WATCH: Cuomo Warns Against Vaccination Fraud With $1 Million Fine, Having License Revoked

The governor said the state was investigating an incident of possible vaccination fraud, in a situation where a health care provider wasn’t following the priority population process.

“Vaccines are valuable and there will be people who break the law and were looking at one health care provider who may have done that,” Gov. Cuomo said. “We want to send a clear signal to the providers that if you violate the law on these vaccinations, we will find out and you will be prosecuted. I’m going to sign an executive order that says we’re very clear: The vaccines are a priority and there’s not going to be any politics into play on who gets the vaccine.”

The governor said the executive order could fine result in a health care provider being fined up to $1 million as well as the revocation of licenses.

“If you engage in fraud on this vaccine we will remove your license to practice in the state of New York,” Gov. Cuomo said. “And this is the type of fraud that will be uncovered.”



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13 Responses

  1. He gets such a thrill from threatening with severe punishments. It is sad that the governor resorts to bullying to promote his leadership. I can’t wait till we are rid of him and under the leadership of someone who cares more for the welfare of the population than his seriously overblown ego.

  2. Big C is big talk. What’s with the promise that you will not allow the vaccine into NY when President Trump sorted the vaccine

    Now that it’s here you are big talk again
    Why don’t you keep a little quite and don’t show your anti Semitic sentiments at every opportunity

  3. In the case making news this weekend, its alleged that the provider lied on their request form about being a licensed facility (fraud), then transferred the vaccines to another location (in violation of the rules) and then provided the vaccine to those not currently eligible (another violation of the rules). If these allegations are verified, then some bid $$ penalties and jail time should be imposed, whether yidden or goyim makes no difference.

  4. and there’s not going to be any politics into play on who gets the vaccine.” You liar:- Look at all your buddy politicians who have already received this vaccine.
    The governor said the state was investigating There is only 1 item you should be investigating right now with all your resources:- Which large gatherings the Satmar Rebbe has been attending these past 2 weeks leading to his Corona, and going after every single person who was in contact with the Satmar Rebbe these past 14 days, to immediately go into quarantine, and come & check every single day, that they are all adhering to their quarantines. Then making sure, each of his followers is wearing a face mask at all times.

  5. Yeshiva World News, Wall Street Journal, and NY Post and all media should be asking Herr Fidel Cuomo:

    Why has Cuomo not Distributed Even a 1/4 not even 1/8 of all the vaccines he has gotten? If it is so urgent to him? Why is he Attacking a Jewish Clinic for accomplishing with Speed vaccinating all the doses in What CUOMO labeled Red Zone SuperSpreaders, Cuomo should be praising him.

    WHY Aren’t you Asking Him?

  6. WHY HAS HERR CUOMO NOT GIVEN OUT THE MILLION VACCINATION DOSES HE HAS GOTTEN? By Attacking Jews he is Deflecting Attention Away from his Failure to Give out these Vaccines- he is HORDING THEM! What’s he doing with them? Instead of being duped into attacking Jews with him, Make Herr Cuomo ANSWER WHY HE HASNT GIVEN OUT the Doses he has!

  7. Cholimer- if you hold that Cuomo is guilty for the death of thousands, then you have to hold that trump is guilty for the death of tens of thousands

  8. The way this sounds, an alleged executive order is going to be signed to enact penalties on events that happened before the executive order was signed? Let me quote Wikipedia:

    > Article 11, paragraph 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides that no person be held guilty of any criminal law that did not exist at the time of offence nor suffer any penalty heavier than what existed at the time of offence.

    > Very similar provisions are found in Article 15, paragraph 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

  9. Yidden, wake up! Do not kid yourself that our government meant nursing home patients. This has nothing to do that someone obtained the vaccine before nursing home patients because DOH did not care about nursing home patients in the first place! Yidden, this has everything to do with the fact that the clinic is run by visibly Jewish people. Antisemitism has reared its ugly head and every Jewish owned business is vulnerable! If this would be Mt Sinia hospital giving it to other than… it would never make the news!!! Wake up!! You can be next!! This is precisely what happened pre World war ll. They are going after the Jews. We need Rachmei Shamayim

  10. Dictator Cuomo doesn’t want too many vaccines given. The longer this epidemic stays, the longer he can be dictator.
    Allow “unauthorized” giving of these vaccines would hasten the day this epidemic ends and he no longer can play dictator.
    Bahrain and Israel are giving out 100,000 vaccines a day and the number of vaccines is going up daily. What’s Cuomo doing? As little as he can get away with.

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