REPORT: Iran To Destroy Kevarim of Mordechai and Esther

According to a report by the Aram Alliance on Twitter, the Iranian regime is threatening to turn the tombs of Mordechai Hatzadik and Esther Hamalka into a Palestinian embassy.

The Aram Alliance is a group that promotes the rights of minorities in Iran. 

According to another report also emanating from Twitter, a faction of the Revolutionary Guards known as the Basij, attempted to raid the historic site in an act of revenge on the Jewish people for Trump announcing his peace plan. It should be noted that Basij, being part of the IRGC, is designated as a “terror organization” by the governments of the United States, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

Official channels have not yet commented on the reports, but the reports have caused a stir among supporters on social media.

Israeli media channels have stated that there are plans to turn the complex, a cultural heritage site declared by Unesco, into a “Palestinian” consular complex. Iran had declared the site a national heritage site in 2008 but then removed the declaration a few years later citing that Jews celebrate Purim as a day on which they massacred Iranians.

[FOOTAGE IN TIME FOR PURIM: French Jew Visits Kevarim Of Mordecai And Esther And Iranian Jewish Communities]

In 2011, YWN reported that Rabbi Yisroel Meir Gabey, a man from Eretz Yisroel known to travel the globe to try and fix neglected Kevarim, also visited Kevarim in Iran – including the Kevarim of Mordechai and Esther, the Kever of Chavakuk Hanavi, Daniel Hanavi and others.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Fake news based on “Twitter” Anyone who understands Persian/Iranian culture knows nothing will happen. They feel a deep connection to their past, especially the first empire, and would never destroy a site dating back to that time. They glorify the rulers of old. To destroy the tomb of a Persian Queen is rediculous.
    That’s why first Trump said there were missles pointed at 52 Iranian historical sites then quickly rescinded it. It was explained to him that the estimated 80-90% of Iranians that hate the regime, would turn on America in a second if we destroyed their historical sites.

  2. This is serious stuff. All jokes aside but maybe we can have some good use of the Neturei Karteh & have them ask their Iranian friends not to Chas Veshulim do such a thing….

  3. I’m sure the crazy left in the U.S will display the exact same outrage as they did when Trump threatened to target Iranian cultural sites. If I remember correctly CNN said it would be a war crime.

  4. Do you really believe that this is their Kever?
    Esther was the queen of Persia when she died she would certainly be interred in the royal Persian mausoleum with Ahaverosh, Koresh and Daryush. Shushan Habira is called Shush today and is 250 miles south of Hamedan where the supposed tomb of Mordechai and Esther is located.
    Draw your own conclusions.

  5. The Iranian Regime has maintained this site through the years not because of their interest to Jews, but because of their personal historical attachment. Don’t forget that Esther and Mordechai were Persian royalty as well. Nothing has changed now, and destroying this would outrage the local population more than anyone else.

    As a side note, does anyone know if there is any historical veracity to this being the actual burial site of Esther and Mordechai?

    As a second side note, if Iran would normalize relationships with Israel, I can see this site becoming the Uman of Purim. How amazing would it be to hear the Megillah at the kevarim of Esther and Mordechai?

  6. > Billywee

    Let me tell you the facts. Only those who hate the Ayatollahs and hate the ravages that the Arabs brought are the ones who revere their Persian past. But the Ayatollah followers hate it with a genocidal passion. In fact, have you not seen the canards by the government officials on how Jews on Purim celebrate the murder of Iranians – I ask you, are those canards extolling Mordechai or condemning him?

    It was in 1971 (still under the Shah) that Jews in Iran paid for restoring the site that was hidden by houses and narrow pathways. Jews bough the surrounding houses and cleared the paths and renovated the place. When the 1979 “revolution” came, the architect ran for his life and the new authorities started to dismantle parts of the magnificent architecture already then (because it was too Jewish looking).

  7. Georgeg,
    You obviously don’t understand Persian/Iranian (same thing) history. They were not Muslim or Arab. They were a great empire that was conquered by what they viewed as backward, barbaric, Muslim Arabs. The Arabs tried to force their culture on the Persians but were only partially succesful. Ever notice how everyone in the middle East speaks Arabic, but in Iran they speak Farsi? The barely held on and paid a high price but managed to hold onto their language. When the Persians finally were able to throw the Arabs out, they tried reverting back to 100% Persian culture. The problem was Islam (which was IMPOSED on them) had taken root. In order to seperate from the Arabs they adopted Shia Islam. The difference between Sunni and Shia is not like the difference between Mir and Lakewood. It’s like the difference between Ultra-Orthodox and Liberal Reform Judaism. They see the other side as completely illegitimate and a corruption of Islam. Why do you think Iran and Saudi Arabia hate each other so much? The goals of the Iranian leadership is to once again have Persia reign supreme. They do this by keeping their language, religion, and culture seperate from the Arabs. One way they reinforce their great culture and show it’s much better than Arab culture is through history. Destroying a Persian cultural site is the last thing they would do. It would undermine their entire Hashkafa. That’s also why Trump wisely changed his decision to target Iranian historical sites. While most regular Iranians dislike the current gov’t. If you destroy their historic sites these people will rally around the Iranian regime. Not for political or religious reasons, but for cultural reasons. Never underestimate the power of culture. It overrules everything else.

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