Historic Gerrer Wedding Will Take Place At Massive RCC Complex In Monsey

History will be made next Tuesday, as the first-ever chasunah in the court of Gur will take place on American shores, affording the chassidim in America to fully participate in this event of holiness and joy. Chassidim have already flocked in throngs to join the Rebbe for Rosh Chodesh davening on Sunday morning.

The event required preregistration, and when the venue hunters began creeping up, it became clear that Bell Works in New Jersey would be unable to accommodate the crowd.

This afternoon it was announced that the venue for the massive wedding has been changed to a Monsey locale, where the Rebbe has been staying.

It has been slated to take place at the Massive Bell Works venue, in Holmdel, New Jersey, which is owned by the great ba’al tzeddakah, Mr. Ralph Zucker. Mr. Zucker and his dedicated staff have gone above and beyond in preparing for this event—and the askonim in charge of arranging the wedding have effusively praised their efforts.

The Rockland Community College Campus holds a massive arena that will be able to accommodate the massive crowd—both of American chassidim who will be participating, as well as the Chassidim from Eretz Yisroel who will be making their way here.

A separate venue for the children, called the “kinder tisch,” as well as the Kabbolas Panim, has been graciously hosted in the large Viznitz Monsey beis Medrash on Phyllis Terrace. The Chupah and the rest of the wedding will then take place on the RCC campus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Mazal tov and huge thank you from me and all the Yerushalmim who won’t be stuck in traffic on the way home from work because of your Simcha. Thank you!

  2. 3 questions:-
    1) Shall vaccination be required?
    2) Shall face masks be required?
    3) Shall there be social distancing?
    If even just 1 question has a “No” answer, this entire affair has to be annulled & cancelled, because safety & human life are way more important.

  3. Hopefully, only vaccinated guests will be allowed with masks. Also, its not clear how many chassidim from EY will be allowed to attend given current public health restrictions on entry from areas of high infection such as EY. Several hours ago the CDC put EY on a code red status and strongly recommended against any travel to Israel

  4. zalzvasser: Are you joking?? Last time I checked the Rebbe had not suspended the well-known “Ger takunes” which are not especially progressive. Indeed, just to be safe they’ve probably set up the varbeshe section somewhere in Sullivan county.

  5. If the bikers can host a super spreader at Sturgis for 10 days no reason why the Gur can’t have one of their own.

  6. what makes this wedding any more historic than any other wedding? Except for the Gerrer insiders, no one cares. mazal tov.

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