Rav Kook Son-In-Law “Excommunicates” Tiveria Mayor Ron Kobi With Sifrei Torah and Shofars

Teveria Mayor Ron Kobi has adopted an aggressive attitude towards religious observance in Israel in general and towards one of the leading Rabbonim of the city of Teveria Mekubal HaRav Dov Kook in specific. Just two days ago, Rav Kook announced that due to the ongoing antagonism he faces from Kobi, that he would be leaving the city of Tevaria. In response, his students held a series of protests throughout the city.

Rav Kook’s son-in-law, Rabbi Becker, took matters one step further on Wednesday and held an excommunication ceremony where he excommunicated Ron Kobi from having interactions with other Jews. The ceremony was held in front of Sifrei Torah and Rabbi Becker blew shofar to “seal the excommunication”.

Rabbi Becker read the parsha of VaYakhel Moshe, wherein the passage of “Kol Oseh bo Melacha Yumat” is written. After the reading, he then pronounced that: “All of the sifrei Tora from Har Sinai until today, excommunicate the greatest hater of Israel in the world Ron Koby, who dances with the utmost disdain on what is written in the sifrei Torah. He is a greater hater of Israel than all of the non-Jews, who respect the sifrei Torah.”

Ron Kobi shared the documented footage on his own Facebook wall and said: “This is not the path of Torah. This is not religion. This is how a cult acts. These are men here who call themselves Rabbi? This is a big disgrace.”

Earlier this week, following the announcement by Rav Kook, a protest was held on Monday against Kobi by the city’s children.

In recent weeks Kobi has been harassing Rav Kook and even came to his yeshivah with no other goal than provoking a confrontation. He managed to cause R’ Kook to tearfully announce that he has no other choice than to leave Tiveria, the city he has lived in for decades and where his grandfather, Rav Rafael Kook, served as the rav.

Dozens of children protested outside Kobi’s office at the Tiveria municipality on Tuesday on the open warfare he is conducting against Rav Kook. When Kobi emerged from his office, they ran towards him and a tumult ensued. A 13-year old boy was arrested for allegedly throwing rocks.

Kobi, as his usual custom, videoed the encounter and posted in on his Facebook page. He also videoed himself ranting about Rav Kook, responding to the latter’s announcement that he is leaving Tiveria: “You heard me, HaRav Kook? Go, free Tiveria from your presence, free us. You heard me, HaRav Kook? Go!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Could Rav Becker shlita please inform us exactly what we are supposed to do/conduct ourselves, to comply with the Halochos of this Cherem/Nidui? Please also let us know if this is a Cherem? or a Nidui? and what differences apply to these 2 statuses?

  2. As a famous resident of LA once stated, “can’t we all just get along”. These theatrics reflect poorly on both sides. Grow up and learn how to live side-by-side and respect your differences.

  3. Ridiculous. This is why so many chilonim view us as weird, primitive, etc. Assuming that the harassment is that bad, the rav should take Kobi to Beis Din, and if he won’t come then take it to civil court. There are civil laws governing harassment, and it would publicize the mayor’s unacceptable behavior in a way that people are likely to pay attention to. This isn’t Eastern Europe or North Africa, and it’s 5780, not 5580. This is not going to elevate the Torah in the eyes of the non-observant or non-Jewish.

  4. Could you please publish the mayor’s jewish name and his mother’s name so that we may also doven for him?

    Who says this apikorus is even Jewish?

  5. Sad seeing all the people in the comment section disparage our gedolim. Rav Kook said that Rav Berland is a very holy man, and still is close with him to this day.

  6. I know Ron’s mother’s name. HaShem showed me after Kippur that I should forgive him. Do not hate him. He’s a troubled soul, not a bad man.

    His Jewish name is Aharon and his mother’s name is Rina. Please do not use it to ask for punishment. HaShem showed me He wants mercy upon this man. May HaShem grant us a miracle. Amen.

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