SHOCK: Con Edison REFUSE To Move For Hatzolah Responding To Cardiac Arrest; Laugh At Neighbors Complaining [VIDEOS]

A young man was tragically Niftar from COVID-19 on Tuesday, and neighbors are now pointing fingers at Con Edison workers for their despicable actions during the incident.

As YWN reported, Rabbi Chaim Yechezkel Shraga Dahan Z”L, a beloved Pre-1A Rebbi at Yeshivat Shaarei Torah passed away on Tuesday. He was diagnosed with the Coronavirus, and stopped breathing at his home on East 7th STreet in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. As can be seen in the attached videos, Flatbush Hatzolah responded to the scene, but were unable to get down the block due to Con Edison workers on the street.

We will allow our readership to see the following emails and videos from an eyewitness (neighbor) who sent a disturbing email to multiple elected officials. Following his email is a response from NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger.

YWN has learned that Yeger is in touch with Councilman Chaim Deutsch as well, and both have vowed to make sure this incident is immediately investigated at the highest levels available.

Dear Kalman and Mark (Treyger),

I witnessed a disturbing incident this morning when Hatzolah attempted to respond to a call on East 7th and between R & S and Con Edison workers illegally closed and blocked off the entire street in defiance of their street permits’ requirements, a street that has two old age homes situated on it and a frequent destination for Hatzolah services.

The emergency response was for a cardiac arrest of a fellow 50-year old neighbor whose home is down the block from me, and next door to the Ahi Ezer Torah Center. That neighbor, also a relative of mine, passed away early this afternoon leaving behind a wife and two young daughters.

Unfortunately the first responder’s vehicle was not let through and had to back out of the block after waiting 10-12 seconds for them to move their Con Ed truck and instead he had to go around the block wasting even more time, possibly minutes. I watched some of this from my window and when I ran outside, I heard them laughing as though this matter was a big joke.

The same was repeated a few minutes later when another responder and the ambulance were stuck and instead of backing out of the street, they opted to run down the block with all their heavy equipment.

I attached both permits for your reference, the second page of each specify “023 – MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR TRAFFIC” which they failed to do at the work site, in addition to their placing of traffic cones and signage by the avenue to close off access to the street. I confronted them and again later their supervisor on this and they insisted that their street permits allowed them to close the street.

Even though these matters are God’s design, I believe their gross negligence and lies led to a delayed response and there is no excuse for that– especially one that was met with their callous laughter.

As you may understand, I am shaken and very upset from this episode.

You may reach out to me at any time to discuss the matter. My number is (REMOVED BY YWN)

Resident of District 47/CB15


Dear Mr. Bergman,

Hope you’re doing well.  I became aware of this incident late this afternoon.  I reached out to Hatzolah to find out the details of what happened and I spoke with one of the responding members to one of the two near-simultaneous calls on your block.  I also forwarded the clip to Con Ed’s government relations team and asked that they get back to me about this (which they said they would tomorrow).

For the last two years, I’ve been battling with Con Ed and National Grid about their random street closures contrary to their issued permits.  I also introduced a bill in the City Council to make it a crime punishable by fine and imprisonment for any person (utility workers included) who conducts work on a city street and does not have on his or her possession a physical copy of the permit.  This time, Con Ed’s employees may actually have cost Rabbi Dahan his life.  I’m frustrated, disgusted, but mostly just incredibly saddened.

While nothing will bring him back, I will keep the pressure on Con Ed to 1. deal with these particular employees harshly; and 2. set up very clear protocols about how their employees do their work.  I really have no other words about this.  I’ve been sickened by this for the last 6 hours.

Thank you for taking the time to send this to me.  Although the location is not in my district, you’ll hear back from me when I learn more.

B’suros Tovos.

Kalman Yeger
New York City Councilman

4 Responses

  1. I wouldn’t know for sure, but it’s very possible that those trucks often leave their keys in the ignition. If you witness such disgusting behavior from utility workers, just jump in and drive it a few blocks away. If it’s done in order to allow an emergency vehicle through, I doubt there would be any charges pressed.

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