CHANUKAH ATTACK IN MONSEY: Black Man Arrested In Harlem After Stabbing 5 With Machete At Shul [UPDATED 5:15AM]

Multiple victims were stabbed at a Motzei Shabbos Chanukah party at the home of the Kossoner Rebbe in Monsey.

Five victims were stabbed by a black man armed with a machete after he walked into the home of the Rebbe (Rabbi Rottenberg), which is adjacent to his Shul in the Forshay neighborhood of Money.

Eyewitnesses tell YWN that the suspect fled in a vehicle and did not say anything before going on his rampage.

Hatzolah transported the victims to the hospital – one of them is in critical condition with a stab wound to the chest.

At around midnight, the vehicle was located in Harlem, NY, and a suspect was taken into custody.

[THE MONSEY STABBING SUSPECT: Thomas E. Grafton Of Greenwood Lake, NY]

Police sources tell YWN that the vehicle came over the George Washington Bridge into NYC at 11:02PM.

The vehicle is registered to a Greewood Lake address. Police reportedly also have the father of the suspect and are talking to him.

Chaveirim of Rockland responded to the scene as well.

[WATCH: NY Gov Cuomo Visits Rabbi Rottenberg’s House – BUT HE JUST SIGNED BAIL REFORM!]

Eyewitnesses tell YWN that people in the house threw multiple tables and chairs at the attacker while he went on his rampage.

He eventually left the home and attempted to gain access to the Shul. Thankfully, after hearing the screaming from the house, people in the Shul had locked the door.

Unable to gain access to the Shul, the suspect ran to his car and fled. Thankfully, someone chased him to his car and wrote down the plate number which resulted in an arrest two hours later in Harlem.

The attack appeared to be the latest in a string targeting Jews in the region, including a massacre at a kosher grocery store in New Jersey earlier this month and comes on the heels of EIGHT anti-Semitic attacks reported throughout New York City during Chanukah


Top state officials, including Governor Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Letitia James, released statements condemning the attack.

Investigators cordoned off the large home on Forshay Road yellow crime scene tape as of 3 a.m. Onlookers gathered nearby and watched as officers collected evidence and worked to determine what occurred hours earlier. A number of police and emergency vehicles also remained at the scene.


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Aron Kohn, 65, told The New York Times that he was inside the house when the stabbings occurred.

“I was praying for my life,” said Kohn, 65. “He started attacking people right away as soon as he came in the door. We didn’t have time to react at all.”

41 Responses

  1. A holidays gift from silent and kiss-ass Chuckie Schumer and Nadler who’s hands reeks in Jewish blood for collaborating with the Jew hating DemocRATS in EVERYTHING THEY DO. DemocRAT is Jew hating party.
    So to Chuckie “Shomer Yisroel” and Nadler merry Christmas.
    They changed their votes once they made sure that Batak Husain Obama got Iran deal and changed Anti Semetisim Bill to anti Islamist with Jew hating Ilan

  2. Our Democrat political leaders will, no doubt, somehow blame this incident on Trump and “White Supremacy”, like they have with Jersey City. Yeshiva World keep on posting Pro Democrat and anti Trump political articles! Shame on you. You are supporting the Eruv Rav, hopefully unwittingly. I don’t expect this post to go through.

  3. Because Trump still hasn’t brought up the common sense gun laws for a vote, many haters who would otherwise injure people with knifes are massacring people with guns. Trump’s hands are full of blood.

  4. Terrible, terrible news. The news we received here is that 15 people were injured, 2 critical, one of whom was stabbed 6 times. AND the assailant was able to get away!
    NOBODY during this time was able to jump the guy and hold him until the police came???????

  5. @kshomron it was a Chanukah party. Presumably many of those present were women, children, and/or elderly people who could not jump the guy. Please don’t blame the victim.
    May Hashem help us. This is the old/new world we live in now.

  6. Time to make aliyah now. Israel is the real Chanukah miracle. Galut is coming to an end. In ten years, most Jews will be living in Israel for the first time since the destruction of the FIRST temple 2500 years ago.

