EPIC VIDEO: NYPD ‘Smart-Car’ Takes Sidewalk To Get Down Boro Park Street

7 Responses

  1. epic?!?

    Do you even know how to use the word?

    From dictionary.com….

    Heroic or grand in scale or character

    Particularly impressive or remarkable

    I don’t see how either definition applies.

  2. What if חלילה he hit a woman with a stroller and a two uear old in tow!
    Illegal as illegal can be! ממילא if it were an ambulance on an emergency. But a police car!!! They lost all נאמנות . He limely was going to coffee break!

  3. The donut eaters in uniform who work for the NYPD are above the law. It’s only those worthless hardworking taxpayers that have to follow the laws.

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