Shootings Explode Again In NYC As DeBlasio Launches “Occupy The Corner” While Defunding Police

The out-of-control gun violence continued for the fourth straight weekend in NYC, despite a brainstorm idea that Socialist Mayor DeBlaso implemented to stop the shootings.

According to the NYPD, 15 people were shot in the city in the past 24 hours (until Sunday morning). The NY Post reports that the shootings were more in one day than the whole of the same week last year, sources said.

There have been 43 shootings so far this week – more than triple last year’s tally of 13 for the same period, the Post added.

Meanwhile, DeBlasio launched a pilot program created to combat the rise in shootings, and was there for the kick-off which took place in Harlem on Saturday evening as the City closed out a fourth straight week of increased gun violence.

The “Occupy the Corner” initiative aims to increase police, clergy and community groups known as violence interrupters to mediate disputes. Local leaders and politicians joined Mayor Bill DeBlasio at 143rd Street and Malcolm X Boulevard in an effort to combat the violence.

“This is the people taking back your own community, this is the people saying we will solve our own problems,” DeBlasio said Saturday.

DeBlasio is right, the people ARE solving their own problems apparently. By shooting each other.

Police are needed to stop gun violence – nearly all of which is gang and drug related. Not clergy members.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. de Blasio is way too busy acting like a nursery kid imbecile painting/defacing Fifth Avenue with egregious garbage, and hence simply doesn’t have the time to solve these shooting.

  2. Idiotic as his idea is, at least he is pretending to do something

    I pity any clergyman foolish enough to stand at a violent street corner in Harlem as a “violence interrupter”

  3. Don’t blame DeBlasio, blame our criminal”justice” system that puts throws tens of millions of people in jail for trifles, judges give out years like Stalin, there is no sense of proportion. The system is rotten to the core, stop blaming Democrats, stop worshipping thugs in blue. Rotten things fall apart, that is inevitable. Can’t keep burying your head in the sand and pretending business as usual.

  4. Most of the people shot are also gang members. If it were just them we could ignore it, because their lives don’t matter. Unfortunately once in a while an innocent person is caught up in it.

    But here’s an idea for de Blasio: to make the stats look better: don’t count dead gangbangers. Only count the innocent victims. That way the number of murders will go way down. Unfortunately you’d have to make the same adjustment to last year’s numbers, which will make them go way down too.

  5. Bottom line is that NYC gets the Mayor it deserves.

    Maybe this is punishment to the Yidden that supported an anti-G-d Leftist and Communist who’s values run coutner to the Torah? I hope those Jewish fools that supported his joke of a Presidential campaign where he got 0% in Iowa learned their lesson. You lie with dogs, you get fleas. It is ASSURE to be associated with the Democrat Party.

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