REPORTS: Seminaries And Yeshivos Opening In Eretz Yisroel This Elul

There is much excitement among Bochrim and seminary girls on Sunday afternoon, after  messages from various seminaries and Yeshivas in Eretz Yisroel went viral on social media, all announcing that they plan on opening this coming year.

One message from Bnos Chava Seminary claims in their email that ALL seminaries have been given “official permission” to open for next year.

Their email to the parent body reads as follows:

“Dear Parents,

We are happy to inform you that Bnos Chava, together with all other seminaries have now been given the official permission to open for next year. All of the details are not yet clear and we will update you in the near future as things develop.

Note: Please do not yet book your tickets – we will give you further instructions, regarding this, tomorrow בעזי”ת.

Rabbi Dovid Abramov
Bnos Chava Seminary”

Another seminary sent out the following message, which stated that the Israeli Government has approved not only girls seminaries to open, but also “all Yeshiva students”.


‘July 19, 2020

27 Tammuz 5780

Dear Parents and Students,
We are pleased to inform you that today the Israeli government approved the entry of all Seminary and Yeshiva students into Israel starting Elul of this year. This was a historic union of all schools from across the orthodox religious spectrum that came together to bring in over 12,000 students. The printed approval has not even been published but we wanted you to know immediately that our plans are to bring our students in around August 25. Please do not book a ticket since there are many details that still need to be worked out. Entering on a group flight will make the entry into the country much easier but we would prefer to have the girls fly with El Al. They are officially not flying in August but their CEO has stated that if there is demand they will open up their flights. We need some time to see if this will become a reality. El Al is the only airline willing to issue a ticket with 2 bags and an open return, which is one of the reasons we would prefer to use them.

In the coming days will be updating you on the exact terms of the quarantine and how we will be complying with the Ministry of Health’s regulations. The entry permits will only be issued once we file an approved plan for quarantine. We have already gotten preliminary approval last week by someone familiar with the standards of the Ministry of Health. They went through our dorm and gave us a workable plan to brings us within compliance. The information is developing and we again ask for your patience. We have been working tirelessly to make next year a reality. We want to express our thanks to the Ribbono Shel Olam for making this miraculous turn about occur. Please continue to daven for the success of all Torah mosdos entering Eretz Yisroel.

Sincerely yours, Rabbi Shimon Kurland”

YWN has been unable to verify the veracity of these claims. What we can confirm is that El Al announced last week that they have extended the cancellation of all flights until August 31st.

YWN was also sent the attached screenshot of a viral message allegedly in the name of Yeshiva Mercaz Hatorah, also claiming that their yeshiva will be opening for the upcoming Elul Zman.

YWN will continue to update our readers on this story, as more information becomes available to us.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

22 Responses

  1. Complete FAKE NEWS !!!
    TOTALLY untrue.
    The Israeli system os gearing for an unprecedented lockdown through the Yomim Noraim,to the point where all shuls will be closed !
    This email blast is based on pure hypothetical heresay from one low level beuracrat.
    It is quite obvious that this is a desperate pitch not to lose the ellul enrollment…note the disclaimer not to buy tickets…

  2. If you believe for a second that seminary’s and yeshivos have permission to open no problem I have 3 bridges to sell you

  3. I find this very interesting and even somewhat hard to believe.

    We are now approaching R”C Av. State of Israel is Shut to any foreign citizen and even on partial lockdown with the positive cases of Covid-19 increasing daily. Do you believe in 5 weeks they will be open and ready to accept 10,000+ Yeshiva & Seminary Students?? I Dont…

  4. Dear Rabbi Kurland,
    Thanks for the miraculous news. Now please explain how parents who were hit hard financially by the Covid-19 epidemic, can afford the 30,000$ minimum, all in, that it cost a parent to send their daughter to your seminary? I await your miraculous answer.

  5. If anybody thinks this is a positive development doesn’t understand but if there is one breakout and one school the entire year goes down the drain can you imagine the panic that would sit in if the school has to shut down with two or three seminaries have to shut down. Who is honestly willing to send a child to a foreign country for $20,000 plus on the possibility that you may not even finish the entire year. It’s clear that this decision was made with economic factors not health

  6. Irresponsible!! We’re in the midst of a pandemic, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, how can they say now that their yeshivos and seminaries will open in Elul? Totally irresponsible!!!!

  7. Just as an Intro:

    I have completely neutral feelings towards the entire Seminary/Israel issue.No opinion or bias in any particular way.

    The following is written simply to clarify the potential Scam that is unfolding and which will hurt thousands of frum families this year.

