APPALLING: Video At Concert in Jerusalem Makes MASSIVE Bizayon Out Of Reb Shayela Keristerer

A Sukkos concert in Yerushalayim is causing outrage among many people.

At the concert a popular song titled “Reb Shaya ben Reb Moshe” was sung by a popular performer. As the song was being sung, a large screen displayed a photo of the holy Tzadik Reb Shayele Kerestirer, who the song is about. In a despicable Bizayon, surrounding the image of Reb Sheyele were rats and mice running across his face.

The “justification” of this warped and disgusting act was done due to a story that people claim happened in the time of the Tzadik when he told someone with a mice infestation to hang his photo as a prevention. YWN spoke to a great-grandson of Reb Shayele who says that his grandmother lived in his house until WWII broke out, and she claims that this entire story never happened, and that he was against photos and therefore there are no photos of him other than a passport photo. In fact all his descendants vehemently deny that this “Segula” originated from Reb Shayele.

But despite if this is a fictitious “Segula” is real or not, one thing is for sure, a terrible Bizayon of a holy Tzadik was made in public last night in front of thousands of people.

The “Reb Shayele Guest House” organization, which feeds thousands of people visiting the kever each year put out a public letter with a scathing protest against this Bizayon.

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It’s disgusting that people have turned this Tzadik into an “exterminator” and lately a “cook” (as people are making food in all corners of the world in his memory). People have now been placing his photo in their car windows to prevent parking tickets, and it’s now used at construction sites.

Reb Shayele was far greater than that. People should read the “Reb Shayele” book written by Rabbi Yisroel Besser, which captures the life of this Tzadik.

He was a Tzadik to which Yidden were drawn with invisible cords of love and hope, where the unsolvable problems were resolved, where the incurably ill found healing, where souls numb with cold felt warmth. Fiery Chassidim found truth, and hungry travelers found nourishment. The Rebbe – who labored in Torah, poured out his heart in prayer, and seemed to exist in a realm of his own between heaven and earth – would stop everything if a Jew needed a cold drink or warm bed, would cease his holy toil to help another. He belonged to the people, and they to him. A generation loved and revered the tzaddik of Kerestir, and they transmitted this veneration to their children, who in turn passed it down to their children.

But not to worry — it can be almost guaranteed, that whoever was behind this disgusting Bizayon, will go to the kever and ask Mechilla – and of course make a music video of themselves asking mechila and promote themselves. Welcome to the anything-goes year of of 5780/2019.


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48 Responses

  1. It’s such a bizayon that you had to show it. Please!!! Look in the mirror YWN and you will see a bizayon in the reflection. Then take this video down.

  2. I do not fully understand the great bizayon this was a famous story whether it was true or not the producer definitely was under the impression that it was, and therefore like everything else about this tzadik it was a part of his life that he was proud of, also not sure what the problem with putting his picture in beis hatavshils he was known for giving out food and yidden want to remember him and do this in his zchus this is not a new thing yiden have been doing this for years perhaps there is some kind of small level of bizayon in the mice video definetly not anything to make a whole big deal about could have easily discussed it with the producer afterwards or put out a leter in a nice way for the future not to put out such videos just don’t see the whole Macha thing… Can someone please clarify or am I missing something do they want to all of a sudden turn him into r’chaim brisker every gadol was known for they’re own things and that’s what made thim who they were

  3. So why does ywn go crazy when rabbonim in the US assur such concerts…?? Did ywn ask mechilah from all the rabbonim on the kol korei against recent concerts in NY and lakewood that they made choizek out of

  4. Agreed it’s not nice.
    Appalling Video and posting as front-page BREAKING NEWS… seems like the editor has a personal vendetta here.

  5. Aside from the לשון הרע of posting it.

    A. Why on earth would you repost the video that is such a Bizayon
    B. Why would make such a cynical remark about how he will ask mechilla…. that is typic media tactic to paint him in a bad light.

