Chareidi Peleg Ethiopian Draft Dodger Will Be Released for Purim

The draft dodger, Gamliel Mahadani, who is of Ethiopian descent and part of the Peleg Yerushalmi movement, was awarded a furlough from his prison sentence for the holiday of Purim. The furlough comes just 19 days before he is supposed to be released entirely.

Madhani was arrested at his home in Or Yehuda last month after he was found to have been draft dodging for more than 1,000 days. He was given a 70-day sentence to sit in military prison and has already served 40 of those days.

Due to Madhani’s lengthy draft-dodging, the military prosecutor sought the maximum sentence of six months in prison. However, Madhani’s attorney Menachem Stauber succeeded in bringing the total time served down to just more than two months, a very lenient sentence when taking into account the amount of time Madhani had evaded registering with the IDF.

According to Kikar Shabbos, Madhani had refused to appear in front of the national service committee. Had he done so, he likely would have received an exemption from his prison service entirely. His refusal to appear stems from his desire to not cooperate at all with IDF in any way.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Hes a Jew living in the land of Israel, doesnt matter what he is, he should be serving his country not running from it.

  2. Really badly biased article and lacking any sympathy. I don’t wish on any of your children to sit in prison even for a day.

  3. @emuna
    first step in having emuna is listening to the torah. When the army begins to serve the country as opposed to secular interests, we can begin to have a conversation.
    Your call for service is hypocrisy at its best, HE, of all people, is a stalwart supporter of his country, while the arrmy has been a medium of destruction for the nation of israel.

  4. Who is writing these articles? Is YWN getting articles from some leftist journalist? “Draft dodger” is a pejorative ! He is a “draft objector” , as every religious Jew who values his neshama to stay away from the anti-religious IDF!

  5. Anyone willing to debate logically with facts please read. Anyone who is only interested in spewing hatred without willingness to answer questions please skip this comment. It is important to note that a lot of the antagonism against these hafganos is due to a lack of understanding of what the problem is and why they are protesting we have to remember that if we felt that our kids are being kidnapped we would definitely understand much more the hafganos for example if a law passed that all the inhabitants of Bnei Brak will be thrown out of their homes to the streets (not at once but in stages slowly but surely) and after trying every way possible through politicians and the like there was nothing left to do about it and the inhabitants of Bnei Brak made hafganos etc. people would be much more understanding and we would not be hearing comments of why punish everyone etc. if that is the only way to do it. Therefore it is important to realize why they are demonstrating. The basic questions on them are that this point of time no one is being threatened to be taken to the army and therefore how can this be called a gezeiras shmad 2. why not just go to the enlistment office and get a deferment? The fact is that a few years ago when the first law was passed a law which DID NOT THREATEN ANYONE WITH IMMEDIATE CONSCRIPTION to the army and everyone was able to go to the enlistment office and get a deferment the Gedolim from all factions of the chareidy community including agudas yisroel degel hatorah and shas got together and wrote a statement that if the law passes THEY WILL CONSIDER PROHIBITING anyone from going to the enlistment office at the time Rav Yigal Rosen the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Yisroel and one who was considered to be a close confidant of Maran Harav Shteinman Zatza”l wrote an article in the Yated Neeman (Rav Shteinman’s newspaper) explaining how Rav Shteinman is for weeks pondering the shayla about whether or not to assur going to the lishkas hagiyus in the article R’ Rosen explains the dilemma that on the one side seemingly there is no reason to go all out against the government now and not to go now to the deferment office because right now no one is being threatened with being drafted on the other hand he explains how the entire point of their waiting a few years and not drafting yet is because they know that if they try drafting now they won’t be successful so they decided the best way to do it is to wait and meanwhile everyone will come to get a dichuy in the deferment office and there they will look out for potential bochurim who may be able to be recruited for the army and they put in hundreds of millions of shekel to trying to recruit people to the army and when they are successful in getting more and more chareidim into the army eventually the chareidim will become acclimated to the fact that chareidim serve in the army and it will be much easier for them to reach their goal of all chareidim serving in the army so therefore maybe the best way to deal with this is that right now we should say no! we will have nothing to do with this and when they see that they are up against a brick wall they’ll realize that there is now way to get the chareidim to go to the army because their not going to put tens of thousands of bochurim in jail Rav Rosen ends writing that Rav Shteinman is debating the shayla for weeks and has not yet decided eventually Rav Shteinman was quoted as saying that bochurim should go to the deferment office while R’ Shmuel Auerbach and with him hundreds of gedolei torah roshei yeshivos dayanim rabbonim and talmidei chachamim (google it it was at a conference in the tamir hall in Jerusalem at the time) said not to go to the deferment office those who follow these gedolim definitely have to follow them in this and the fact that they are being put into prison should cause the entire religious world to protest since whether you agree or not these boys are doing what they are mechuyav to be doing for example if their was a law that everyone has to eat rice on Pesach and people who didn’t were put in prison the sphardim would not say that we don’t have to protest since we see nothing wrong with eating rice on Pesach becausprotesting e the fact is that Ashkenazim are not follow the poskim who say not to eat rice on Pesach and therefore to force them to is religious persecution.

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