HORRIFYING: Fringe Youth Stab 2 Yeshiva Bochurim In Modiin Illit

Two yeshivah bochurim were stabbed during a violent confrontation by fringe youth in Yeshivas Knesses HaGedolah – Rav Hillel in Modiin Illit on Wednesday evening.

The fight reportedly began due to the presence of a “pirate” wedding hall in the building under the yeshivah which operates contrary to current health regulations. Bochurim from the yeshivah apparently rebuked the workers for acting in violation of regulations. The waiters, who were reportedly “fringe youth” from the city, subsequently went up to the yeshivah and began physically attacking the bochurim, with one of them stabbing two bochurim.

One of the bochurim was slightly wounded on his hand and another bochur sustained slight to moderate wounds after being stabbed in the back.

A witness to the scene told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “They [the waiters] were out for action. The bochurim didn’t do anything except criticize them and the waiters stabbed them. It was very frightening.”

Police and emergency services were called to the scene. The police have opened an investigation into the incident.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Fringe? If the area police had come and asked the guests at the overcrowded hall to close down, the fine crowd would likely have attacked the officers, maybe rioted. That would have been the proper crowd response to “antisemitism” correct? Why is it “fringe” behavior now? Bochurim were attacked? Not the lawbreaking during a pandemic. That’s not the problem. But Bochurim were injured. Violence, or should I say belligerence is a new mitzvah in parts of the Yeshiva world. Don’t complain now.

  2. @Markjw I think you missed the point. Fringe youth is referring to boys that grew up in frum families, often in the area, but for whatever reason less identify with the chareidi derech now. If you’ve been to Kiriyas Sefer you’ll understand.
    I don’t for one second wish to assign such behaviour to an entire group, just explaining the meaning of the term.
    In addition, unless you were there, how can you possibly judge those involved in the basis of this short article?

  3. Mark, you are incorrect.

    Stabbings are not done. There have been clashes, demonstrations at times, by wild, irresponsible elements (strongly condemned by our leaders, the gedolim, as reported), but stabbings – G-d forbid – are a very different matter.

    Do not muddy the waters. Cease and desist.

  4. With all the deaths and hospitalizations in the Chareidi communities, they obviously don’t care about following the rules. At this point, not much more the authorities and police can do. Obviously, its more important to attend a simcha than worry about the virus

  5. markjw:
    “fringe” seems like a nice way of saying not quite “on the derech”, not that the stabbing behavior in which they engaged is “fringe” behavior, as you seemed to imply.

    Regardless, it’s pretty shocking that you feel that young men stabbing yeshiva boys is in any way comparable to the oppressed Jews under the Zionist jackboot attempting to stop the Zionist police thugs from further oppressing them.

    “Belligerence” is not a new mitzva anywhere, but their alleged “belligerence” against the Zionists is totally irrelevant to the way they behave to fellow Jews.

  6. Reminds me of the vort of the Kotzker Rebbe. Someone came to the Rebbe and said that he had מחשבות זרות and asked for advice. The Rebbe said they were not זרות, they were his.

  7. Markjw stupid remark. Since you don’t know anything about the story, criticism is out of place. Violence is never correct

  8. Friend Mark, allow me to help you understand: there was an illegal wedding. Bachurim from the yeshiva protested. The wedding waiters came and stabbed the bachurim. The waiters were bums, with earrings in their ears and no religious observance to speak of. Since they were different from the mainstream they are called fringe. All clear now?

  9. markjw: No Heimishe person would have attacked any police officer with a knife! This is unprovoked behavior of fringe youth!

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