Felder, Eichenstein, Yeger Joined By “ParkBuster” Tischler And Open Parks In Flatbush & Boro Park

New York State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger open up Kolbert Playground in the Midwood neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter

As promised by the Jewish Community elected officials, two more community parks were opened in defiance of NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio.

NYS Senator Simcha Felder on Monday night tweeted: “We’ve asked nicely and waited patiently. We’ve made every logical argument. The people have spoken and they’re running out of patience. If @nycmayor won’t open ALL our playgrounds @SEichenstein @KalmanYeger and I will cut the locks open ourselves.

Sure enough, the trio arrived at the park on Avenue L and East 18 on Tuesday morning and were joined by Heshy “ParkBuster” Tischler. A man with a saw took to the lock, and 3 minutes later, the park was opened and filling with mothers and children happily using the playground.

The group then went to a park in Boro Park and did the same.

A joint statement given to YWN by Felder, Eichenstein and Yeger says “Individually, each of us exhausted every avenue of diplomacy in our effort to open our playgrounds for the families and children in our city. We advocated sincerely and respectfully, hoping for a willing partner.  On Sunday we stood here together, surrounded by children and families suffering under an inequitable, nonsensical policy, as they made a heartfelt plea. For the last time, we urged the Mayor to open these gates and clearly stated our intention to unlock them and rightfully return the parks to the children. The people have spoken and they are sick and tired of being ignored. With everything going on in the world, why is our Mayor intent on making criminals of mothers and children in need of a safe space to play? If they lock these gates, we will cut them open again tomorrow, because we serve the people. Who do you serve, Mr. Mayor?”

Meanwhile, at a press conference this morning, NYC mayor DeBlasio said “We’re not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands. It just doesn’t work. So people are not allowed to open up a playground that is not yet available to the public.”

As YWN reported on Monday, “The ParkBuster” cut the locks at the Middleton Playground (Lynch Park) in Williamsburg, as well as the “Bedford Playground”, on Bedford Ave. and South 9th Street. This came on the heels of the NYC Parks Department literally sending a crew to the Lynch park to weld the doors shut.

Following the Williamsburg stunt, incident, the videos went viral, and gained national attention.

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted “Bravo” in a response to a tweet about the lock-breaking. And on Monday night, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted the video and wrote “Total double standard → New York’s mayor appears to be discriminating against Jewish funerals, schools, and playgrounds in enforcing his coronavirus shutdown. If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks.”

New York State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger open up Kolbert Playground in the Midwood neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter
New York State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger open up Kolbert Playground in the Midwood neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter
New York State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger open up Dome Playground in the Borough Park neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter
New York State Senator Simcha Felder, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, and New York City Councilman Kalman Yeger open up Dome Playground in the Borough Park neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City on Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. why is our Mayor intent on making criminals of mothers and children in need of a safe space to play? To cover up that he [de Blasio] is a Filthy Criminal, and to cover up that these looters are dirty criminals. We loathe & detest you de Blasio.

  2. “We’re not going to allow people to take the law into their own hands.” Unless of course you are black and looting a Target store. What a total fool De Blasio is.

  3. I guess the question is on what and whose authority were they locked.

    Then you go that route.

    Otherwise you’re at risk of violating a lawful order.


  4. Finally our politicians are learning how to get things done in DeBlasio’s New York. Kudos Heshy Tischler for leading the way!

  5. For the parks to be opened safely Alot of them need to be cleaned and the weeds reimmed. Also elected oficals please wear masks and soical distance you are shwoing bad examples to the community who supposrt what you are doing.

  6. As someone who was at the Dome Park this morning, I must tell you how our politicians and media work. I was inside the park; my son was playing, my baby was having a bottle. The park has been open for weeks; one door was still locked but people have been quietly using the park without making a big fuss. Suddenly, I see a bunch of frum looking men with a camera man and big metal shear in front of the locked door. With cameras flashing and phones recording, they open the door and cheer themselves on- ignoring the fact that the park is already open, and people are already inside. Why make such a commotion? Why get the police involved? Don’t you know we are living in Galus? It IS a form of quiet revolution that we were all playing in the park to begin with. Why in the world would you go and stick it in the mayor/police’s face that YOU Mr. Big Bad Politician are NOT going to stand for his policies? And the saddest part is that you pretended as if you really were liberating the park- and here you have it reported exactly that way on YWN, the Jewish mainstream media. It really throws into light the way the media and politics works to begin with. Sure, pose in front of the park you “opened” and credit it to your name! The people who weren’t there will never know. And the people who were- ME- are saddened and disgusted to see frum people acting that way for the sake of “politics”.

