Public and private schools in New York City hotspot ZIP codes will switch to all-remote learning Tuesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday, taking a more immediate approach to curb the city’s biggest virus problem in months than the one the mayor had proposed a day earlier.

Mayor Bill de Blasio had suggested shuttering schools in nine hotspot ZIP codes in Brooklyn and Queens as part of a larger plan to stop the spread “before it gets any worse.” He also called for a full reinstatement of COVID restrictions in those areas, including the re-closure of non-essential businesses and indoor dining.

While de Blasio did not call for the shuttering of religious institutions, Cuomo put houses of worship on notice. He threatened to shut them down if community leaders do not agree to abide by and enforce the rules.

Right now, the restrictions apply only to hotspot ZIP codes in Southern Brooklyn, Far Rockaway and Central Queens. The mayor initially announced his proposed shutdown in what has become a rare Sunday briefing, one prompted by soaring positivity rates in some areas that are evolving into widespread transmission.


53 Responses

  1. The yeshivos are closed anyway until Monday. Then I predict a three ring circus simply because there are yeshivos not in the restricted zips. If the yeshivos opened in May June they’re not about to close now. The same is for the stores non essential should be closed until Monday anyways for yom tov After that half of thirteenth Ave will be closed half open how will that work?

  2. Where is Tushler when you need him most??
    We need his big mouth to make it better for us!
    We need him to call our elected office members Kapos and Pigs –
    Isn’t he our voice of reason?
    Isn’t he our next savior?
    Let me click my shoes together and say 3 times
    “Where is Tushler? Where is Tushler? Where is Tushler”?
    Maybe he’ll come to our rescue.
    Please DONT DRIVE YOUR CAR ON YOM TOV to make a point!
    We need you to insult Hatzola!!
    Yep – We need you as our voice – Dont you see
    Wishing all ah Goot moad

  3. Sorry to say that the Governor is not wrong on this one. You can not outsmart the simple science of this virus and we keep thinking we can do so…

  4. Cuomo put houses of worship on notice Clearly Cuomo suffers from a dangerously short memory, and has forgotten that President Donald Trump has put him on notice on May 23rd, that Houses of Worship are “Essential Services” and that he would give Hell to any Governor who acts otherwise.
    Surely, a House of Worship is way more “Essential” than a liquor store.

  5. It’s fascinating that even though they are ticketing people outdoors for not wearing a mask when taking a stroll, the governor himself is sitting in a closed room precisely 6 feet from others during the press conference, with NO MASKS on. Veeeery interesting….

  6. First of all only racists like donald trump believe that houses of worship are essential! and clearly liquor stores are essential i mean what would people do without their liquor that would be downright dangerous!!! And of course it is imperative that we closes schools, house of worship and businesses in zipcodes with high rates of covid: after all we need justice and equality and it id not ok that covid will continue to spread within only specific communities while other communities do not have major outbreaks, rather we must close gatherings within those neighborhoods so that those people with covid go to and spread it in other zip codes thus ensuring equality and social-justice for all !!! and of course anyone who opposes this drive for social-justice is a xenophobic racist etc.

  7. These comments aren’t going to help one bit. The bottom line is that we are about to CHAS V’Shalom enter a MATZIV OF SAKKANA MAMASH. If you were a “neighbour” and your store or restaurant were shut down because of the Orthodox Jews – THEREBY being HIT IN THE POCKET in the worse way, how would YOU REACT?? We are in Galos but we don’t act like it. This has gotten really out of hand and we must unite and start listening EVEN IF WE DON’T WANT TO, EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG. Rachmana Litzlan if this SHUTDOWN were to happen. CHAS V’Shalom, CHAS V’Shalom. Al tiftach peh l’Satan. If this were Chas V’Shalom to happen then it will perhaps be the first time in an extremely long time, if not the first time EVER, that “our neighbours” will have a true LEGITIMATE REASON to be ANGRY at their Jewish neighbours. Because of our stubbornness, and our KNOW IT ALL attitude, THEIR businesses will be shut down. They rightfully will be furious at us, Chas V’Shalom, and how could we blame them? This is a very, very precarious situation that I do not remember us ever being in. Where? In the frum 9 zip codes of NYC. I hope someone will send out a VERY LOUD ALARM to GET EVERYONE TO FINALLY START COMPLYING WITH WEARING MASKS EVEN IN SHULS, and practice social distancing as well, IMMEDIATELY in order to avoid the possible backlash CHAS V’Shalom. (Not to mention to avoid the spread of the deadly virus, but that’s not the point of this comment.) WE MUST GET EVERYONE ON THE SAME PAGE This is very scary to me. We must take drastic measures IMMEDIATELY before Chas V’Shalom it’s too late, if it isn’t already. והוא רחום יכפר עון

