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Only 27 Out Of 249 GOP Senators & Congressmen Acknowledge Biden As President-Elect

The Washington Post surveyed all 249 Republicans in the House and Senate on Thursday and Friday – only 27 would acknowledge Joe Biden is president-elect.

222 — 88% of Republicans in Congress — wouldn’t say.

Reps. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) and Mo Brooks (Ala.) say President Trump won.

Trump tweeted the following in response: 25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Republican cowards! They have abdicated their duty to the country and the constitution. They are scared of a tweet from Donald and the wrath of his red-hatted minions. Shame on them. They are a disgrace to democracy and a disgrace to true conservative values.

  2. More Republicans will soon join the ranks of recognizing the obvious truth. When it will become politically expedient they will deny that they ever backed Drumpf and his anti-democracy crusade.

  3. It will take time as Republicans often have a problem recognizing reality. They deny climate change. They deny COVID, They deny that Donald got voted out by over 7 million votes. They probably deny that the Earth is round as well.

  4. Biden ISN’T president elect. That’s not a matter of opinion, it’s a plain simple fact on which there can be no debate. No matter what you think will happen when the election for president is held on Dec 14, it hasn’t happened yet, so nobody can have been elected.

  5. Milhouse is a funny guy. Of course he’s correct in some technical sense. But of course he’s also completely wrong in the colloquial sense, and his point is irrelevant. For countless presidential elections past, people say “X is the president elect” (Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagen, Carter,…), and they all have meant the same exact thing. So in some technical sense I guess people have been wrong all these years, and in that sense Biden won’t be president elect until Dec 14, but that’s a pretty weird irrelevant point. It’d be like if someone said they’ve started pesach cleaning, and you said, no they’re wrong since technically pesach cleaning can’t start untill erev yuntif or at least rosh chodesh vchulei vchulei. Ya, maybe you’re technically correct in some sense, but it’d be a weird thing to say.

  6. @ck
    A country in which you are mocked at for going to court (for anything, no matter how absurd), is leaning to dictatorship.
    Why are the Dems so riled up over POTUS’s lawsuits?
    Let the courts decide, if he losses Biden will be president and you can sleep peacefully while the country slowly crumbles under lockdowns and waste regulations.
    But at least we won’t all melt or die of COVID.

  7. It’s very simple. The election for president has not yet taken place. No votes have been cast. Therefore there can’t be a president elect.

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