CIVIL WAR? Irreligious Israelis Have Fist Fights With Peleg Protesters In Jerusalem


While the Peleg continues on their mission to cause mayhem in Jerusalem on their “day of rage”, they appear to have ignited a fire. And not like the fires burning earlier in Kikar Shabbos started by the protesters.

It appears that irreligious Israelis have multiple times in the past four days attacked Peleg protesters. There have been quite a few incidents reported to police of being attacked by motorists stuck in traffic for hours or other people just randomly walking to a protest and fighting with the Peleg.

While it’s indisputable that many irreligious have a deep hatred towards the Frum community, it’s clear that these assaults are directly being caused by the protests.

This video was taken on Thursday night in the heart of Jerusalem.

Police are investigating the incident.

Video via מחאות החרדים הקיצוניים

WATCH THIS: Peleg Protesters Vs ‘Shiksa’

WATCH THIS: Angry Peleg Protester Berates Elderly Irreligious Israeli; Where Are Your Tzitis?!

GRIDLOCK IN JERUSALEM: Tens Of Thousands Stranded Following Peleg Protests

CIVIL WAR? Irreligious Israelis Have Fist Fights With Peleg Protesters In Jerusalem

SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Peleg Protesters Refuse To Allow Ambulance On An Emergency Call To Pass

WATCH: Dozens Of Peleg Protesters Arrested By Police

WATCH: Angry Motorist Strikes Peleg Protester With His Vehicle

Peleg Protesters Hold Their ‘Day of Rage’ Blocking Roads Across Israel [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

Nine Peleg Talmidim Wanted by Military Police in Custody: Protests Continue on Thursday

WATCH THIS: Egged Bus Stuck At Peleg Protests Turns Into ‘Shteeblach’ For Maariv Minyanim

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. The title could more easily have read “Irreligious join together with religious in helping to remove those who create a public chilul hashem!”

    The second title could have been “Kalev Ben Yephune award given to irreligious jews stopping a public desecration of gods name”

  2. What heter is there to disturb the public, to be mazik es horabim? For a good cause it’s ok to be mazik es horabim? Is it ok to steal to make a point? Why is this mutar? Because handicapped people do it, so therefore t’s mutar to be a mazik? So what about all other avairos that groups do? Do they now become mutar because other groups can get away with doing those avairos?

  3. I’m addressing this to the YWN management. I would love if you would post this even though I have little hope that you will.
    I’m appalled at YWN entire attitude in everything related to the part of the Olam Hatorah that follows Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Aurbach Shlitta. While Klal Yisroel is gebentched with many different groups, sects each with their individual drachim led by Gedolei Torah, we all acknowledge and accept our differences. And respect the other derech even though we often don’t see eye to eye. In what way is this group of Ehrliche yidden numbering in the tens of thousands, ken yirbu, many of whom are accomplished talmidei chachomim, deserve to be labeled in derogatory terms such as peleg and the like, and maligned at every opportunity by YWN. What right do you have to delegitimize them? If your personal rabbonim disagree, please follow them in practice, but respect other derachim and their Torah leaders as well. This attitude that YWN engages in and promotes is one that instigates machlokes and is totally inexcusable.
    In truth, the protest today has even a wider list of Rabbonim and a bigger section of klal yisroel taking part. The venerated Rov of Yerushalayim, Maran Harav Dovid Soleveitzik and Maran Harav Yisroel Yitzchok Kalmanowitz are wholly in support of today’s hafganah as well. How dare you disrespect and malign such a huge part of klal yisroel and their gedolim?! Please rethink your attitude.

  4. To Birur;
    “How dare you disrespect and malign such a huge part of klal yisroel and their gedolim?! Please rethink your attitude.”
    The majority of klal yisroel does and should disrespect and malign any rav (including those you label as “gedolim”) who cause such chaos and disruption. The direct and indirect harm imposed by these mindless thugs (aka ” accomplished talmidei chachomim”) on the ztibur including physical assaults on security forces, vandalism, blocking of emergency vehicles and economic/emotional suffering for those lives are disrupted) warrants imposing on them and their so-called “gadolim” whatever punishments are allowed by law . YWN does a great service by its diligent coverage of this mayhem and those who distort daas torah so justify it.

  5. to Birur.

    come and try to live in Jerusalem only to be denied the ability to move by these frum thugs. They are stupid and vandals. The have a nice spot in gehenom.

    Shame on such a terrible chillul haShem.

  6. I have news for you: One does not have to be secular to take an active stand on this. I have never been in the front line of traffic or near enough when stuck but if I was lead vehicle, and these chaleria sat in front or on my car, it would be a shikul daas weather to get out and do some old fashioned attitude readjustment

  7. “While it’s indisputable that many irreligious have a deep hatred towards the Frum community….”

    So sad that YWB would say such a thing….

    Firsrly, it’s disputable.
    Secondly, it’s not true: Some have a general aattitude of frustration at the Frum community’s attitudes; not usually a deep hatred. Many are fine with the drum community even if the disagree.
    Thirdly, even if it was true, what does it have to do with this article? All you need to say is that these fights stemmed from the protests. Why instill ‘deep hatred’ within klal yisroel?

  8. “CIVIL WAR?” No, it’s a few people fighting with the protesters; not a civil war. Blowing things out of proportion like that is a typical characteristic of low-quality tabloid journalism. They use such headlines as click-bait.

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