  8. ahronahronchoviv
    So you don’t agree with Mr. Tichler approach Therefore you have to make fun of him in a public form. Better keep your mouth shut if you have nothing positive to say.

  9. It’s time for some heavy duty constitutional lawyers to get involved. The governor has no constitutional right to shut down religious organizations or houses of worship. He CANNOT be allowed to get away with this!

    I am hoping as far as shuls are concerned, that people on one hand show up with masks, but on the other hand tell the governor to drop dead.

  10. I have never been in a crowded liquor store, but I’ve been in crowded shuls, schools, simcha halls.
    If our community followed the guidance of our physicians and rabbonim the virus would have vanished from our communities.
    No matter what Tishler’s approach is it creates a huge chillul Hashem. I doubt that he knows more than the medical professionals.

  11. Cuomo said a month ago that he will only close schools in areas that are above 9% infection rate. what happened now?

  12. To neitherjnorG: Thank you for the best comment of this year and last.

    I am pretty sure that the definition of “essential” business is a function of the size and power of its lobbying group.

  13. To we must daven better: it is out of our control when Cuomo decides to close down without any valid reason because even according to his own strict guidelines which he said month ago that he will only close if its above 9% so now that he closes down and as result anti semitsim goes up that is out of our control because we didn’t know in advance. And if you think that normal life shouldn’t continue because a very small amount of deaths ( according to the CDC the corona now is a weaker version then the previous one) than please stop driving when its not very important to prevent deaths of car crashes. also make sure never to go over the speed limit which is based on Safety experts for safety of yourself and others.

  14. What yeshiva is open during Hol ha-Moed?

    The more interesting figure is mortality and people hospitalized.

    In the rest of the planet, very few children are becoming seriously ill, and mortality is higher from the seasonal flu – does this suggest that schools will be closed until the flu is cured?

  15. For once in my life I agree w/DeBlasio. C’mon folks you know the truth…. In Lakewood for example for months you were hard pressed to find people wearing masks. And in other frum neighborhoods people exhibited a certain “gyva” think the RS”O is providing them with some special “protection”. And if you don’t want to heed politicians (and I almost can’t blame you), listen to what the doctors are saying. Wear masks properly, keep social distancing and wash you hands! And if your shul is not large enough for everyone so “daven” at home. We’re so good at complying with halacha, well guarding you life and the lives of others is also halacha.

  16. There are many non-Jews (doctors and others) who are against the lockdowns and the masks, etc. – in America and in other countries.

    Here is a tip of the iceberg:

    In Berlin, Germany (and other European countries), the people are revolting, under the leadership of Dr. Heiko Schoning.
    See the 1:16:08 mark and onward:

    Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media

    We, Belgian doctors and health professionals, would like to express our serious concern about the evolution of the situation in recent months surrounding the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We call on politicians to be independently and critically informed in the decision-making process and in the compulsory implementation of corona-measures. We ask for an open debate, where all experts are represented without any form of censorship. After the initial panic surrounding covid-19, the objective facts now show a completely different picture – there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore. The current crisis management has become totally disproportionate and causes more damage than it does any good. We call for an end to all measures and ask for an immediate restoration of our normal democratic governance and legal structures and of all our civil liberties.


    We are writing with deep concerns about a paper recently published in your journal, entitled
    “Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19.” The paper made
    extraordinary claims about routes of transmission, the effectiveness of mask-wearing, and by implication,
    the ineffectiveness of other non-pharmaceutical interventions. While we agree that mask-wearing plays an
    important role in slowing the spread of COVID-19, the claims in this study were based on easily
    falsifiable claims and methodological design flaws. We present only a small selection of the most
    egregious errors here. Given the scope and severity of the issues we present, and the paper’s outsized and
    immediate public impact, we ask that the Editors of PNAS retract this paper immediately and reassess the
    Contributed Submission editorial process by which it was published.