    Why couldnt you just say you hope he goes to the kever and asks mechilla (which would probably be a smart thing to do) no need to make fun and be cynical about what you think his actions of remorse will be

    All the best

  6. A bizarre and totally inappropriate artistic representation, whatever might have been the intention. However, as the article notes, there is a growing trend for yidden to adopt these sort of new age segulahs and “mystical” beliefs which are blatant apikorsus. Putting a photo of a tzadik in your car window or handing over money to some guy who shows up at your doorstep schneuring on behalf of some “world renown mekubal” and promising everything from a shiduch for your “meiskeit oldest daughter” or a refuah for your cholent-induced gout. Yidden across the observance spectrum seem to grasp on to these segulahs with the faith and intensity of a goiyeshe New York cabdriver with a big tzeylem and other religious icons hanging from his rear-view mirror. This display at the concert was truly inappropriate but sadly not totally surprising.

  7. Agree 100%. That’s completely disgusting.

    Which is why it BOGGLES MY MIND that YWN would choose to FURTHER PUBLICIZE this despicable series of events, AND INCLUDE THE VIDEOS, further GUARANTEEING that THOUSANDS more people will see this atrocity

    Way to go ….

  8. Was “Reb Shayala’s Gast Hoiz” complicit with this bizayon?

    The marketing of the tzadik for fundraising purposes led to these ridiculous “segulos.”

  9. I remember seeing in the past this happened to other Rebbe’s and I don’t recall anybody having any issues with that so how does it work with picking and choosing which ones are considered a bizayon which ones are not.Either way it’s sad when people take this route in life

  10. i dont in any way want to chas veshalom lessen the chilul hashem and act of of of immaturity that this show of indifference this video presentation that accompanied the reb shayele song. and i’m afraid to even post this for that reason but as a bystander I can only just be confused by the outcry from reb shayeles guest house and I quote “It’s disgusting that people have turned this Tzadik into an “exterminator” and lately a “cook” (as people are making food in all corners of the world in his memory). People have now been placing his photo in their car windows to prevent parking tickets, and it’s now used at illegal construction sites.
    Reb Shayele was far greater than that. People should read the “Reb Shayele” book written by Rabbi Yisroel Besser, which captures the life of this Tzadik” for where does their kiyum start what makes them an organization recognized by k’maat every frum house in america. personally i think it is a direct benefit of this fad “gadol of the year”
    there is no way to keep everything status quo as written in the post so lets from now before using his name for even a guest house located minutes from his kever remember it will be in animal shelters in no time too.

  11. Kol Hakavod YWN I am actually pleasantly surprised!
    ……and yes what a disgrace. We need Moshiach-we are a depleted generation.

  12. I know this singer personally and he is a y’rei shomayim and follows da’as torah. It is inconceivable that he intended to humiliate or to shame Reb Yeshayale zy”o. The whole point of the video was just the opposite – to try to illustrate the greatness of the tzaddik (I wasn’t at the concert but looking at the videos you provide this is obvious). The most one can say is that it was possibly not thought out fully and people’s reactions not considered properly. I’m certain that the large screen was used for lots of video sequences during the concert; it’s just a prop to make things more exciting than music on its own. Anyway, it is more than obvious that the singer had no intention to cause upset to anyone. The tone of your article, therefore, is completely wrong. You should issue an apology to the singer in question.

  13. For those who don’t know, the Reb Shayele Kerestirer craze is relatively new (8 years or so), brought about by some loud donors, noisy grandchildren, the desire for a non-Breslov pilgrimage & guess what – a song.

    So yes this was disrespectful, but keep in mind they were fine with the song while it was making him famous. Before the he was known to most as ‘the rat rabbi’ (Google it).

  14. I for one and I believe most of the non Hungarian Frum world, did not know if REB Sheyaleh until a year ago. I assume he was a Talmud Chacham and a Baal chesed, but this is what happens when people “market” Rabbanim for their own personal gain.

  15. This is one of the models bizarre things I’ve ever seen. They definitely weren’t trying to be mevazeh him this is clearly inadvertent but still very very weird.

  16. This is super funny. Not to take away for a second from his tzidkus, but R Shayale has been known for decades for this segula and nothing else. And now that he’s become the newest object of love by hipsters and tzaddik worshippers, it’s as if the history behind why he was a little famous for years never happened. Whether or not the segula is true is a moot point; it is in fact the reason anyone who heard of him anytime before 5 -10 years ago heard of him. Diras in ey have had his pic up to drive away mice for decades. This is so funny.

  17. To be fair, I wouldn’t blame the performer (Beri Weber?). He’s just paid to get up and sing and probably has no idea of the whole spectacle going on behind him.
    But what on earth were the tech guys and producers thinking?!!

