VIDEO ROUNDUP: Violence At Meron As Kever Is Cleared Out By Police Ahead Of Lag Baomer

As Klal Yisroel is about to mark the first Yartzheit of the horrific tragedy at Meron, where 45 people lost their lives, violence broke out at the Kever the night before Lag Baomer.

It began as police announced in Yiddish and Hebrew that the entire Kever and mountain must be emptied, as only those with tickets will be allowed to enter starting tomorrow afternoon.

Around 200 extremists refused to leave the Kever, while others began knocking down all the police barricades set up for the event.

After the disaster at the site last year, no more than 16,000 people at a time will be allowed in and around the tomb complex on Wednesday-Thursday, according to regulations drafted by the Justice Ministry, the Religious Affairs Ministry and the police.

YWN recently reported that the regulations passed into law call for a three-month jail sentence and an administrative fine for anyone who violates the regulations, including those who arrive at Meron without a ticket or who fail to leave after four hours and anyone who operates an event at the site without the required permits.

The regulations apply over three days, Wednesday, Erev Lag B’Omer, Thursday, they day of Lag B’Omer, and Friday, the day after Lag B’Omer.

Video below of the scenes in Meron tonight.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. I’m literally horrified with the way these people are acting. Seriously????????? Are the LOOKING for more people to get killed???? People should appreciate the boundaries, they are there for YOUR safety!! How do you think the meron victims relatives feel right now seeing how people are acting like animals?? They would do ANYTHING to have their loved ones come back, and I’m sure they WISH such preventative measures were put into place last year. Seriously GROW UP!!! This is so embbarassing.

  2. Everyone of these Rambunctious creatures needs to have their ID taken and entered into a computer database, to be permanently banned in all future years from being eligible to enter lottery to apply for ל”ג ב”עומר tickets to מירון ever again for life.

  3. Let’s hope our fellow Palestinians and Hamas neighbors will actively get to more to disturb the police from harassing meron

  4. I am physically sick at these animals who disgrace the heilige Reb Shimon Bar Yoichai and this it’s the way these despicable people act after the terrible tradgedy we lost 45 KEDOISHIM I am appalled I cannot believe that this is happening this is how we treat this place where loads of Yiddishe blood was spilled in fact I’ll say it on e record these people (IM SURE THATS NOT EVERYONE) who came to disrupt the security and to make a protest they should be locked up for 10 years in prison they are digrading the holy Reb Shimon that’s definitely not what he wants and it also shows that these “yidden” are digrading the memory of the holy kedoshim that died there i am embarrassed to be a frum you eight now I hope I’m not the only one that feels like this I promise i am crying right now to have seen those videos,WHAT DOES IT SHOW,IT SHOWS THAT WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT DIED LAST YEAR PLEASE IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE WRITE YOUR TAKE ON THIS AND IF YOU ARE SHOCKED THAT THIS IS HAPPENING PLEASE SPEAK OUT ON THEESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE

  5. They should be drafted immediately to the army. If they can be bitul zman Torah and make such a Chillul Hashem, they are not deserving of passes.

  6. I am physically sick at these animals who disgrace the heilige Reb Shimon Bar Yoichai and this it’s the way these despicable people act after the terrible tradgedy, we lost 45 KEDOISHIM! I am appalled I cannot believe that this is happening this is how we treat this place where loads of Yiddishe blood was spilled in fact I’ll say it on the record these people (IM SURE THATS NOT EVERYONE) who came to disrupt the security and to make a protest they should be locked up for 10 years in prison they are digrading the holy Reb Shimon that’s definitely not what he wants and it also shows that these “yidden” are digrading the memory of the holy kedoshim that died there i am embarrassed to be a frum yid right now I hope I’m not the only one that feels like this I promise i am crying right now to have seen those videos,WHAT DOES IT SHOW,IT SHOWS THAT WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT DIED LAST YEAR PLEASE IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE WRITE YOUR TAKE ON THIS AND IF YOU ARE SHOCKED THAT THIS IS HAPPENING PLEASE SPEAK OUT ON THEESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE

  7. Unbelievable that these idiots wouldn’t have respected the police directives after last year’s churban. They knew the area had to be cleared in advance of the hadlakah with restricted attendance. Are they anxious for more fatalities or just really that ignorant of the risks they create.

  8. These people have all lost their way. We have a Torah, we have Halacha. The Torah says clearly we need to guard our lives very carefully. That is what we are obligated to do. Going to Meron maybe at most nice minhag, especially on Lag B’Omer (which may or may not be the yahrzeit of R’ Shimon bar Yochai). But it does not override the mitzva of protecting lives. Skewed priorities, lack of proper chinuch and Torah learning. No respect for authority or even for those who seek to ensure the public’s safety. It is so terribly sad. Hashem should have rachamim on His people and we should be zocheh to see the truth of Torah soon.

  9. To Dani51:

    #1 dont call hashem’s beloved children “animal” a father gets upset when someone is doing that to his children. You dont want to be punished.

    #2 the isrealy police didn’t do anything for safety. It’s just a way to control and block their biggest enemy called “haredim”. Just ask people familiar and you will get all facts cleared.

    #3 if you are a fauchi guy, take the vaccine and return to hell… just kidding

  10. It is very interesting that no one on this form remembers what meron looked like BEFORE the 45 kedoishem passed away.. I was in meron on lag boimer many years, including last year, it was absolutely not dangerous place to be and one being there is not risking their life and no one’s life. It’s a big place and enough place to accommodate everyone that what’s to come to r’ shimon, it’s just that in 2 places on this hill was always dangerous during biyan and toldos Aharon hadlokois… there for I never went to toldos Aharon hadlokah, but a simple thing that these stupid medinah could’ve done to REALLY help is ether 1) make tickets to go in to toldos aharon and Biyan hadlukah or knock down some trees (like there doing now) and make enough place for everyone! This whole talk about regulation because of the 45 kedoishim is all emotional talk and abuse of power just like COVID!

  11. Yes, they should be drafted into the army! This is maddening!!!
    If you look at these people, some of them really look mental. I think that they are nebach unaware and grew up on a lot of lies. There probably hypnotized and can’t think for themselves and realize that they are not following the Torah by acting this way. I wonder what rabbanim enforce their behavior. These people usually don’t act on their own. I think we need to crack down on their leaders.

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