TEHILLIM – Hagaon HaRav Dovid Feinstein In Need Of Tefillos

Please be Mispallel for Hagaon HaRav Dovid Feinstein Shlita, one of the Poskei HaDor, who is in need of Tefillos.

His name for Tehillim is Dovid ben Shima.

18 Responses

  1. Yehi ratzon lekayem bonu chachmei yosroel…..although many gedolim are not young bderech hateva. The dor needs them desperately

  2. The name is indeed SHima. Three cousins, all great granddaughters of Rav Moshe, carry the name of their great grandmother, and their names are SHima.

  3. Yungerman123, you are wrong!! His mother’s name was spelled with a Shin although as having come from Lita they pronounced it Sima with a Sin. Not long ago when his brother Rav Reuvein was in that horrific car accident this info came forth.

  4. Definitely Shima, not Sima. Ask any of the Feinsteins…
    I never heard of the Rebbetzin a”h having a middle name but I couldn’t sign on that. Shima, however, is the correct name.
    Can a family member please verify is Leah is correct or not?

  5. What difference does the name make? JUST DAVEN!!! When Rav Moshe was sick, Rav Yaakov’s minyan was going to say Tehillim for him. Rav Yaakov couldn’t remember Rav Moshe’s mother name. He said to say the Tehillim, and Hashem knows who we are being misspalel for.

  6. @Yaapchik, it’s the opposite. Spelled with a sin pronounced like Shin. In Lita they pronounce sins with shins. Rav Dovid ben Shima

  7. It is obvious that the name is Sima, and Rav Moshe, with a characteristic Litvish lisp pronounced it Shima. I have been saying so for years. And now I have proof. Listen to Rav Moshe Snow, a long time Talmid and East Side boy discuss his wedding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfAus1JWGU0. Around minute 26. Rav Moshe said that R Snow and wife have same name as he (Rav M Feinstein) and wife. Rabbi Moshe Snows wife is named SIMA. Not Shima. So Rav Moshe thought that he wife’s name was SIMA. As this was said WHILE FILLING OUT A KESUBA for Sima (soon to be) Snow, it is clear that Rav Moshe (if not his grandchildren) knew the correct name.

    Case closed.

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