DRAMA: Spokesperson For Rockland County Confirms That Massive Gerrer Chasunah Is CANCELLED

Earlier this afternoon, YWN published an article stating that the massive Gerrer wedding scheduled for next Tuesday in the Rockland County College was cancelled by the Health Department. Shortly after, Gur contacted YWN to say that these reports are false, and that the wedding would in fact be taking place. Wedding organizers told YWN “The chasunah will, be’ezras Hashem, take place at RCC. Most of the permits are in hand, and the remainder are in the process of being granted”.

YWN now has received the following statement directly from John Lyon, who is the Spokesperson for Rockland County:

“Rockland County Government was notified about the Rockland Community College event yesterday, and we set up a phone call discussion between RCC staff, the Department of Health (including County Commissioner of Health Dr. Ruppert), the County Attorney and the County Executive and members of his staff yesterday afternoon.

During the call significant concerns were raised about holding any type of large-scale event given the recent increases in local active COVID-19 cases and the presence of the Delta variant in Rockland.

We agree with the decision made by Rockland Community College to refrain from large-scale events for the next 60 days and appreciate this decision being made to protect the public health.”

Additionally, Susan Lyddon, who is the Vice President for Institutional Advancement for RCC tells YWN that an agreement with the Gerrer Chassidus was never executed.

“Rockland Community College never executed an agreement with the parties involved as it was determined that it would be inappropriate to hold any large gatherings at the college with the rise in Covid cases due to the dangerous Delta variant”, Lyddon says.

“Therefore the wedding will not take place and neither will any other large gatherings for at least 60 days or until it is determined safe to do so.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. ב”ה there shan’t be an unnecessary spike in Corona and needless loss of lives just to attend a wedding.
    They only require a מנין and two עדים to effectuate a 100% Kosher marriage.
    BTW this is the sole & only reason what cuomo is staying on another 14 days after announcing his resignation, to make sure for the public safety of our health, that needless large crowd wouldn’t transpire:- Looking forward to we all being healthy come ראש-השנה

  2. What is Ger gaining with this media blitz of denial claiming the the RCC venue is still on? עס איז דאך א מילתא דעבידא לגלויי?

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