Nochum Dick zt”l: An Appreciation

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

The world has crashed.

Rabbi Nochum Dick, the long-time Chairman of the Board of Sinai Academy, has passed away a victim of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reb Nochum was a remarkable askan who was asked by Rav Elya Svei zt”l to take upon himself the ol of ensuring that Sinai Academy, run by Rabbi Aryeh Katzin, remain a vibrant Yeshiva for Russian Jewry.  The Yeshiva succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams – producing hundreds of Bnei Torah.  All of this would not have been possible without Reb Nochum’s efforts.  Rav Elya was his brother’s mechutan and he recognized the special qualities and characteristics of Reb Nochum.

Reb Nochum’s warm smile and calm, cool demeanor, melted hearts.  Everyone could see his genuine nature and devotion to the Yeshiva and acceded to his requests for help.

Reb Nochum cared for the Yeshiva in both ruchnius and its gashmius.  He always had a kiruv sensitivity, and brought Russian boys to his home for Yomim Tovim and for Shabbos.  He appreciated the remarkable job that Sinai Rebbeim did.  Sinai produced remarkable Talmidei Chachomim and Reb Nochum was so proud of the growth of Sinai Alumnus.

He genuinely loved Talmidei Chachomim and each Talmid of Sinai Academy had a special place in his heart.  They were like family to him.  He loved to hear of a new sefer that a Talmid wrote and especially loved the fact that Roshei yeshiva sought out particular Sinai graduates to put together their own kesavim.  “This is the greatest nachas,” he remarked to me once.

Reb Nochum was a man of remarkable acharayus and worked diligently to make the payroll at all times.  He was a baal bitachon extraordinaire and lived Emunah and bitachon.  He had an array of mussar seforim on his desk.  They were literally worn out from use.

Reb Nochum was a CPA and owned a large firm.  Reb Mordechai Blaustein, Sinai’s executive director, worked closely with Reb Nochum.  “He never panicked.  I would speak to him at great length, and it was as if he never knew that it was near April 15th, when it was the busy season for him.”

He was always very sensitive to everyone involved in the Yeshiva.  He took great care and effort to make sure that no one’s name or picture was left out, chalilah in any of the promotional literature or articles.

Reb Nochum was also an accomplished Talmid Chachom.  Once, one of his daughters had remarked to him that before he had taken on the role of askanus – she would always see him learning.  But now, it was different.  Reb Nochum did not know what to respond, but he did say that he would ask Rav Elya at a sheva brachos that he was headed toward.  At the sheva brachos, Reb Nochum asked him what he could say to his daughter.  Rav Elya answered, “I have the very same problem too..”

Reb Nochum had a Torah mate that he would study Chumash and Rashi with once a week.  He enjoyed the learning and appreciated the opportunity for his own chinuch career as well.

Reb Nochum became ill some two weeks ago and passed away at Maimonides Hospital.  He leaves his wife Judy, children and grandchildren.  Reb Nochum Dick zatzal is a remarkable example of what one individual can do for Klal Yisroel.  He literally returned a lost generation.  Yehei zichro boruch and may he be a meilitz yosher for all of us.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

One Response

  1. A tremendous Talmid Chochom and yirei shomayim.
    He was zochech to have 2 children who say shiur in Phildelphia Yeshiva, another who is the Roh Kollel of reshes kolleli Stolin in EY, among other choshuve sons and eidims.
    In addition to his being my uncle, i was zochech to learn with him bchavrusa the last two years at the Lakewood Summer Yarchei Kallah.
    Yhei Zichro Boruch.

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