President Donald Trump, in a rambling, unprecedented hour-long call with Georgia’s Secretary of State Saturday night, pressured him to ‘find’ enough votes to overturn his defeat in the Joe Biden in the southern state.

‘So look. All I want to do is this – I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state,’ Trump said during the leaked call, which was obtained by The Washington Post and released, in part, on Sunday.

The recording of the conversation depicts a desperate president berating Brad Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, to do anything to change the outcome of the presidential election in Georgia.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

44 Responses

  1. President is on the mark and so correct:- This is 100% Criminal, and all these miscreants mist be sent to prison, at least 1 year for each vote they rigged.

  2. Trump is a sick and vile man. Boruch Hashem he lost the election. Hodu LaHeshem Ki Tov. Thank you Hashem! Trump is a threat to the country. He is a threat to democracy. He is wreaking the Republican party. Raffsperger is a hero. Raffsperger is a true moral conservative. Cruz and Hawley are hypocritical frauds. They will be remembered as feckless political hacks. Trump’s actions will likely cost the Republicans the two senate seats in Georgia but Trump couldn’t care less. The man is ill. A few more days and this horrible man will be gone.

  3. Why would an honest news agency post an edited 4 minutes version of an hour long phone call which you took from a far left website??

    Everyone knows senile Biden lost miserably in all the states which did not suddenly shut down counting when they saw at night that Trump is winning. Biden who was never popular and won record low number of counties did not win this election. If you have no common sense, statistics (as well as video footage, witnesses, forensic evidence) prove that it is impossible.

  4. At this point, the 12 GOP senators who have indicated they will “challenge” electors from several swing states would ordinarily realize this guy is truly insane and find a graceful way of reversing their decisions. However, the fear of his Tweet retribution will override whatever scintilla of spine and principle they may have ever had. Especially Cruz who still supported this cholera even after the Trumkopf accused his father of being part of the JFK assassination and then posting a vile photo of his wife. Sorry, but even for yidden, is moving a brass plaque on an office from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim worth supporting this cholera?

  5. Raffensperger, a Trump supporter, conducted TWO recounts, a hand recount and a machine recount. The differences between the recount tallies and the original tally were tiny and explanable by things like Republican election judges in two counties forgetting to upload data. There has probably never been a state in which the results have been so thoroughly confirmed.

    This tape confirms what I have been saying since election day: The person who tried to commit election fraud and steal the election was Donald Trump. Were Trump not leaving office in 17 days he would probably be impeached again and this time there might be enough Republicans sufficiently outraged to remove him from office. Hopefully this will convince voters in Georgia to vote for the Democrats in Tuesday’s runoff as the two crooked Republicans have been supporting Trump on every step of the way in his attempt to steal the election.

  6. I am sickened and disappointed that Yeshiva World News would post such a ridiculous fake news article. A poor rendition of President Trump’s voice. And he such a friend of Israel and the Jewish people. You should be ashamed!

  7. Yes many of us here in Boro park are coming to the rescue on Jan6 in Washington. We are coming to join our fellow American patriots just as we did not long ago with our car caravans from Brooklyn Monsey and Lakewood. We must come out by the millions to show our strong support for Trump. If the democRATs are allowed to take over all our yeshivas will close.

  8. “…TO DO ANYTHING [insinuating, obviously, that the president was encouraging illegal maneuvers as well] to change the outcome of the presidential election in Georgia.” Lies. I obviously haven’t heard the full version, but at no point in this sweetly cut recording does the president encourage anything untoward whatsoever.
    The president’s apparently baseless insistence (in the face of opposing insistence by men who could probably be presumed to know more about the matter) did sound quite illogical and immature. However, those insistences were merely an attempt to get them to accept his version of events — which he certainly seems to believe with all his heart.
    Additionally, the cuts in the recording disgust me, it is extremely likely that the full recording — with the complete back and forth from the other gentlemen on the call — would make the president sound far more mature and logical.
    YWN — I was hoping this was another AP hit piece, and I was disappointed that this is actually an original YWN article.