  18. And know Yeshiva world doubles down and multiplies the BIZAYON ,by playing the video for everyone to see,
    at least the people doing the concert didn’t realize it was a BIZAYON,but you! who understood it was not appropriate,why did you show it ?.
    I Know you will not have the guts to publish this criticism of you,but at least you yourself will read it

  19. As a child of a yelid Keristier I can assure you that Reb Shayele would not have been happy with the way the singer and the organization were shamed! If you claim to know anything about the Tzaddik then you would know not to post a picture of the singer and the organization. I Am at times also sick at the way the tzaddik is portrayed however as taught in Keristier by Reb Shayele you never shame another yid! Never!

  20. i dont think they c”v meant any disrespect. it maybe was accidental poor taste but im sure they have charatah.
    bracha and hatzlaca to all klal yosroel on this holy day

  21. Why is using gedolim alive and no longer alive as marketing props for everything from lag baomer to building campaing fundraisrs any different?

  22. Last year, Avraham Fried sung “Boruch Haba Melech Hamoshiach” at a HASC concert while a video of the Lubavitcher Rebbe was prominently displayed on the screen!

  23. As a child of a yelid Keristier I can assure you that Reb Shayele would not have been happy with the way the singer and the organization were shamed! If you claim to know anything about the Tzaddik then you would know not to post a picture of the singer and the organization.

  24. The beis din of Yerushalayim The eidah has repeatedly banned such Chol Hamoed concerts. Making one in Yerushalayim against their ruling is making a bizayon of a lot more than just R’Shayala.

  25. To YWN Editor:
    Just wondering, if c”v someone would be mivazeh a family member of yours would you want that bizayon reported for thousands more people to be made aware of it?

  26. I assume this post is some sort of Simchas Torah Shtick

    for Months YWN has participated in the degradation by using the Keristerer as a fundraiser for god knows what,.

    Now all of a sudden, Wait Lets stop the bizayon!

    lol good one!

  27. Actually heard about a guy in Monsey who had pictures of Reb Shayaleh outside his apartment and someone came for Shabbos and asked who the Rabbi was and he said it’s his “exterminator”, by Motzash his apartment was so badly infested with rats that he had to SELL his apartment…

  28. I think that it is appalling that they have made an Avodah Zara out of this Rabbi. I once found his picture in an Aron HaKodesh in order to protect the Torahs from the mice. I tucked the picture under some books. The fellow in charge accused me of letting the mice damage the Torahs. When I asked him what good this picture does, he told me that the mice see the Rabbi’s picture and run away. I told him that when the Aron HaKodesh is closed it is pitch dark and even mice cannot see in the dark. I told him that to put a picture in the Aron HaKodesh like this is similar to King Menashe putting an Avodah Zara in the Kodesh HaKodoshim. I suggested that a more potent threat to the mice might be to put a battery-operated stuffed cat with glowing eyes in the Aron Hakodesh. I also suggested that if a picture helps against mice, why use the Rabbi’s picture when you can use the picture of St. Gertrude of Nivelles, a 15-th century catholic saint who was reputed as a mouse hunter.
    Therefore, I think that, inadvertently, having mice crawl across the picture of the Rabbi is a way of making a Bizayon of Avodah Zara, and is not only permitted, but recommended.
    And by the way, that poster condemning the concert was very threatening but lacked teeth, because not even one great Rabbi’s signature graced the poster. I think we should let these “anonymouse” gnats (or rats) buzz happily in the meadows. We should not want to disturb their pleasure.

  29. A massive chillul Hashem. Was the singer and the organizers of this concert aware that this bizayon was to occur or was this the product of a technician working on his own accord. From the initial reaction of the singer it appears that this was an unplanned last-minute altercation…

  30. even though yu chevre didnt put my comment the first time ill repeat it (so yu should see it again). its hilarious how ywn became such kannoim over night. mainly because they tend to espouse many leftist non bnei torahdike views, and usually isnt very scrupulous over the kavod of gedolim or with spouting lashon hara. so its just funny how theyre so makpid on people are making food in his memory becouse yu might be medayek that hes just limited that:):)

  31. This is so sad. We have lost our sensitivity. Reb Shaya’le was also known as a big bal mofess to the goyim in his community. They knew that they could come to him with their problems. He was able to curb the anti semitism in his area. Please Reb Shaya’le be moichel yidden that are so grub, that they dont realize the travesty done here.

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