Yisroel to a goy during Shmittah year, and this would allow Jewish farmers to work the land. However, many don’t follow the Heter Mechira.

  3. the opinion that shmita only gets rid of loans at the end is the opinion just about every rishon except for the rosh, and the chasam sofer might paskin like the rosh, but he’s unclear

  4. Shmita is mishamet at the end of the shmita year,therefore the pruzbul must be done before the end of the shmita year. If you did not make a pruzbul,you can not collect your debts after shmita at all (unless the loiveh pays back bitoras matonoh). However, most poskim say that you should make it at the beginning of the year, otherwise you would not be able to collect any choivos during the shmita year. Even though during the year it wasn’t mishamet yet, you still cant collect it, so youre better off just doing it now

  5. Dvorah:
    Nothing that the chachomim were misaken is fake. Not Mechiras chomets,pruzbul or heter iska. You are prob referring to shtar mechira where you sell your share of profits to a goy and keep your business going on shabbos,that Reb Moshe zt’l said it is to be avoided nowadays

  6. Alex: Your name goes in the blanks on lines #1 and #7. The names of the 3 dayanim go in the blanks on lines 2 and 3.
    In the 3 blanks on line #9 write in the date. Since today is already Erev Rosh Hashana, in the first blank from the right put in “Chuf Tes” or 29, in the second put in Elul, and in the third, a Zayin, to complete the year 5767.
    You the read aloud (while standing) to your dayanim, who should be seated from the second line beginning with the word “Mosrani” until the end of the 4th line. Then the 3 dayanim sign on the bottom 3 lines.

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