NYPD Shuts Down Illegal Hasidic Yeshiva In Brooklyn With 100 Bochrim Inside

The NYPD shut down a Yeshiva in Brooklyn after neighbors reported the school was operating in violation of city and state orders, law enforcement officials told NBC New York. The Yeshiva is on Madison Street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.

According to NBC, “more than 100 children were inside the building Monday morning when police arrived”. YWN has confirmed that the “children” are in fact 15 year old Bochrim.

The people who complained to the NYPD and called 311 reported seeing children playing on the roof of the school building without masks.

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(Source: NBC New York)

35 Responses

  1. Staying away from the right or wrong, the pictures on the linked website look to me like teenagers not “children”. Yes I do realize that legally under 18 years of age are considered children

  2. Why is it that a Yeshiva is operating illegally, minyanim all over the place? Why don’t we hear about catholic schools opening ileagaly or churches having outdoor services? Are we more devoutly religious or are there those among us that are simply stupid.

  3. In the eyes of American law, which we have a halachik obligation to follow (within certain exception guidelines, NONE of which apply here), a 15 year old is considered a child. Thus, regardless of whether there are 10 or 100 fifteen year olds, they are still CHILDREN.

    Additionally, what precisely, is the point of breaking this law? Are the parents so desperate for child care?? There is no law stopping a parent from learning with his children, be there 5 or 15 of them. If there is a current guideline that says that schools are closed for health and safety reasons, WHY put your children at risk? Besides being a stupid and foolhardy thing to do, it is also one giant continuous chillul hashemite.

  4. Edge of Williamsburg. What is going on there, it’s like Wild West: laws don’t matter. I don’t understand these parents either, are they so desperate to get their kids out of the house they’ll risk their health & that of other family members, neighbors, passers-by in the street etc? It’s outrageous.

  5. Guys, you’re gonna regret it. This rash reopening of Chassidish society in the past two weeks is going to lead to pretty bad stuff. And it unfortunately proves that their manhigim are incapable of leading them through this pandemic.

  6. I have a problem with the draconian lockdown. The first week or two, we needed to take a break, regroup and understand the enemy. By now, I think we all have a good handle on the situation. The negligent people are just that. Everyone else can take care of themselves. Big Daddy Government doesn’t need to make all decisions for everyone. We are all adults and our Bill of Rights is not a bill of suggestions. Every day people take all kinds of risks and must deal with those repercussions. Enough!

  7. 1: Constitutional freedoms are not unlimited. The same way freedom of expression doesn’t allow you to yell fire in a crowded building and endanger people, freedom of religion doesn’t mean you can endanger others or yourself.

  8. interesting that everyone logged in has semicha to pasken on inyonim that are nogeia hilchos derech eretz and hilchos chilul hashem and hilchos pikuach nefesh and hilchos dina dmalchusa dina and after everything else allso hilchos loshoin hora and rechilus its just unbeleivable!!! i am really elated to get to know all these wonderfull ywncr paticepents!! i have a lot of learning to do to catch up!!!

  9. We can always count on our “friends” at YWN to chase after those “rotten Hassidics” committing terrible crimes!

  10. @1 Freedom of Religion does not include the “right” to mass gathering for educational purposes. They are not telling us NOT to worship, not to serve, not to learn, they are telling us not to CONGREGATE, as have most of the rabonnim in the world. `

  11. So only supermarkets can be open? Ah, it’s essential… And yeshivas/shuls are not essential? The fact is that teenager staying at home for so long is a recipe for permanent damage. If there’s a way to open yeshivas and shuls with social distancing etc, it must be done.

  12. Flatbush Tzadik:
    you sound more like a Flatbush RUSHA : you want to compare yiddishe neshumes to Catholic goyim.
    A yid has much larger families and dont have television,videos,or internet to keep their kids entertained at home and they have NO obligation to learn Torah.
    You want to compare a Yid who davens 7 days a week 3 times a day to a Catholic who goes to Church on Sunday ?
    I am NOT advocating that Yeshivas are allowed to open or close but please do not compare Bnei Avruhom to Bnei Eyesof

  13. @Moisheingolus

    I’m not saying there are NO violations within the BOR, however THIS particular case is in NO POSSIBLE WAY, a violation of any of the first ten amendments of the US Constitution.