    -What a cheap and painful shot at parents by the corporate seminary/post high school owners and staff :

    To knowingly ! blindside so many naive people and their children with the fake news.

    1. Israel is at its worst point ever in battling Corona to the point where it seems that there will be no normal operations of LOCAL Mosdos and Shuls through the Yomim Noraim( I KNOW-IM A GABBAI OF A SHUL IN JLM !)

    2. Additionally,the smoke and mirrrors with not buying a ticket because they are “waiting on an agreement on ELAL” is translucent at its taking its parent clientele for complete fools-

    3.El Al is completely shuttered from A CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL point.They are completely bankrupt, with having suspended their employees by 100 percent without pay through 2021.

    4. The Seminary and Post HS programs know very well that they are on the hook for this disinfo and are making it clear NOT TO BUY TICKETS so that they arent on the hook when this deception falls through.

    Their (The Directors Etc)motive is really quite simple:

    Cause enough confusion among Students so that they dont finalize concrete plans elsewhere, thereby leaving them with no other options, and sometime in the Fall they will have them participate in some bogus long distance Online program which will justify them not having to return the lions share of the tuition (..income..)that they are collecting and have collected under this guise.
    This period of time is also the cuttoff period to dispute Credit Card transactions for payments that were made,thus the importance of the timing of this smokescree.
    Fake News and a huge disservice by YWN to thousands of its readers.

  8. Binyanadead, I can give you an answer to your question. Don’t be a fool and send your daughter to Israel. Its like asking the owner of Saks Fifth Avenue how he could charge such exorbitant pricing on their merchandise during a pandemic.

  9. PleaseStayCalm – your Rabe’im apparently did a good job on you. Rabe’im like Shamu’a ben Zakur, Shafat ben Chori, Yigal ben Yosef, etc. They are referred to the heads of Benei Yisrael, and recommended against going into Eretz Yisrael, and had a long-term effect on the history of Klal Yisrael, particulaly with respect to events we commemorate next week Thursday.

    Are you really, really sure those are the kinds of people you want to be following?

    an Israeli Yid

  10. There are No Hesder Yeshivot opening full time in Elul Zman and are placing their American programs paused for 5781. And these letters are not guaranties they’re hopeful awaiting further instruction.

  11. Binyan ade ad keep on voting dem and you’ll lose shechita, metzitza, and bigger govt overreach on yeshiva curriculum. Don’t feel too comfortable.

  12. Nothing will be opening. Seminaries and Yeshivos will not be opening in Eretz Yisroel until probably 2021/22 and some will likely never re-open. A good 20 to 30 percent will need to close for good. Scary yeh, best to keep your young sons and daughters here wherever ‘here’ may be for you.

  13. There is a shortage of nurses in Israel and now the existing nurses are on strike indefinitely.

    What happens if a seminary or yeshiva student gets sick with Covid-19 while they’re here in Israel? Will their insurance cover medical treatment, and if need be, hospitalization? Double-check before you commit to sending your child.

  14. I really do not know why it is mutar to allow these comments. If they are meant l’toeles, they do not fulfill any of the Chafetz Chaim’s criteria. I think it is a tremendous chilul Hashem that YWN is not makpid on shmiras halashon. WHAT HAS BECOME OF US? Is there a really a Rav monitoring this? Could you please post the contact information for the rabbinical board just so Klal Yisrael can have more clarity on what is being allowed and not allowed and why? Thank you.

  15. APK5736 – I’m not sure where you’re getting your information on Hesder Yeshivot from. I have a son in one of them, and spoke with the Rosh Yeshiva; he told me that as of now, they are planning on opening in a “capsule” system. That is for Israelis – they don’t expect the Americans to be there any time soon, so they’re planning on using the “American” dorms to allow for more spreading out of the Israeli boys.

    This is all subject to change based on circumstances, of course, but as of now, it is a go.

    an Israeli Yid

  16. Git Meshige – I interpret it as a statement of fact – we were forced into Galus on account of our sins. What does that have to do with anything I said – simply because HKB”H sent us out at the time of the Churban does not mean we shouldn’t do all we can to return when the opportunity arises. It most certainly doesn’t mean that one should cling to Galus and bad-mouth Eretz Yisrael, as one of the earlier commentators did. HKB”H has given us the wonderful gift of the opportunity to return to Eretz Yisrael. While I do understand that some are not yet able to accept this gift, one should not, C”V, emulate the Meraglim by saying “No thanks – it’s not good enough for us because of reason XYZ”.

    an Israeli Yid

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