ALERT – Boro Park: No Sereifas Chometz Locations This Year, No Extra Trash Pickup

The following important message is from Community Board 12:

There will be no public bread burning this year, unlike previous years where there were designated bread-burning sites throughout the district. The risk of increased COVID-19 infections, leading to an additional burden on an already overwhelmed Health Care System is too great. Additionally, any sreifas chometz would be dependent on City Agency support, which they cannot provide at this time. Many essential resources have been diverted to battling the Coronavirus. On top of that, many city employees, particularly emergency personnel that we depend on to keep us safe during sreifas chometz and beyond, are out sick or quarantined because of COVID-19. The resources of the magnitude that are required for a sreifas chometz operation are simply not available.

The consensus among the leading rabbis of our generation is that this is a time of Pikuach Nefesh, lives are at stake. And whereas under normal circumstances we are obligated to perform mitzvos, now we have the very same obligation to refrain from those mitzvos that cannot be done safely, such as minyan or public bread burning.

There is to be no bread burning on public property at all. There will be absolutely no exceptions for anyone or for any reason. Any size open fire on any public property, including the sidewalks in front of homes, is strictly and completely prohibited. FDNY is understandably preoccupied with COVID-19, they will not be on hand to manage and extinguish even the smallest of fires. Anyone who violates this will be subject to a fine and/or up to arrest. Be forewarned: there will be zero tolerance for any infractions.

Community Board 12 turned to Hagaon HaRav Rav Yechezkal Roth shlita, the Rav of Karlsburg, regarding the question on how to fulfill the mitzvah of burning chometz in light of these extraordinary circumstances. The Rav Hatzair, Rav Moshe Roth shlita, answered on his behalf.

A copy of the letter is attached.

The following is a paraphrased translation:

• Public sreifas chometz cannot be allowed because of the difficult situation we are in. It is almost impossible to have a public gathering without endangering lives.
• Whoever has an outdoor space that is within their property should burn only the 10 small pieces of bread that are altogether only one k’zayis. The bread should be placed in foil bekelah with a few drops of oil. And then, ONLY in an outdoor, personal, private space with an unobstructed view of the sky, (either a porch or backyard as front yards are usually public property) is it permitted to burn the 10 pieces of bread.
• It is forbidden to burn anything more than the 10 pieces of bread- not even the lulav or hoshanos.
• Under NO circumstances is it permissible to burn the chometz indoors. This is extremely dangerous.
• Anyone without the capability to burn chometz in this safe manner can ask a shaliach who does to keep them in mind while doing sreifas chometz. The shaliach is to burn his own 10 pieces of bread ONLY, do not give your bread to them to burn too.
• The responsibility falls on very individual to follow the guidelines set forth by the Askanim. It is important to know and be happy with the knowledge that whatever you can do (safely) in times like these will be considered by Hakadosh Baruch Hu as a mitzvah done with all the particulars and enhancements.

May we merit, even this year, to celebrate Pesach in the Beis Hamikdosh.

Boro Park, Brooklyn – Community Board 12, in conjunction with DSNY, is advising all residents that there will not be any additional garbage collection, outside of regularly scheduled pickups. This is unlike previous years where DSNY arranged a full district-wide pickup on Erev- Pesach. The impact of COVID-19 has reduced DSNY resources drastically. DSNY is working overtime to maintain regular services. Please continue to place all your garbage curbside for pickup on your scheduled pickup day. You can verify your pickup schedule at

DSNY will make sure to collect all trash placed out on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Trash that is not collected during the day will be collected at night. Please place your trash curbside after 4pm the day before. Because DSNY resources are limited, and in order to accommodate residents who don’t have recycling pickup scheduled on either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, DSNY will allow recycling to be placed curbside on regular pickup days the week of Pesach, on April 6th, 7th, and 8th. While DSNY won’t pick up recycling until the scheduled pickup, having it placed curbside will eliminate the need to handle potentially chometz trash on Pesach.

“I thank DSNY for working with us in these very difficult times” said Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein. “I encourage all Community Board 12 residents to work with DSNY and their altered resources. We all owe the Sanitation Workers who continue to work in these unprecedented times a huge debt of gratitude. They literally risk their health to keep the city clean,” he added.

“DSNY is exhibiting extraordinary commitment in the face of extreme challenges. Their heroism is recognized and appreciated. It is inspiring to see the concern DSNY has to try to work out some way to collect the Pesach trash. We pray for the good health of all Sanitation employees and look forward to the days when our partnership will continue under better circumstances,” said District Manager Barry Spitzer.

The Department of Sanitation will put out large containers throughout the district, as is done every year, in order to accommodate any garbage that may not have been collected.

The containers will be located at:

  • 12th Avenue corner 45th Street
  • 14th Avenue corner 45th Street
  • 14th Avenue corner 53rd Street
  • 16th Avenue corner 48th Street
  • 18th Avenue corner 55th Street

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