HATE IN WILLIAMSBURG: Pack Of Six Thugs Randomly Beat Hasidic Man – Just For Being Jewish

The NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating a Friday night attack on a Hasidic man in Brooklyn.

Around 7:55 p.m., the 21-year-old victim was walking along Gerry Street near Harrison Avenue when the suspects approached him before punching and kicking him to the ground in an unprovoked attack, authorities said.

The victim had absolutely no interaction with the teens before they ran up and attacked.

The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating.

Late Shabbos afternoon, the NYPD said that one 16 year old suspect was taken into custody.

The individuals are described as follows:

Individual #1: Male, dark complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a blue winter jacket, a black hood sweatshirt, blue jeans and black sneakers.

Individual #2: Male, medium complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a black winter jacket, a grey hood sweatshirt, black jeans and white sneakers.

Individual #3: Male, dark complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a black winter jacket with a fur lined hood, black jeans and black sneakers.

Individual #4: Male, dark complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a blue, white and red winter hooded jacket, blue jeans and sneakers.

Individual #5: Male, dark complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a black hooded winter jacket, black sweatpants, a black backpack and white sneakers.

Individual #6: Male, medium complexion with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a black winter jacket with fur lined hood, jeans and sneakers.

29 Responses

  1. Who let them out of their cages !!??

    And as everyone knows they’re such cowards / needing a pack of 6 dogs to attack 1

  2. I love how all of these animals are described as medium or dark complexion. Is it too hard for the NYPD to say that the thugs are black? Not really useful to look for suspects based on nothing more than the color of their hoodies. It’s a pretty safe bet that they weren’t Norwegians with good tans.

  3. We have a legal loophole that can help us.
    The Midrash says that when there is peace amongst Klal Yisroel, zero inside fighting amongst us, then Hashem will make sure that no one in the world will harm us.
    This trick does not cost any money. It’s like having Amazon prime membership and you don’t have to pay $139.
    “Giving people the benefit of the doubt”———–
    “Judging favorably”

  4. The reality of Black anti semitism is suppressed by the media. It just doesn’t fit into the liberal agenda. But we remember Jesse Jackson calling NYC Heimietown. We remember countless attacks in Williamsburg by blacks against Yidden, like this one. And let’s not forget the nightmare of the Jersey City murders. I’m sure many readers can bring up many more examples. But the media ignores the obvious.

  5. Since a Jew can no longer walk down the street in what used to be called the United States, you might take that as a hint that the Master of the Universe has a better, designated place for you to go ?? Hint Hint Hint. What will it take folks ?? Wake up and smell the hatred.

  6. Arizona’s right. Wasn’t worth the cheap labor on cotton. Now we have an invasive specie problem. I recommend bear spray.

  7. The majority of these comments are what causes this kind of garbage! We as a group are always quick to call anything and everything “anti semitic” when we as group are the biggest “Racists”!

    This is a public forum, you reap what you sow!

  8. I never understood the fuss over “Hymietown”. It is a fact that NYC has a lot of Jews; it’s not a good thing or a bad thing, but it is a thing. There were a lot of reasons to oppose Jesse Jackson; he was and is a morally offensive person. But that wasn’t one of them.

  9. Imagine if the roles were reversed. The media rage that would take place… black privilege at its finest.

  10. ADKYid:
    Yes, I’m sure these animals attacked this guy because they were looking through YWN forums and were just enraged by all the racist comments they read.

  11. Many many years ago Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky may his memory be blessed, he said that we are guests in America. I think maybe the non-Jewish people are jealous of us. Maybe we should refrain from buying very expensive cars. Maybe we don’t need a super fancy house worth 1 million dollars. Let us try to live here under the radar. Also when we drive, we should drive like a Mentsch.
    It is extremely possible that these guys are angry, because maybe one time they were trying to cross the street and a car was speeding down that street and almost killed them. Now they are looking for revenge.
    Please drive like a guest and not like the host. If we respect them, then they will respect us. It’s cut and dry.
    חד וחלק

  12. avraham, we don’t need their validation nor do we have anything to prove to them. Our community helps each other, theirs doesn’t. We don’t need to take their discontent into consideration when purchasing a car or a home. Frankly put, their community doesn’t put an emphasis on education, and have the habit of pinning their personal problem into other people. They blame us for their problems because we’re easy targets and they can get away with it (as usual. We’re in Galut after all.) If they don’t like my expensive car then TOO BAD!!

  13. avraham
    Try this for size;
    I’ve been working to support MUSELF since I was 13 because my immigrant parents barely made ends meet!
    I own NOTHING to NOBODY!
    Yes, I HAVE a million dollar house and, I HAVE several cars!
    I EARNED THEM WITH 40 years of my sweat and hard labor!

  14. avraham
    Not them, and most CERTAINLY NOT YOU gets to tell me how to spend MY HARD EARNED MONEY!
    The “Jewish community” did NOTHING for me OR my family except scream how “every Jew must have yeshiva “education”” and take the last bit of money my parents had while teaching me NOTHING!

  15. To Mr. Kach:
    I was basically trying my best to explain what Rabbi Kamenetsky (may his memory be blessed) was trying to advise us when he said that we should act like a guest. I personally get along with everyone. I have many many friends. Actually, I don’t even have one enemy on the entire planet. I personally do many many things for many people to help as many people as possible to help them with many many different issues. I won’t even take one dime from anyone. I help and I help and I help.
    It bothers me a lot to hear your story that people took your parent’s money, they taught you nothing and the community did not help your family. It really bothers me to hear the pain.
    Please keep in mind that those people that wronged you, they are a few individuals. They do not represent the entire Jewish nation. Today there must be 18 million Jewish people in many different countries. A few bad apples does not mean that all the apples in the world are rotten. I truly feel your pain that someone hurt your family. Most Jewish communities are wonderful and beautiful. Actually for the record I must admit that I never ever hurt anyone’s feelings ever. There is not even one person on this entire planet that is upset with me. I truly help another Yid and I would never ask him back for a favor.
    May the Almighty send to your entire family lots and lots and lots of wonderful and great health until 120 years old.
    your dear friend

  16. Dear Mr. Kach,
    Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky
    זכר צדיק וקדוש לברכה
    when he gave us that advice to act like a guest, he was sincerely trying his best to give us beautiful advice in order to help us to survive in America. He meant for our well being. He truly cared about us. He only wanted the best for us. He had a wonderful and beautiful community in Monsey N.Y.. He was constantly giving great advice to the Jewish nation. Everyone loved him even the non-Orthodox.

  17. Dear Mr. Kach,
    You mentioned that you were forced a Yeshiva education.
    Do your research with Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway NY. They don’t force anything. They actually train Jewish boys to learn a trade. Some are becoming electricians, plumbers, carpenters and also computer related trades.

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