  17. <>
    Claims such as these, and certainly restrictions of the nature of those that are being proposed and imposed now, demand answers to questions such as the following.

    1.) What percentage of the cases-in-question, to-date, have been serious enough to even warrant hospitalization (let alone have been anywhere near fatal)?

    (As a resident of one of the designated areas, I can say that very few/exceptionally rare are the answers that have emerged thus far from both my own observation as well as the observation and reports of a number of my fellow residents.)

    2.) Of the confirmed cases that are severe enough to be fatal or at least cause long-term damage, (a) in what percentage were one or more co-morbidities* present? And (b) what are the average and median ages of the afflicted?
    *(I.e., conditions such as obesity; diabetes; pre-existing respiratory disease, etc. that make one infected with the Wuhan China Coronavirus far more likely to suffer a severe outcome)

    3.) To what extent, if any, are the “soaring positivist rates” being reported merely a result of an increase in testing; a change in the quality of the tests being used that results in more positives (whether accurately or not); or some other factor that would be similarly misleading?

    4.) What is the available data concerning transmission of the virus from the particular populations-in-question to the surrounding and general populations? Is there credible evidence that the former pose a significant threat to the latter?

    Presumably, any transmission of a communicable disease such as the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus from the Orthodox Jewish (and esp. Hasidic/Haredi/”Ultra-Orthodox” [sic]) to population to other populations would at least be considerably limited by the strong insularity/ in-group behavior that distinguishes the former demographic.

  18. [To replace previous submission (October 5, 2020 3:42 pm)]

    “…soaring positivity rates in some areas that are evolving into widespread transmission.”

    Claims such as these, and certainly restrictions of the nature of those that are being proposed and imposed now, demand answers to questions such as the following.

    1.) What percentage of the cases-in-question, to-date, have been serious enough to even warrant hospitalization (let alone have been anywhere near fatal)?

    (As a resident of one of the designated areas, I can say that very few/exceptionally rare are the answers that have emerged thus far from my own observation as well as the observation and reports of my fellow residents whom I have discussed the matter with.)

    2.) Of the confirmed cases that are severe enough to be fatal or at least cause long-term damage, (a) in what percentage were one or more co-morbidities* present? And (b) what are the average and median ages of the afflicted?
    *(I.e., conditions such as obesity; diabetes; pre-existing respiratory disease, etc. that make one infected with the Wuhan China Coronavirus far more likely to suffer a severe outcome)

    3.) To what extent, if any, are the “soaring positivist rates” being reported merely a result of one or more misleading factors such as an increase in testing, or a change in the quality of the tests being used that results in more positives (whether accurately or not)?

    4.) What is the available data concerning transmission of the virus from the particular populations-in-question to the surrounding and general populations? Is there credible evidence that the former pose a significant threat to the latter?

    Presumably, any transmission of a communicable disease such as the Wuhan China Coronavirus from the Orthodox Jewish (and esp. Hasidic/Haredi/”Ultra-Orthodox” [sic]) population to other populations would at least be considerably limited by the strong insularity/ in-group behavior that distinguishes the former demographic.

  19. To Get educated: Germans are revolting? They have gotten better in the last 55 years, at least outwardly. And, of course, with some scary exceptions.

  20. We know why corona struck. It’s in our Torah and Gemorrah. A nation that support gay marriage does not deserve to live. So states the gemorah in Chullin. The virus will not end until a new Supreme Court gets rid of same gender marriage.

  21. Such self infected idiocy. As people saw this coming, you were begged to please wear a mask wether you agree with it or not. Unfortunately, these “know it alls” had their way… The stubborn unreasonable anti maskers are who we have to thank for the yeshivos being closed down

  22. [***MODERATOR: Kindly post the following in place of my previous TWO submissions, last one stamped October 5, 2020 3:42 pm. Sorry for the inconvenience.***]

    “…soaring positivity rates in some areas that are evolving into widespread transmission.”

