Kibbud Aim That Literally “Lengthened Her Days”

Illustrative. Har HaMenuchot. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

A chilling story was told at the shiva of Pnina Moskowitz, z’l, of Ashdod, a mother of 16 children who passed away several days ago at the age of 66 after being ill for many years with cancer.

Chinuch adviser Yechiel Broner heard the story personally at the shiva and publicized it: “I just left the shiva home of the Moskowitz family in Ashdod,” Broner wrote, adding that the husband of the nifteres told him what transpired in the past four years.

“Over four years ago, the nifteres was diagnosed with cancer and was told she only had a month and a half to live,” the husband said.

“When she returned home, she told us: ‘I’m taking care of my sick and elderly mother. In her zechus, I’ll continue to live.’ That’s how the next four years passed – difficult years – as she tended to her mother and underwent treatments at the same time.”

“A month and a half ago, her mother passed away. When we heard the news, she said: ‘My ‘insurance’ has run out.'”

“And sure enough, exactly one and a half months after the death of her mother, she passed away,” the husband sadly concluded.

Broner added: “Yehi Zichra Baruch. And we’ll be mechazeik in Kibbud Horim and ‘למען יאריכון ימיך’ should be fulfilled for us.'”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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