Police Use Violent Force Against Chareidi Protesters in Jerusalem [SEE THE VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A video taken on Wednesday, depicts a police officer hitting and kicking Charedi demonstrators during a protest that took place earlier on Mount Zion in Yerushalayim. A police spokesperson said that the video only showed a part of the actual incident and that the protesters had surrounded the police officer and threatened him prior to the footage seen in the video.

However, additional footage from the protest that was released later, showed clearly, that the official response given by the police spokesperson was incorrect, and the officer in question acted violently towards the protesters even before the original footage was filmed. Photographer Yishai Yerushalmi, who filmed the violent actions of the officer, published the clip in its entirety on Wednesday evening. In the full video, the officer is seen as using violence against the Charedi protesters that was unprovoked.

During the protest, the police arrested three members of an extremist group of Charedim. The protest took place on Mount Zion at the site where a hotel complex is being built. According to the protesters, the construction work is destroying ancient Kevarim that are located at the site.

During the protest, altercations broke out between the police and the Chareidi protesters as a number of the protesters tried to stop the construction work and broke through the police line and headed toward the construction site. They were eventually stopped by the police who subdued the protest.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Actually, this doesn’t look violent at all, it looks very subdued on the part of the police. If this is the level of ‘violence’ employed by police to arab terrorists, the terrorists would be laughing……..

    I wasn’t there and can’t judge , but these clips on the whole don’t show any real violence at all……

  2. Oh, I don’t think the police are doing anything more than regular police would do in such a situation. Perhaps overstepping, perhaps not — that isn’t the point here.
    The point is that isn’t it so freaken sad that most YWN commentors are not going to recognize that the police of the State of Israel SHOULD NOT BE like regular police? Isn’t it sad that they conduct themselves completely according to the democratic laws of a secular state (not even, sometimes)? Isn’t it sad that they do not give a darn about the divine laws whose observation is incumbent upon every Jew? Isn’t it sad that most of YWN’s commentors don’t even care enough about K’vod Shamayim to find that saddening?
    I don’t know if there is a real halachic safeik about the kevarim in this case or not. But I know that it is REALSAD that YWN commentors think that police “doing their job” is more beautiful and upright than giving adarn about if their job just so happens to be to trample upon divine laws.
    AND NOTHING IS SADDER THAN SEEING A COP WEARING A YARMULKE (for a moment in one of the videos). How can you be sucha traitor to the ideals of your religion?!

  3. what horrible videos to put on a family friendly website you guys are the worst and dont tell me that others put it on so you can put in on also! no average person from money or lakewood would have bumped into these videos unless they saw it on ywn they dont check bhol.com. so you guys are geferliche for posting it

  4. Dear YWN, this articles title is terribly misleading, yes t is terrible that they want to build some stupid hotel over kvarim, but these protests do nothing but provoked the police who are simply doing their job by protecting a construction site.
    The officers were simply crowd controlling, and surprisingly calmly to given such a big crowd against one officer in some of these videos.
    The mihalechnis to go protest to the govt to do st, not get into fights with chilony police men who have no power to change the building plans anyway.
    YWN you often put misleading article titled, and I feel it’s incitement against the Israeli police and it’s wrong, you should do us all a favor and just be more straight up with your reporting

  5. As a religious person, I’m embarrassed of this despicable behavior. At least don’t show these many clips .Is this site proud of this behavior!!??
    How do you think police in any country would respond to this acting out by so called, “frum torahdig ” people. The israeli police are tzaddikim.

    Wake up

  6. If one accepts that Zionist police can be (and even often are) guilty of employing excessive or even gratuitous force, or even of acting with sadistic cruelty toward devout Jews…

    …would it then be anything less than entirely plausible and even entirely likely that Zionist police and IDF members are at least sometimes guilty of the same toward Palestinians and other Arabs?

    It would seem that many frummeh Yidden reflexively take the side of the Zionists in any disputed incident between them and frummeh Yidden, while doing the inverse any time Arabs are involved.

  7. [MODERATOR: Please REMOVE previous comment I submitted and REPLACE with the following. Thank you.]

    If one accepts that Zionist police can be (and even often are) guilty of employing excessive or even gratuitous force, or even of acting with sadistic cruelty toward devout Jews…

    …would it then be anything less than entirely plausible and even entirely likely that Zionist police and IDF members are at least sometimes guilty of the same toward Palestinians and other Arabs?

    It would seem that there are many individuals who reflexively take the side of Haredim or even Zionist settlers in any dispute between either of those groups and the Israeli police or the IDF, but then turn around and do the complete opposite when the dispute is between Zionist forces and Palestinians or other Arabs.

  8. violence? these cops are human beings, and they are being highly provoked, ignored, probably taunted, instigated… what else are they supposed to? dragging off or occasionally pushing, slightly hitting.. when outnumbered and probably angered and intimidated… what i see is RESTRAINT

  9. These Israeli police are thugs that would make the Nazis proud.
    They brutally assaulted peaceful frum Jews, as they have done countless times in the past.

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