    Claims such as these, and certainly restrictions of the nature of those that are being proposed and imposed now, demand answers to questions such as the following.


    1.) What percentage of the cases-in-question, to-date, have been serious enough to even warrant hospitalization (let alone have been anywhere near fatal)?

    (As a resident of one of the designated areas, I can say that very few/exceptionally rare are the answers that have emerged thus far from my own observation as well as the observation and reports of my fellow residents whom I have discussed the matter with.)

    2.) Of the confirmed cases that are severe enough to be fatal or at least cause long-term damage, (a) in what percentage were one or more co-morbidities* present? And (b) what are the average and median ages of the afflicted?
    *(I.e., conditions such as obesity; diabetes; pre-existing respiratory disease, etc. that make one infected with the Wuhan China Coronavirus far more likely to suffer a severe outcome)

    3.) To what extent, if any, are the “soaring positivity rates” being reported merely a result of one or more misleading factors such as an increase in testing, or a change in the quality of the tests being used that results in more positives (whether accurately or not)?


    4.) Is there credible evidence that would warrant significant concern over transmission of the virus from the particular populations-in-question to the surrounding and general populations?

    Presumably, any transmission of a communicable disease such as the Wuhan China Coronavirus from the Orthodox Jewish (and esp. Hasidic/Haredi/”Ultra-Orthodox” [sic]) population to other populations would at least be considerably limited by the strong insularity/ in-group behavior that distinguishes the former demographic.


    5.) Where is the evidence that would justify closing schools? Is there credible evidence that children are a significant vector in transmitting the virus? That the risk the virus poses to children is any greater than that of any number of other risks that are an unavoidable part of normal, everyday life? (Examples include but are by no means limited-to ordinary influenza; automobile accidents; or –particularly germane to note here– any of the types of abuse or damage to mental health for which increases resulting from confinement caused by lockdown conditions have been reported. See below.)

    6.) Even if closing schools would be justified in theory, what is the reality of the matter? The actual result of such an action? Do people really think that for families living in densely populated areas, that inter-household contact decreases on balance when schools are closed?


    7.) How much consideration, or even acknowledgment, has been given to the adverse effects that the restrictions-in-question inevitably have upon mental, social and financial* health?

    Social isolation; confinement with others; loss of employment; and the inability to provide for oneself and one’s family all inevitably lead to serious, often dire outcomes. Increases in domestic abuse; suicide, etc., have all been reported under the various lockdown conditions and restrictions that have been imposed in the name of controlling this latest infectious scourge brought to us from China. To say nothing of the numerous other areas of physical health that have also suffered at the cost of the disproportionate, sensationalized responses** we have seen to the “COVID Crisis”.

    Lockdowns and severe restrictions can make sense when they are for limited times, with clearly defined, realistic goals (such as preventing medical facilities from becoming overwhelmed by staggering the spread of a disease, or when a vaccine or cure truly appear imminent).

    *Tendentious sloganeering notwithstanding, economic considerations cannot be removed from ones of public health. There is no life without livelihood. Safe water, food, clothing, shelter and medical care require all require money. [Im ein kemakh, ein Torah; kal v’khomer mere physical existence itself.]

    **And manifestly driven by motives that are clearly not only ulterior but weaponized as well.

  23. if only we make a testing drive for all ppl who have antibodies they will all come back negetive and the % numbers will drop drasticly we need the askanim to organise a drive now if 15000 tests come back negetive we will drop tpo a 1% positive rate. and schools will stay open…

  24. To mister ploni: If you are so interested in the “truth” than please explain – Cuomo said a month ago that he will only close schools when the area is at 9% infection rate, so why is he closing it down at 3%?

  25. Thank you Moshe Ungar for your words of wisdom. Exactly what I’ve been thinking for a while.

    Maybe we shouldn’t do many things which have possible negative effects like speeding or passing red lights and we should stay off the road as much as possible.

    The view is, life has to be normal.

