DO NOT TRAVEL ANYWHERE FOR PESACH – make Pesach in your own home. Do NOT go to parents, inlaws, children, friends or relatives even if they too live in Lakewood. Stay home. This applies even if you have been in quarantine for 14 days. This is a matter of absolute פיקוח נפשות.

Do not travel out of Lakewood either – that is the same absolute פיקוח נפשות. Most Kehillos are NOT allowing any visitors, most states have legal travel restrictions and some will arrest people who travel from out of state and who do not enter a BRAND NEW 14 day total quarantine (including keeping away from contact with family members) on arrival to the other state.

These restrictions apply totally to all out of town travel, with no exception.

This applies to the 1st days, last days and Chol Hamoed alike – we reiterate – STAY HOME.

Dr. Jonathan Cohen
Dr. Shlomo Aharon Fenster
Dr. Dovid Friedman
Dr. Baruch Kassover
Dr. Chone Chaim Lebowitz
Dr. Micah May
Dr. Daniel Roth
Dr. Robert Shanik

We, the Poskim of BMG request that the entire Olam fully follow the medical guidance in this letter – this is פיקוח נפשות. If you have any questions about your own individual situation please call your physician.

Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer
Rabbi Shmuel Felder
Rabbi Shmuel Meir Katz
Rabbi Osher Chaim Lieberman

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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