  9. How much lower can this lying, thieving disgusting lame duck go?
    It is time to imprison him.
    Anyone who is still a follower needs their head examined.

  10. A vicious criminal intent on destroying the Constitution of the United States. Worse than anything Nixon did. Further corruption unparalleled in the history of the country.

  11. Listen carefully to this cut and paste call. It is clear even in the fake news edit that the president is asking Raffensperger et al to certify the legality of the vote. He doesn’t want his ‘fellow republicans’ to go to jail.

  12. Jason Miller
    · 3h
    “They published 4 minutes and 31 seconds – where is the other 35 minutes? @GaSecofState Raffensperger is a political hack who doesn’t care about election integrity, nor does he care about telling the entire story. Release the full tape!” – Jason Miller, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor

  13. That’s only 4 minutes. I listened to an hour of the great deal maker claiming he won by hundreds of thousands of votes pleading with the Georgia election officials to find him 11780 votes, one vote more than Biden’s margin. Avrahoms pleading with Hashem to save Sdom mas much more convincing than Trump’s please for overturning the election results.
    He may be able to pardon himself, but Georgia can still prosecute him and his lawyer on the call Cleta Mitchell could face disbarment.

  14. If there are fraudulent votes, then there is NOTHING wrong with finding them and bringing them to surface. Trump said to find them, not make them up. Thank you Trump!

  15. Yakov doe you should watch or listen to the senate heariug in georgia last week. Its Trump who is trying to save his republican liars and cheaters in Gergia from going to jail. He is giving them a last warning. Everything is being filmed and documented. That is why the ag there and cronies are trying so hard even in the open to destroy the evidence. If you have any honesty in you left, no matter democrat or republican or nothing, just as a Yid, you should listen to the above hearing before you decide who is saying the truth. Youh will see that every question Trump asked is weighed.

  16. Yakov doe you should watch or listen to the senate hearing in georgia last week. Its Trump who is trying to save his republican liars and cheaters in Georgia from going to jail. He is giving them a last warning. Everything is being filmed and documented. That is why the ag there and cronies are trying so hard even in the open to destroy the evidence. If you have any honesty in you left, no matter democrat or republican or nothing, just as a Yid, you should listen to the above hearing before you decide who is saying the truth. Youh will see that every question Trump asked is weighed. (Same as before fixed some typing mistakes)

  17. Yakov doe is correct about comparing our situation to sedom and amora. No question that our judges even some supreme court ones and of course many dems on the house who are lawyers (lyers?) are enough to put the judges of sedom to shame! What a busha that our courts refuse to listen to the open sheker that even little kids can see! Let the Jan 6 congress sesions and debates be on national tv for the whole world to see both sides!

  18. Trump’s voice was the clearest throughout the phone call which lasted over an hour. He repeatedly asked
    Raffsperger to say that they reviewed the results and that they found 11,780 votes for Trump. Raffsperger is a lifelong Republican who supported Trump but he’s an honest man and stood up for election integrity.
    There is no disputing that it was Donald Trump on the tape and that he was repeatedly asking for a fraudulent certification of his winning an election that he lost.
    Rudy, who prosecuted mob figures should have advised Trump never to discuss crimes on the phone or in a room that may be bugged. There can be no disputing that this was an imperfect call.

  19. Trump is a crook. He will get himself thrown in the slammer for soliciting fraudulent votes. Trump can’t even pardon himself for Georgia state crimes.

  20. yaakov doe – you can listen to the full 1 hour call. It is not better. It is just Trump repeating debunked claims and shouting over everyone else. Oh, and there are more threats and intimidations made there and him trying to pressure them to violate the law by releasing confidential info of voters to try to pursue their claims.

  21. yaakov doe – just reread your comment, we are saying the same thing! Absolutely outrageous that phone call. Threatening the GA Sec’t of State with not getting reelected and criminal liability, trying to convince him to find votes. This has got to go down as one of the most, if not the most, outrageous abuses of power in the history of the republic.