    Additionally, government should have no control over shuls and yeshivas period. We look forward to the levaya of Cuomo and Deblasio bimhayra

  26. Antisemitism is unfortunately as old as Creation.
    Those of us who know history will agree that in every generation the Jews were always blamed for misfortunes in those times.
    The Jews supposedly brought on the Black Plague with “Magic”.
    The Jews started both WW’s.
    The Jews brought down the Twin Towers.
    And on and on…. So we shouldn’t be surprised that now these evildoers are pointing their bloody fingers at us again… The Jews are spreading the virus, r”l.
    This has nothing to do with masks.
    This has nothing to do with social distancing.
    This has nothing to do with zip codes.
    As a matter of fact there are “other” zip codes with the same or higher positive numbers.
    De Blasio himself said the Black communities have disproportionately higher positive rates than any other community. And nowhere were Yidden as condensed or exposed as the tens of thousands upon thousands of protesters and looters.
    So please don’t try to rationalize or horribly agree with these pompous evil crooked leaders, who only seek to debase and blame us. IT’S PURE HATRED AND POLITICS. AND LACK OF BRAINS OF THOSE WHO EVEN PROPOSE TO AGREE OR ANSWER TO THESE BASELESS “STATISTICS”.

  27. If the government were to pass an irrational law that all people must wear a blue hat on his head and if there isn’t 95 percent compliance all grocery stores would be closed. Would Rabbanim say we are obligated to comply?? probably nt. But it they say that Yeshivos will be shuttered and girl schools will be, locked…. is there any Rav who would find a hetter NOT to wear a blue aht?? Is there anyone who would accept responsibility for Yeshivos and schools being closed?? Unfair??? Maybe. Who said life is fair???
    In the final analysis who would ne held responsible for the school being closed??? The ones who made the law or those who ignored it?

  28. For all those shrieking gevalt and crying anti-semitism regarding the new lockdown rules for certain areas with above average infection rates, why not move to EY so you can at least have the z’chus of shrieking gevalt and crying anti-semitism against the leadership of Eretz Hakodesh who have adopted essentially the same policies as Cuomo and deBlasio. Alternatively, perhaps look in the mirror and try to understand why it appears a small percentage of the frum tzibur seems intent on ignoring the best available advice from medical professionals and the admonitions of our gedolim to bring these restrictions on their communities.

  29. I don’t have a comment on the article yet, but I have a comment on the commenters of this and all YWN articles: Please check your grammar to make sure it’s at least somewhat correct because it can affect the meaning of what you’re saying, and also, keep out the sarcasm because in order to convey the sarcasm, one needs to hear your comment, in addition to seeing it. (“a racist like Trump…..clearly liquor stores are essential”).
    None of us has answers. We have to daven and avoid Chilul Hashem r”L by complying with rules.

  30. Everyone needs to stop testing. If your sick stay home for 10 days and do not test. They do not give normal people any treatment when they test positive so you do not gain anything with your test. That is the only way to solve the problem.

  31. Avi: First, your comparison of current circumstances to the shoah, pgroms etc. is really inappropriate. Further, in prior instances, yidden generally didn’t make a point of openly inviting our enemies to lock them down by openly defying dina d’malchusa or other public health edicts.

  32. Don’t let these anti-Semites in power control our lives. Don’t close down the yeshivas! Don’t close the shuls. Stay open! They are lying and manipulating!

  33. [Meta; no need to post, only to READ.]
    Moderators: Thank you for posting my comments.

    I hope you will not consider me ungrateful or rude for the following message. I ask you to kindly note that when I preface a submitted post by noting that it should replace or be posted in place of one or more previous submissions, it means that I wish for you to delete said earlier comment or comments that I specified, as they have become deprecated; supplanted by the latest one being submitted at the time; the one containing the note at the top.

    Perhaps my wording did not make this sufficiently clear, and if that is the case, I apologize. Or perhaps it was a simple oversight on your part, which I would understand. At any rate, could you now delete the FIRST TWO of the total of three comments of mine that now (i.e., as of this writing) appear on this page? The latest of the three, stamped October 5, 2020 6:01 pm, includes nearly all of the content of the previous two. So why leave them to needlessly clutter the page?