  7. I’m unimpressed. When people who were elected to uphold the law break the law, they are acting illegaly and irresponsibly, just as DeBlasio did. We have to obey the law even if we don’t agree with it and even if it doesn’t make sense. That’s why we have elections. We can vote out the people whom we dislike. This also sets a precedence for mayhem and everyone doing whatever they feel like doing. Yes, that is what happened during the riots, but do we want to emulate that? Very irresponsible, especially by elected officials.
    Additionally, playgrounds are not the same as parks. People are very near each other and they all touch the same equipment.

  8. And now that I read the post by Person with Opinion, I’m not only unimpressed, I’m thoroughly disgusted. Disgusted with those irresponsible officials and disgusted with the Jewish media. As she said, we were not told by YWN that the park was already being used. If they didn’t know, they weren’t doing their homework and if they knew, they can no longer be trusted to give us honest reporting.

    Moderators response: “Yup. You should listen to “Person with Opinion”. They have all the details. By the way “Chulent” disagrees, and “Shota Gamur” has better info than all of us. If you don’t believe this, just ask a dog. Oh wait. You mean “dog” is just a screen name?

  9. What an embarrassment. I hope there are people in the community that are willing to run against these guys in the primaries.
    YWN shouldn’t give these this any publicity. Why publicize a chillul HaShem. There are better ways to deal with the double standard that is going on.
    This is just plain ridiculous. If I lived in Brooklyn I would call these officials and demand they apologize. In terms of this other guy the “park buster” Don’t give him any more publicity or credence, seems like he should be an irrelevant figure. I rather not have him be viewed as any sort of representative of our community, we don’t act like that.
    Shame on all four of these people.

  10. I am hoping that I am wrong and a Shailo was asked before doing this. If not then it is disgusting. We are in galus. We must act as guests. This is a question for daas torah. The Ramban learns how a jew is suppose to act with Eisav from the parsha with Yaakov Avinu, We don’t just do things because it feels right. I am very disappointed.

  11. Bs”d The more important question here is: is this a chillul Hashem? Also, when will these people realize that De Blasio doesn’t want to say explicitly that he knew that, if he tried to stop the protesters, he could, chas v’sholom, have had a civil war on his hands. These people could be stirred up, and he, and all the other officials across America, knew the possible danger . He mentioned this in his reply to the law suit against him about this, when he wrote that he had to way up the public health risks and the public SAFETY risks. We cannot take the law into our own hands; what happened to dina d’malchus hahdina, and damaging public property? What happened to frum yidden???

  12. I couldn’t understand how they opened the lock from inside the playground until someone told me how Hershey dashed across 18th Ave and pole-vaulted over the fence into the playground. This really was just a publicity stunt as Hershey plans to disassemble the swings and build in its place “Hershey’s Bar and GrrILL”. Hershey reasons that this is justified because although playgrounds are assur, parks are not; and this playground is built inside a park, that is, Boro Park. And not to worry; Hershey’s Bar will require its patrons to adhere to the strictest rules:
    1. Absolutely no masks allowed, especially near the cash register.
    2. No 6 foot rule either, as the air conditioning anyway will circulate the
    germs and viruses.
    3. All prospective patrons must estimate their body temperature and
    antibody count before entering, and take the Hershey Bar Exam.
    4. It is each customer’s duty to maintain the bathroom located in a
    separate building next to the bar.
    5. If any customer feels sick while on the premises, the management has
    arranged, free of charge, for Hatzalah to transport him to MyMoney’s
    Hospital, Mental Health Dept., Dr. Sigmund Fraud.
    6. All these rules are strictly regulated by the Bored Of Health.

    Patrons will enjoy the specialty of the house, Locks and Cream Cheese (Hershey’s Bar is not Cholev Yisroel). And first-time customers get a complimentary cup of Corona beer. Every Tuesday night a halacha shiur will be given commencing with the Halachas of Chilul HaShem. I wish Hershey hatzlacha and he should be able to expand his franchise to other playgrounds in the area.

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