TERROR IN BE’ER SHEVA: 4 Dead, 2 Injured, Terrorist Shot Dead [VIDEOS]

A ramming and stabbing terror attack took place in Be’er Sheva on Tuesday afternoon when an Israeli-Arab rammed his car into passersby and then exited the car and stabbed people.

The terror attacks took place at two areas. The Arab first pulled up to a gas station, where he stabbed a woman pumping gas and then continued to outside the city’s BIG mall, where he stabbed the other victims.

One woman, in her 50s, was critically injured and died of her wounds shortly later. Another woman, 34, passed away a few minutes later. The deaths of two additional victims, a woman of about 40 and a man in his 60s, were pronounced shortly later. Another two female victims were seriously injured.

A bus driver outside the mall who witnessed the incident happening in front of his eyes shot the Arab and neutralized him.

Later reports said that the terrorist was a 34-year-old Israeli-Bedouin resident of the Negev who used to teach in a high-school school in his hometown of Hura. He had an extensive background in terror-related activities and was a known ISIS supporter. He served a five-year prison sentence for terror-related crimes and was released only recently.



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8 Responses

  1. without the zechus of Reb Chaim Z’L and with the diminished learning of bein hazmanim coming up the world is in sakana.

  2. Karl:

    The appearance of the petira of Rav Chaim and this terror attack leads you to believe there is a causal relationship. There is no way, short of Ruach Hakodesh that you could know that. And to spew such connections is not indicative of a great degree of saichel. Had you shared that the grief of the loss of a gadol Hador followed by this tragedy was hard to bear, you might actually make sense.

    In reality, plenty of tragedies befell Klal Yisroel during lifetimes of the greatest of our generations. How many tzaddikim were alive while terror attacks, pogroms, wars, and persecutions plagued Klal Yisroel? You don’t need to be a historian to recognize this. Was not Yirmiyahu alive and witness to the Churban of the Second Bais Hamikdosh?

    The diminished learning of bein hazmanim is not the tragedy you make it to be. Quite a number of yeshivos maintain sedorim till closer to Pesach. Others send bochurim home, where they help parents and do ther things that are not purely bitul Torah. I do not question that there are some who will return home to empty lives, but that is not the magnitude that we believe.

    Lastly, the Mishnah tells us to view the world as being at a perfect 50-50 balance, מחצה על מחצה, and that each of us have the potential to be מכריע the entire world to the positive side by performing a single mitzvah. So how about, instead of complaining, just overwhelm the world with your mitzvos. The outcome would be that of the Mishnah. זכות!

  3. Can we please have some positivity here too? It’s true that we do not have Harav Chaim’s zt’l zechusim and it’s not simple, but there are many many other tzadikim, talmidei chachomim and baalei chasodim out there who will never reach his toes. But yet there is plenty of goodness and we should stop always focusing on the negative. Something bad happens, see the world is in a bad matzav, why? It’s not true. Hashem is so good and we should also focus on His blessings He is showering non stop

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