    Thanking you for your continued indulgence,


  34. This fake planned virus event firstly began in China. The survival rate of this Wuhan flu is 99.8%. Both Jews and Gentiles are being locked down equally. So the antisemitic argument is plain moronic. The Lord says we are not fighting against one another but the evil spirits in high places of power trying to cause us destruction. It is evil versus God. This covid thing is being fully leveraged by the satanic power structure and elite ruling class to advance their globalist one world government agenda. Irrational fear, corrupt evil media propagandists, medical establishment, WHO, is pushing fear 24/7. Fear leads to submission and subjugatin. The same lockdown and fear propaganda is being carried out exactly the same in every major western nation. Why? Be wise, Gods chosen people and the Gentiles who have been adopted through Jesus Christ do not have to suffer and submit to evil. Stop debating laws and what is proper. What matters is Satan is in full attack mode right now. Satan has everyone fighting over pettty, childish issues. Let’s fight evil together.

  35. Welcome to the new medical fascism of 2020.
    Don’t have time for another post, I’ll just repost from “Milhouse” who put it best last week,
    There is no law requiring masks in the street, and it makes no sense to wear them. Every person who goes in the street with a mask is either (1) an idiot, or (2) virtue signalling.
    Yaakov Doe that soy boy, so is huju,127,Gadolhadorah, et al. they are the typical dems repeating the claim that there is some sort of “uptick” in our neighborhoods as opposed to any others, and that is just not true, There are “upticks” of similar magnitude in many other neighborhoods.
    More importantly, though, an “uptick” in cases IS OF NO CONCERN. We don’t care about an uptick in cases, or even a flood of cases, because we know that for almost all people there is no risk. So long as no more people than usual are getting sick or dying, let many more people catch the virus. The whole concentration on cases is one big fraud,
    The New England Journal of Medicine, the same fake science rag that committed total fraud to dishonestly smear hydroxychloroquine and protect the interests of vaccine companies, is now saying that all human beings must be forced to take mandatory vaccines. Those who refuse should face severe punishment, the NEJM insists, and insidious measures should be pursued to make sure no one can challenge the punishments in a court of law.
    Source: Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, October 1, 2020, N Engl J Med 2020; 383:1296-1299 “[B]ecause of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination,” says the NEJM paper.
    What you’re watching here is a vaccine social credit scoring system being rolled out across America, right in front of our eyes. Don’t want the vaccine shot? You’re fired from your job.
    Still don’t want the shot? You’ll be prohibited from entering grocery stores and buying food.
    Resisting the vaccine mandates? Health “authorities” will lock you in your own home, making you a prisoner without ever hauling you into court where you might be able to offer a defense against imprisonment.
    This is the new covid-19 / vaccine authoritarian tyranny, and it’s being rolled out right this very minute, right in front of you, this is why New York has just announced a a second wave of lockdowns, and not enough People are resisting.
    Democrat controlled states and cities across the country are all lying about COVID data to justify their un-constitutional lockdowns and violating the rights of citizens, Democrats and their Corporate cohorts (Big Pharma) need to be arrested and tried for treason and sedition, self appoint themselves as dictators don’t believe anything they say and replace them asap, Traitors!… Most U.S. Citizens Are Illiterate to their Constitutional Rights, Attorney General Barr said two weeks ago that the Constitution was Violated by the 1st Lockdown, Will He Do Anything?
    NO Masks
    NO Testing
    NO Contact with the “health care establishment contact tracers”
    NO Injections
    NO Cashless Society, Remember its all about control of the Masses !

