At Agudah Request, NYC Mayor Convenes Emergency Meeting of Jewish Leaders Regarding Antisemitic Attacks [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Agudath Israel of America has condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the senseless, antisemitic attacks against Jews in New York City, Los Angeles, and elsewhere around the country. The idea that unrest in the Middle East justifies gang violence and “Jew-hunting” is horrifying.

In New York City, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudah’s executive vice president, and Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, chairman of Agudah’s board of trustees, reached out to Mayor Bill de Blasio to request an urgent meeting to address this critical matter. Mr. de Blasio responded immediately and convened an emergency meeting of Jewish leaders at New York City Hall.

In addition to Mr. Werdiger and Rabbi Zwiebel, the Jewish delegation included Mr. Chaskel Bennet, member of Agudah’s board of trustees, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah’s director of New York government affairs, Rabbi Moshe Dovid Niederman, executive director of United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, and Rabbi Moshe Indig, of the Satmar community of Williamsburg.

They were joined by Dean Fuleihan, NYPD First Deputy Mayor, Rodney Harrison, NYPD Chief of Department, John Miller, NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Public Information, and Pinchas Ringel, the Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit Assistant Commissioner. The NYPD representatives reported on the progress of the ongoing cases, as well as what preventive measures they would be putting in place to ensure the continued safety of the Jewish community.


Mr. De Blasio assured the Jewish leaders that the attacks will be addressed forcefully, that arrests have been made and that more arrests are forthcoming.

The Agudah commends the mayor for his responsiveness and thanks him for his assurances.

[NYPD ALERT: Emergency Meeting Held In Brooklyn; Extra Patrols To be Added, And Important Message From Police [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Those who committed anti-Semitic acts over recent days must be held responsible for their actions and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Agudah calls upon members of the media, elected officials nationwide, and all people of good conscience to denounce these and all acts of antisemitism and senseless violence.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. what a joke, its deblasios redderick that brought us here in the first place, you do not represent the jewish people , so you got a meeting with him , did you come to the defense of israel or did you say we have nothing to do with the unrest in the middle east, my guess is the latter

  2. “Mr. De Blasio assured the Jewish leaders that the attacks will be addressed forcefully, that arrests have been made and that more arrests are forthcoming.”

    And that they will be released due to no cash bail

  3. ywn what message are you trying to convey with the main picture on the front of the article? of deblasio looking tall and the one in control of this conversation higging the agudah member a foot less then him, are you trying to convey vulnerability that we get pushed around? whats wrong with you ywn? do you relaly think your website shapes public opinion in the world you never effected anyone elses lives ever just your own pockets that got bigger from all the meshulachim advertising on your site, for people that have filters and not smartphones

  4. How did we get here?

    We need to ask ourselves???

    Have we voted for (liberals) people who turned the USA into the 1930s Germany?

  5. Search images DeBlasio AND Sarsour and then tell me how sincere you think his pledge is to protect NYC Jews.

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