UNHINGED: Trump Loses It In New Statement, Blasts “Ron DeSanctimonious” In Long Ramble Against Fox, NY Post, WSJ

(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

The following is an unedited statement from Donald Trump, released moments ago:

NewsCorp, which is Fox, the Wall Street Journal, and the no longer great New York Post (bring back Col!), is all in for Governor Ron DeSanctimonious, an average REPUBLICAN Governor with great Public Relations, who didn’t have to close up his State, but did, unlike other Republican Governors, whose overall numbers for a Republican, were just average—middle of the pack—including COVID, and who has the advantage of SUNSHINE, where people from badly run States up North would go no matter who the Governor was, just like I did!

Ron came to me in desperate shape in 2017—he was politically dead, losing in a landslide to a very good Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam, who was loaded up with cash and great poll numbers. Ron had low approval, bad polls, and no money, but he said that if I would Endorse him, he could win. I didn’t know Adam so I said, “Let’s give it a shot, Ron.” When I Endorsed him, it was as though, to use a bad term, a nuclear weapon went off. Years later, they were the exact words that Adam Putnam used in describing Ron’s Endorsement. He said, “I went from having it made, with no competition, to immediately getting absolutely clobbered after your Endorsement.” I then got Ron by the “Star” of the Democrat Party, Andrew Gillum (who was later revealed to be a “Crack Head”), by having two massive Rallies with tens of thousands of people at each one. I also fixed his campaign, which had completely fallen apart. I was all in for Ron, and he beat Gillum, but after the Race, when votes were being stolen by the corrupt Election process in Broward County, and Ron was going down ten thousand votes a day, along with now-Senator Rick Scott, I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen…

And now, Ron DeSanctimonious is playing games! The Fake News asks him if he’s going to run if President Trump runs, and he says, “I’m only focused on the Governor’s race, I’m not looking into the future.” Well, in terms of loyalty and class, that’s really not the right answer.

This is just like 2015 and 2016, a Media Assault (Collusion!), when Fox News fought me to the end until I won, and then they couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive. The Wall Street Journal loved Low Energy Jeb Bush, and a succession of other people as they rapidly disappeared from sight, finally falling in line with me after I easily knocked them out, one by one. We’re in exactly the same position now. They will keep coming after us, MAGA, but ultimately, we will win. Put America First and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

MORE FROM THE DON: Trump wants “CNN to open a conservative network and only have me on it” and says that it “would be the most successful network in history”.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. When zelden told Houchal during the debate, “Why are you talking about Trump?” She knew exactly what she was doing. STOLEN ELECTION and JANUARY 6 are 4 words that resonate with democrats and liberals. In life people get “gipped” all the time. That guy got the promotion you deserved. That guy got the job you wanted. your son or daughter wasn’t accepted to the mesivta /seminary you applied for. You can sulk and cry but there comes a time that you have to face reality and realize life moves on. A few months ago Trump put out a collage of videos of about 50 politicians saying various elections were stolen or not fair. The difference is all those politicians said their piece and moved on. Trump two years later is still griping about the stolen election and is hurting the republicans. Time to move on.

  2. It’s so strange! It seems as though the media is playing him so that the Democrats should win. They’re giving him the podium and the voice to prove what a fool he is and the outcome is as they wish: a weakened Republican party!

  3. “I sent in the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended, just prior to them running out of the votes necessary to win. I stopped his Election from being stolen…”

    I highly doubt “the FBI” would have helped Trump especially in light of recent events

  4. Trump is going to make his announcement that he is running again at the most damaging time possible. At this point his quest for revenge against those who he perceives as not loyal enough to him includes the entire Republican party. Probably even including those who support him. And like most people who go back to their old workplace shooting everyone they go to the ones they knew first.

    That said he is RAPIDLY becoming more and more unhinged by the day. At this pace he will be little more than a fringe candidate in the Republican primaries.

  5. Continue posting fake news on this amazing president. Look what happens when we do this.
    We get people like joe Biden in office

  6. Naarishkeit!
    This is exactly the Trump everyone wanted then, and exactly who theyll take again. Smashmouth. Nasty, ill mannered, crude….. but will GET THE JOB DONE. And thats what matters…btw.

  7. They want to steal elections. They want the only subject to be “January 6”.
    Fact is fact. Trump was an exceptionally great and effective president. Why in the world should his name be “toxic”? because we are wimps. We fold the minute they say boo.
    DeSantis is a fine guy who won big in a state he can control and make sure it isn’t stolen. His national aspirations are funded by wall-street / China loving corporations – just like all other GOP presidents who were great at the state level and then joined the swamp. He won’t be as bad as Bush, but he won’t come close to Trump.

  8. The RNC said it would not be paying the legal fees of the former president if he chooses to run again. We’ve all read about how unresponsive he’s been about paying the cost of his atnys in the past. How will this figure in to his posturing?

  9. I just checked in truth social. Trump absolutely is having a tantrum. I really liked the guy and until Tuesday would’ve voted for him in 2024. Heck I was excited for his announcement. Now? Heck NO!

  10. He is a 100% percent right although most people may have worded things a little differently. The NY Prost is what’s unhinged and losing it with their insane front pages. Any normal person would react if attacked like that except of course a ba’al madreiga which we know Trump isn’t but he was a great president and hopefully will be again.

  11. Those messages from the Twice Impeached former president appear to be the ravings of a mad man. There is also a longer diatribe he also issued today. The man needs intervention.

  12. That this man has some serious personal issues is clear, but you report on it more then the most liberal outlets in many European countries? I agree that it can not be ignored, but you guys are going overboard.

  13. not interested in any of this….not from Trumps mouth…YWN who are you ….you don’t want my opinion and you better be careful , fake and unreliable news from a kosher source doesn’t say much for this kosher source

  14. Wow! Trump Derangement Syndrome at it’s best!
    I’m a huge Trump supporter and so are at least half (probably much more) of YWN’s readers. That YWN continues to bash Trump and thereby disparaging many of us Trumpers is simply mind boggling! How strong the hate for Trump must be among YWN’S editors!!

  15. By continuing to insist that the 2020 election was stolen, he may be setting the stage for defense against potential criminal charges (i.e., that he conspired to overturn the election.) His sincere belief that it was stolen would undermine any possibility of proving “criminal intent”.

  16. With DeSantis – we put America first.
    With Trump – we put trump first

    With DeSantis – we make America great again.
    With Trump – we make trump great again.

  17. Trump was a great president and it was also fun to have him but he’s done more damage since he (didnt) leave. Hes toxic and is injecting poison and fear in the air. He’s the sole reason y there was no red wave. He needs to go very fast and the lesson is: we Yidden shldnt be so involved in politics. Although I also voted Zeldin and wanted the democrats out, there’s a way to do this. Thia wasn’t the Jewish way.
    As long as Trump is leading the party, the Republicans will lose everything. He’s assumed himself as the fuhrer of the world. Dangerous toxic person.
    I voted for Trump but Im able to see the metzias of his toxicity.
    Wake up all! Hes bad for us in every way!

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