HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu: “Someone Will Bend The Shulchan Aruch?

HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu (Screenshot); Broccoli (Photo by Tyrrell Fitness And Nutrition on Unsplash)

During his weekly shiur last week, Chief Rabbi of Tzfas HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu spoke about his removal from his position of supervising kashrus in the nearby town of Hatzor HaGlilit after insisting that a factory uphold halacha.

Instead of the factory owner making changes to adhere to halacha, he called Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, who called for new elections for a Rav of Hatzor so HaRav Eliyahu will be removed from his position.

“Several months ago, the Rav of Hatzor passed away and they asked me to oversee the kashrus there,” HaRav Eliyahu said. “There’s a factory there that produces canned and frozen goods, including frozen cauliflower and broccoli. We carried out an inspection and there were bugs.”

“We told the factory owner that he can’t sell the vegetables because they’re full of bugs. So he said to me: ‘What are you saying? There are hundreds of tons here – millions of shekels.’ He saw that I wasn’t backing down so he went to this and that minister so they’ll fire me.”

“I told him: ‘Nothing will help. The ministers aren’t poskim. The Shulchan Aruch is the posek. Kashrus reforms don’t decide halacha. What, someone will bend the Shulchan Aruch? Someone will bend the Torah?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. In the end it won’t matter because if the government disbands rabbanut hechsher, it will be replaced by private organizations which will be more machmir than the rabbanut. But meanwhile the politicians will have successfully established their anti-religious street cred among the Left.

  2. To Rebbe yid:
    Why are you saying that they will be more machine? Who knows what type of persons will open up shop just for the money????

  3. Agree with Reb Yid that in the long-term, private hashgacha is much preferable to bureaucratic Rabbanut hashgacha and will probably yield more reliable outcomes.
    BTW, has anyone validated the claims by this Rav that he was fired for doing his job?

  4. This is no different than those using forged vaccination cards in order to travel. We are all so used to getting what we want even if its wrong.

  5. Gadolhadorah
    a lot of none sense that you are writting. in chuz la aretz now body will eat from such hechscheirim.
    Its all hogwash and done from so called modern orthodox like bennet and Kahane which should leave yemina
    and go to Israel Beteinu the chaser treif party,where they belong to

  6. Yankele: Do you know what you are talking about In chutz l’aretz (aka the United States) there are multiple glatt PRIVATE hechsherim with NO CONTROL by the government and are trusted by mehadrim. We have no official “rabbanut” here and somehow yidden have been able to observe hilchos kashruth. If you are trying to make a different point, perhaps think before your post.

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