  14. this article is befitting for the ny times. why do you have to report every time the frum yidden mess up. why don’t you you report all the amazing things that klal yisroel does which is incomparable among the goyim, instead of helping the anti semitic media spread their one sided propaganda, tuning the exception into the example.

  15. It is even more hurtful that this is being done in the name of Limud Hatorah. Torah does not require a minyan, nor does it require a Beis Hamedrash. If one wishes to learn, he can. Technology, even a regular telephone can be used to provide the benefit of a chavrusa. These “yeshivos” are not essential, and should not be arranged illegally at this time. Shame.

  16. I know for a fact that cristians also have churches open and you don’t hear about that on the news but that dosnt matter for us were yidden we must rise up and be better and we have to understand that every thing we do is being carefully watched by others and could make a big chillul hashem and despite that fact all the rabonim are saying to close down yeshivas

  17. The only reason Yeshivas are closed is because the public schools are closed. The reason why public schools are closed is because the teachers union is made up of the most powerful and laziest civil servants in the city. They would rather not
    Work and get full wages and benefits. Most of the teachers have abandoned the idea of teaching the kids via the internet because it is too hard for them to keep the kids interested especially the illegals who don’t speak English or don’t have internet access at home.
    Como and Bozo are both beholden to these leidigayers.
    Where are our askonim to organize a March on City Hall with all our kinderlach waving flags to recall the 2 clowns.

  18. all these complainers, fact shows young people under 50 or 55
    are not getting sick at all , SO the problem is on the teachers which are
    older , and they are ready to sacrfice for torah (and that was done in the Gemarah times too, ALL OF THE goverment is one BIG POLITICS And should be jailed
    and prosecuted for all the blood which is on their hands .. SHAME ON YOU

  19. PuhLease: Using the term children puts a picture in ones mind of 5 to 10 years old, not teenagers. I was not condoning having the yeshiva open if there were no masks or social distancing. It was the use of the word children.

  20. Couch potato, maybe, just maybe it will help some people rethink their decision to set up our community for worse headlines and possible arrests….

  21. It is clear that their רבנים and גאונים said its ok. So the הלכה is you can be lenient לכתחילה. The only data that counts is today’s and it is improving. The Yeshiva deserves a big yasher koach.


  23. How sad, How sad. People defending this band of reshaim and rodfim. What were they thinking they won’t be caught? 100 kids in one building. This is exactly the ammunition the non jews and those who look down on chasidim are looking for.

  24. Thank you Poppa6 for crticzing a whole profeesion of DOE teachers. I have been teaching in Doe for 5 years and teaching for yeshvia 14 years . I have never workedharder in my life teaching then I do now. I miss going to minyan evrynight. But in no rush to go back if it meeds it is unsafe. I lost my Daf Yomi maggid shiur to this virus. Teachers in the DOE were never required to do live teaching like many yeshivas required of teachers. Most DOE teachers are doing it by choice if they can. You only kno what you hear about DOE teaching from NY post and Ny tiomes which both lie about DOE schools all the time. I usally dont comment on yeshiva world posts but your post angeered me.

  25. steinj,

    Really?? Where have you been the past two months. There have been deaths at all ages, all the way down to 5 year olds and infants. True; the vast majority are older, but let’s not make such broad based confident statements. And right now, there’s this disease they’re finding in CHILDREN which has doctors all ovet the world stumped. But WE always know better? Why? Because we have larger families and need our kids out of the house!

  26. The point is that when people get together, they create a larger risk of spreading the virus, which creates a larger risk of more people having to be hospitalized than the hospital system can take care of properly, as we already saw. It puts the hospital staff in danger and overwhelms the system. The government is correct in trying to reopen in a small way, knowing that there will be new cases but hoping that they can catch a large increase before it becomes too large and turning down the reopening as needed to make the increase manageable. It is very inconsiderate and foolish of people to disregard the distancing for this reason. It is a mitzvah for pikuach nefesh that people are forgetting.

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