  7. “NOBODY during this time was able to jump the guy and hold him until the police came???????” Why jump & hold???
    How about bang him over the head with something heavy to knock him out! Were there no folding chairs? No 1.5L soda bottles?
    I understand that everyone is afraid of police arresting them for hurting/starting up with the “minority”. No-one wants to be next Bob Zimerman. But what happened to “Lo Saamod al dam Re’acho”?

  8. Stevenn – that is the dumbest comment I’ve heard in a long time. This was a knife attack by black anti-semites and you still find a demented way to blame guns and President Trump. Get your head out of whatever you have it shoved in. If it weren’t for the draconic anti-gun laws in blue states like NY, Jews would be able to defend themselves. You don’t have to look far back in history to see that totalitarian regimes disarmed citizens before abusing them.

  9. This all boiled down to stupid niggas!!! What are they doing imagine if a yid shot a black… it would be massive hoc and made way more of a deal then this!!! Just nebach we are to used to these vicious attacks… I HATE BLACKS AND THIS JSUT MADE IT WORSE

  10. Hopefully all will have a refuah shelamah. Is this the same shul that was the subject of one of the first lawsuits over 30 years ago where the local Town tried to block holding minyanim because the Rav’s home did not meet the local building and fire code requirements for a “place of worship”. If I recall correctly, l local and national media made a big issue out of it and it was one of the first big cases involving religious accommodation rules and efforts by Rockland county townships to block the growing numbers of frum yidden moving in from Brooklyn. Sadly, we still see many of the same issues being litigated today in NY and NJ suburban areas. I expect this type of tragic attack will only make people more fearful of having a shul in their neighborhood. But for now, the focus should be on ways to provide better security for such smaller shtieblach that cannot afford the full time security that some larger shuls and mosdos nave implemented.

  11. The headline “Black Man Arrested In Harlem After Stabbing…” is irresponsible. How do you think “Black Men” who would defend our community against violence feel about such a racist headline!? How do you think “Black Men” who live and work with us, and show us friendship and respect feel about such a headline!? It is perfectly appropriate and legitimate to open a discussion regarding the serious problem that a subset of the “Black Community” has anti-Semitic attitudes. Even though it is a minority, that minority is much too large. We should demand that society “call out” all those who further hate, regardless of color or religion.

  12. Editors: This thread and comments like those above of “Sheftel Chaim” has deteriorated beyond any rational interpretation of the editorial guidelines. The use of obscenities’ and racial slurs seems demeans those who feel equally passionately about the horrific events but still view these threads as a place to exchange their views in a civil manner. Also, having media quote individual threads with such language is demeaning to YWN and all participants.

  13. Midwood Bubby,
    The same JDL that terrorized Hispanic communities, all because of a few bad apples?
    The same JDL that blew up an actor’s office because they disagreed with him politically?
    No thanks.

  14. It seems like I wasn’t clear enough on my first message. I know that this case involved a knife and not a gun. And that was my point that if Trump would have brought up the common sense gun laws for a bill, many if not all of the past two years dozens of massacres would have ended up like last night. Which as sad as it was, it’s not like the hundreds that were killed. In other words Donald Trump is directly responsible for hundreds of Americans lives. He’s definitely done great stuff too like canceling the Iran deal but the bad doesn’t take away from the good and the good doesn’t take a away from his bad. his hands are full of Jewish and non Jewish blood.

  15. Gadolhadorahumph, and is it any different than you consistently casually and informally titling a US President with the comparison to Hitler? Believe me, there are plenty of others who dislike Trump, Obama, ‘Apartheid Israel’ Jimmy Carter, ‘Japanese Containment camps’ & ‘turn the Jewish boats around’ President FDR— but others would never think about being insensitive to those living relatives and friends among the 6+ million who perished under the real Adolf Hitler. No, I won’t ever use the ‘N’ word in my house, but unlike you I also won’t water-down the atrocious name of Hitler, regardless if you immaturely believe that closing the Southern US Border is like the Holocaust.

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