  22. yaakov doe

  23. yaakov doe

  24. emes nisht sheker
    Trump was stating a fact. Raffsperger will be going to jail. Trump is trying to save him and the kavod of the republican party.

  25. Just like Russian collusion, Ukraine hoax and other claims this is a fabricated and at best taken out of context. I hope readers are smart enough to understand where democrats, radical left are going with this and media is just either covering up for democrats or making things up. Unfortunately for the rigged election America will not have a president that really cares for their country and its people. I guess the nation deserves the president they’ll be stuck with. Good luck with Biden………

  26. Re comment by M: I hope you are right about most YWN readers. But, clearly, at least half of YWN commenters have swallowed Trump’s lies, hook, line and sinker.

    To answer CTLawyer’s question: Trump hit bottom early in his first term. Since then, he has been pushing the bottom lower. There is no limit to how low he will go to get what he wants.

    Evidently, moving a bronze plaque from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is enough to make some Jews (and maybe some evangelical Christians) lose their minds.

  27. crazykanoiy:
    Are you an idiot?!?!
    TRUMP has been the BEST PRESIDENT FOR ISREAL AND FOR THE JEWS. It does not matter what he does for America which he did great on also! He is the best president we ever had. Biden who is a שׁוֹטֶה is giving Iran money do bomb Israel. Kamala Harris, her name spells AMALEK: קמלע – עמלק is a Rasha. she in anti-Semitic and crazy! WE WON’T LET THIS ELECTION BE RIGGED!
    #StopTheSteal, #JewsForTrump, #BlueLivesMatter

  28. Can someone who thinks Trump is good for the Jews tell me why the Proud Boys and other anti-Semites (whether organized, not organized, or disorganized) think Trump is good for them?

    I personally think that Trump’s actions on Israel were forced on him by Sheldon Adelson, to get Adelson’s financial support, whether or not Trump actually wanted to do what he did for Israel. And, no, I don’t have solid proof, just a hunch. Maybe there are tapes of the phone calls between Trump and Adelson somewhere.

  29. @huju: I have no idea why those idiots support the president. However, it is ridiculous that any religious Jew (including Eytan Kobre of Mishpacha – The International Chief American-Chareidi Never-Trumper, whom I still love and respect with all my heart) would even entertain the thought of abstaining from voting or voting for anyone other than the president and the Republican slate. No matter the exact personal views of the particular candidate for an office in question (whether Republican or Democrat), it is obvious that a vote for any Democrat either directly or indirectly brings the world farther along toward its eventual, hopefully not inevitable complete corruption of all morals, chiefly: infanticide (infant murder) via POST-BIRTH ABORTION. Google it; we are not so far from this reality. We need to reverse the course of American and international revisionary morals. I believe it is actually a chutzpah to Hakadosh Baruch Hu to even discuss whether the president is or isn’t good for Eretz Yisroel and whether or not he acts selfishly or selflessly in that regard; how can we discuss Eretz Yisroel and even Yidden in general when the world is poised to soon begin to glorify murder (which is the one most basic moral that has historically been accepted more than any other across the international spectrum of states and countries)? I daven that I am mistaken, it seems obvious that within a few years it will be absolutely expected for upstanding individuals to glorify infanticide and actually despise, for instance, a father who even attempts to convince his wife not to follow through on a prospective infanticide. May Hakadosh Buch Hu have rachmanus on us and save the world from such destruction!

  30. huju “tell me why the Proud Boys and other anti-Semites”
    I’ve watched hours of Gavin Mcinnes (co-founder of Vice News, founder of the Proud Boys) speaking. I’ve yet to hear him express anti-Semitism. Can you point to a specific article he wrote or speech or podcast where he expressed anti-Semitism? His current podcast certainly isn’t “anti-Semitic.”
    And during the second presidential debate Biden said the Proud Boys were White Supremacists. The current leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique (I forget his last name) is certainly not White. Do you have an example of this guy being anti-Semitic?

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