UPDATE: Despite Secular Media Reports, Ger Says Wedding To Take Place At RCC As Planned

As we have reported, the historic wedding in the court of Ger had been scheduled to take place at the Bell Works arena in New Jersey, but had been moved to Rockland Community College due to logistical reasons.

Thursday, an article in a Hudson Valley area website reported that the college was cancelling large events due to a spike in covid cases from the Delta variant. They cited officials from the area who made this recommendation.

However, organizers of the massive event were quick to clear this up. “The chasunah will, be’ezras Hashem, take place at RCC. Most of the permits are in hand, and the remainder are in the process of being granted,” he said.

“The entire community is invited to participate in the Simcha,” he added with a smile.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Hoping her position is not an elected one, cause if it is, she may want to get her resume tidied up…

    What a pitty… what a loss for the Monsey community. I’m sure at the very least, there’re a few camps in the mountains which would be more than happy to host the event on their grounds.

  2. I haven’t seen one news item on this or any site that actually stated when the Chasunah is supposed to take place. Anyway to post that?

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