The Note That Netanyahu Left For Bennett On The PMO’s Desk

Channel 12 News screenshot

Regardless of people’s personal opinions of Prime Minister-elect Binyamin Netanyahu, he has certain qualities that everyone can agree on, with the most obvious being his determination, optimism, and belief in his success.

After Netanyahu ended his first term with a painful failure in 1999, he returned ten years later, ultimately becoming the longest-serving prime minister in Israeli history. However, after his defeat over a year ago, many thought his political life was over for good.

But apparently not Netanyahu himself, He was so sure of his return that he left a note to his successor Naftali Bennett on the desk of the Prime Minister’s Office, saying: “I’ll be right back!” Channel 12 News reported on Friday.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Bibi a great man who honors his word as does President Donald Trump שליט”א

    Israel 🇮🇱 has only has 2 good prime Ministers in its entire existence:-
    1) מנחם Begin זצקללה”ה
    2) Bibi Netanyahu שליט”א

  2. This is probably a false story. The note was probably not left on the desk, just put there for the picture. Now Netanyahu thought it cute to publicize a picture of a note that he never left.

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