  36. Here is a letter sent by the NYC Schools Chancellor to the schools. Please note that it explicitly says that there is no evidence that the uptick is in any way related to the schools.
    Dear Families,
    I hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
    You and all your fellow New Yorkers have done an incredible job fighting COVID-19 since March. However,
    as you likely are aware, some areas of the city have been experiencing elevated rates of COVID-19
    transmission. These areas cover nine zip codes in Brooklyn and Queens, including the zip code where your
    child’s school is located.
    Out of an abundance of caution, and to keep you and your family safe, yesterday Mayor de Blasio announced a
    plan to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in these areas. This plan includes closing all school buildings
    and non-essential businesses in these zip codes beginning on Wednesday, October 7 for at least a two-week
    period. This would mean your child’s school is planning to transition to fully remote teaching and learning
    beginning this Wednesday, October 7 for a two-week period. You will hear from your principal prior to
    Wednesday to confirm a building closure, along with important next steps.
    The city is taking these steps to ensure we can contain spread of the coronavirus across our communities. When
    transmission rates decrease to under 3%, then your child’s school can reopen—as soon as Thursday, October
    22. If the transmission rates persist above 3% in these zip codes, the Mayor has proposed keeping school
    buildings closed and other precautions in place for a longer duration. We will proactively provide you with
    updates on reopening.
    It is important to note that there is no evidence that schools in these zip codes have had an increase in positive
    cases, nor is there any indication that higher transmission rates in these neighborhoods is due to school
    buildings being open. The step to close school buildings is one of many steps being taken to help reduce
    transmission in these specific zip codes.
    The nine zip codes, which collectively are home to approximately 100 DOE school buildings, are:
    Neighborhood ZIP
    Edgemere/Far Rockaway 11691
    Borough Park 11219
    Gravesend/Homecrest 11223
    Midwood 11230
    Bensonhurst/Mapleton 11204
    Flatlands/Midwood 11210
    Gerritsen Beach/Homecrest/ Sheepshead Bay 11229
    Kew Gardens 11415

    Kew Gardens Hills/Pomonok 11367

    I know that for many of you, this decision to temporarily close school buildings that we just opened up will be
    disappointing, and I understand. I saw the joy of students and educators reuniting in person over the last two
    weeks. But please know that we are here to support your student and your school in this transition. We’ll take
    all necessary steps to ensure teachers can teach dynamically and effectively while remote. We are committed to
    academic excellence for your child—no matter where they are learning.
    The Mayor and I consider your family’s health and safety, and that of everyone in your school community, to
    be our top priority, and we have pledged to keep it at the forefront of everything we do. I know that working
    together, we can continue to fight back against COVID-19.
    It’s up to all of us, no matter where we are, to continue to take the steps we know are so important in preventing
    the spread of this virus. Remember the “Core Four”: wash your hands, wear a face covering, keep six feet of
    distance from others, and stay home if you’re feeling sick. These are critically important steps that all of us can
    take every day.
    We will continue to unequivocally support you and everyone in the DOE family as this public health crisis
    continues to evolve. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school with any questions or concerns.

    Richard A. Carranza
    New York City Department of Education

  37. Gadolhadorah, here we have a constitution. The governor of NYS has no authority to close down a house of worship. None.
    Additionally, our President, the one you despise, already told Cuomo, the nursing home murder, that house of worship must be treated like essential business.
    Chasdai Hashem for President Trump.

  38. Keep it up coumo! You will go down in history perhaps as the greatest governor in new York! Just continue following the data and science!

  39. There are people in my neighborhood who seem to remove their masks whenever possible and sometimes don’t wear a mask at all. One father and son sitting one table away from my family on Yom Kippur repeatedly removed their masks so that we had to leave shul and complete our tefillos in a separate otherwise empty small beis medrash. And all of that would be fine, I guess, except that I see these people almost always in synagogues, Jewish markets, seforim stores, etc., practically never in non-Jewish establishments. If they were actively trying to infect and possibly kill anyone they could sneak up on, that would be one thing, but they suspiciously only seem to be interested in infecting other Jews. I agree with others on this forum that behavior of this sort, singling out Jews when there are non-Jews on the same block who are no less guilty, is just unconscionable.

  40. @Thehonesttruth it is an old canard and a convenient excuse that anti-Semitism is completely ‘irrational’. Unfortunately for the Jews it is oftentimes all too rational – one needs only to look as far as the comments section of the NYTimes ( to realize how the Jewish community is seen by its neighbors. When you take an insular group that considers itself too special to follow the rules meant for everyone else in addition to taking advantage of social/financial safety net shouldered by all taxpayers without necessarily contributing to the society at large, one can be excused for having resentments bubble up. And before you start dog-whistling about ‘welfare queens’ let me preempt your argument by saying that you would only be proving my point (not to mention the fact that Jews have no excuse of having their ancestors brought to US against their will). It is also interesting to note that there is no anti-Amish or anti-Mennonite sentiment in US, just to take two of the better known insular groups who tend to have large families and reject modernity.

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