Drama Surrounding Wedding Of Chareidi Son of Avigdor Lieberman

HaRav Baruch Dov Diskin, Rosh Yeshiva of Orchot Torah in Bnei Brak, has refused to marry the son of Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman, Amos Lieberman. Amos is a student in the Yeshiva, lives a Chareidi life, and has built a close relationship with Rabbi Diskin. However, Rabbi Diskin issued a letter to Amos stating that, in spite of reports to the contrary, he was never intending to officiate Amos’ wedding because he is registered as a Rosh Yeshiva and not a Mesader Kedushin.

Sources close to Rabbi Diskin pointed to a different reason for the refusal and told Israeli media that Rabbi Diskin cannot officiate the wedding because it would appear to be a recognition of Amos’ father Avigdor, whom the overall Charedi community has painted as a true enemy.

Amos told Kikar HaShabbat that he wants to have a Chareidi wedding. Sources close to Avigdor Lieberman say that Avigdor refuses to have a Chareidi wedding and that the wedding would be a religious one in conjunction with Halacha. However, secular, religious and Chareidi people will be invited,” he said emphatically.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. ” Sources close to Avigdor Lieberman say that Avigdor refuses to have a Chareidi wedding and that the wedding would be a religious one in conjunction with Halacha. However, secular, religious and Chareidi people will be invited”
    What’s the difference between a chareidi wedding and a religious/halacha wedding?

  2. FYI Avigdor, that is one and the same. A religious wedding according to halacha is the definition of a chareidi wedding. The fact that irreligious people might attend doesn’t make it a non chareidi wedding. We all have that at our weddings.

  3. As the Rosh Yeshiva is probably already married, it’s not a surprise that the Rosh Yeshiva refuses to marry the son of Avigdor Lieberman.

    Can somebody explain this paragraph:
    Amos told Kikar HaShabbat that he wants to have a Chareidi wedding. Sources close to Avigdor Lieberman say that Avigdor refuses to have a Chareidi wedding and that the wedding would be a religious one in conjunction with Halacha. However, secular, religious and Chareidi people will be invited,” he said emphatically.

    Who is the “he” who said emphatically, and what did he emphasize?

  4. What defines a “Chareidi” wedding? I assume a “religious” wedding would have separate seating and a mechitzah. Does “Hareidi” have to do with the level of kashrut of the food? If the son only eats mehadrin and/or a certain standard of kashrut, would his father serve him food at his own wedding contrary to his chosen lifestyle?

  5. this is absolute, pure lashon hara!!!! To suggest that this boy’s rosh yeshiva is refusing to be mesader kiddushin BECAUSE of who his father is is absolute MOTZI SHEM RA on the rosh yeshiva! It could very well be that he is not able to serve as mesader kidddushin for exactly the reason given, that he is not licensed by the Rabbanut to do so, even though he heads a yeshiva. There are many such people, and not every person who runs a yeshiva has semicha from the Rabbanut or the special permission required to officiate a wedding

  6. We seem to be at the point in history when chareidi rosh yeshivas feel comfortable violating principals of Judaism in public, all in the name of “protecting the machane”.
    Avigdor Leiberman and the sentements he represents are here, whether you”recognize him” or not. The very fact that his son is chareidi and wants a chareidi wedding is the biggest evidence that choosing a Torah life has serious merits. Officiating at this wedding would be a zechus and major cause for simcha,for all of the klal.
    Somehow this is lost on todays Israeli roshei yeshivose.

  7. This strikes me a bit hard on the Chosson.
    What Rosh Yeshiva refuses to be mesader kiddushin for a talmid?
    If he didn’t want anything to do with Avigdor Liberman (which I can well understand) he shouldn’t have admitted his son in the first place.

  8. Although a son not necessarily responsible for the pronouncements and directives of the father
    in all likelihood He should be having some influence but he is not using

  9. Furthermore It is incumbent to show These ardent secularist How we are to be treated and who we are
    That we are not just Herzlian” rabbis in the barracks ” to be called on for their convenience
    All the while they can they wreck the State against those selfsame religion

  10. > because it would appear to be a recognition of Amos’ father Avigdor

    By that type of argument how could Amos even be allowed in the yeshivah? In any case, the father is adamantly refusing to allow a Chareidi wedding, so wouldn’t the fact that the wedding is not up to Chareidi wedding standards be reason? And if contrary to Avigdor’s wishes the wedding is Chareidi, wouldn’t that be the best way to distance from Avigdor?

  11. “issued a letter” etc. in public. No conversation with him. rosh hayeshiva for his talmidim?!! How sad. Chillul Hashem? r”l. Time for young Lieberman to find a true Rosh Hayeshiva who cares for his talmidim like his own children. A rosh hayeshiva who can teach him Torah and living Torah even after his wedding.

  12. It would appear this Rav is twisting words to avoid saying the obvious that his being mesader kiddushin would somehow send a “political” sign of acceptance or support of Lieberman’s political agenda. If this is true, what rubbish. The choson is an independent individual and in yiddeshkeit, we don’t impute the actions of the father on the son in these types of matters. If the son was willing marry in accordance with halacha, the kaddushin was Chareidi as that term is understtod. The Rav should have the courage to acknowledge that he is acting in a political capacity; whether others like it or not is up to them.

  13. FAKE NEWS!
    Not officiating because he’s not a rabbanut smicha.
    Some stupid journalist jumped to a conclusion and is motzai shem ra on a wonderful Rosh Yeshiva.

    But I guess this explains why Liberman became so anti-charedi all of the sudden. His son did teshuva!

  14. Sources close to Rabbi Diskin pointed to a different reason for the refusal

    Surely it’s easy to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying. Has he ever done a wedding before?

  15. the reason why the rabbi refused officiate was not because of the draft
    there are many secular politicians who have been for a haredi draft and nobody seemed to have much of a problem
    Lieberman is Pushing an Ultra secularist agenda
    that will be the end of a semi Jewish state of Israel
    he wants a complete upheaval of all tradition

  16. It’s days before Rosh Hashanah. Please be more mindful of your comments.

    There is a difference between chareidi and hallachik weddings. For example, at a chareidi wedding there would be more gender separation, mechitzos, higher standards of kashrus and women would all dress to a certain strict standard. A hallachik wedding requires eidim, Sheva brachos and a chuppah. The rest of the affair need to follow the cultural norms of the chareidi world.

    It is very common for baalei yeshiva, these special tsadikim, to make accomodations within the limits of hallacha to make their parents and friends both feel comfortable at their smachot.

  17. Can YWN report authentic articles only please. It is clear that this is a pile of rumours, much of it being non sensical. Please stop harping on news which is CLEARLY unreliable! It is only encouraging all the Jew haters like GadolHadufus and the like

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