Number of Divorces In Israel Rises to 11,465 In The Past Year

According to statistics from Israel’s rabbinical court system, which were published today, the number of divorces in Israel has risen by three percent from last year. In 2019, the number of divorces also rose, but this year’s total has surpassed that of last year’s by more than 300 couples in the same time frame. Thus far, 11,465 couples have gotten divorced in Israel, whereas, at the same time last year, the total was 11,127. This is a daily rate of 31 ratified divorces per day, more than one every hour.

According to the courts, 57 percent of the divorces were amicable and agreed upon by both parties and only 42 percent of the divorces began with contention.

Of those divorces, 5,699 cases were opened by mutual agreement of both parties and 2,262 files were opened by the wife. Compared to just 1,496 files that were opened by the husband.

The special unit of the Bais Din that deals with trying to obtain a get for agunot succeeded in releasing 180 women from their marriages where their husbands have disappeared either in Israel or abroad. This is an increase of 31 cases more than the previous year’s success rate.

Over the past year, the Bais Din has applied sanctions to 154 men and women who are get refusers. 149 of those cases were against men who refused to give their wives gets and five were against women who refused to accept gitten.

59 appeals were made to the High Court of Justice against the Rabbinic Courts and 57 of them were turned down. Only one appeal was decided in favor of the plaintiff.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Why must a story like this be published? Oh YWN!!! You never let up!
    Come on! Take the high road on news reporting! Leave the dung for others!

  2. Not reflected in these numbers is how many cases were American couples where the mesarev sought refuge in E”Y. I know of some. After communication with batei din in America, the system arrested the mesarvim until the get was given. I don’t have numbers for this, but suspect this is not a rare phenomenon.

  3. Essentially useless info without context. How many married couples are there total? How many new marriages annually?

  4. Yaapchik:

    Calm down. The increase in divorces tells us something. It indicates that we have flaws that need to be fixed. You might not know what those flaws are, and you might not like to hear my ideas on the subject. But the problem is real. Ignoring it will not help anyone, and won’t contribute to a solution. Meanwhile, every single divorce results in people feeling bitter, struggling in many different ways, and has negative impact on many. Whatever we can do to repair the situation is a mitzvah. I assume you recite ברכות השחר daily. We openly delineate the great merit of הבאת שלום בין איש לאשתו.

  5. @The little I know: “Not reflected in these numbers” are the American בית יעקוב girls whom would not think about eating food with הכשר הרבנות, but are fine with כריתות – depending on the גיטי כזב (as decried by all רבנים חרדים אנ”ש for years), now this hypocrisy is actually newsworthy! YWN maybe address what’s really relevant?

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