More on the Friday Night Slaughter in N’vei Tzuf – Identities of the Victims [UPDATED with Levaya Details]


The murderous slaughter of innocent people during a Shalom Zachor in the Shomron community of N’vei Tzuf (Chalamish)  reminds us of other horrific acts of terror be Islamic terrorists, such as the slaughter of the Fogel family HY”D  of Yishuv Itamar. Five members of that family were butchered in their home R”L.

In this latest attack, the lone terrorist, identified as 19-year-old Omar al-Abed arrived from a nearby village on foot, walking 2.5 kilometers and then entering the community and passing a number of homes until he entered the home near the outer perimeter of the community. There was no hesitation, as the note he left for his family members stated he expressed sorrow that he will not see them ago, on his way to “Gan Edan”.

He he began stabbing and slashing anyone who crossed his path. After he was captured, he told officials he bought the knife two days earlier for the purpose of attacking Jews because of the situation on Har Habayis, the IDF spokesman reports. He was carrying a bottle of water, a Koran, and a wallet. It took fourteen minutes from the time he entered the community until he was shot.

There was a Shalom Zachor taking place in the home when the attack began at about 9:30PM Friday night. Other family members who realized the horror that was taking place hid in an upstairs bedroom B”H, saving a number of lives.

Names of the Victims HYD

Murdered in the Friday night attack in N’vei Tzuf were Yosef Solomon HY”D (70), Chaya Solomon HY”D (46) and Elad Solomon HY”D (36), a father of five who lives in Elad. The grandmother, 68, was wounded in the attack.

Information from Preliminary Probe into the Attack 

The warning from the security fence did not stop the terrorist. The family struggled and shouted, the probe into the murderous attack in which a grandfather and his two children were murdered during the Shalom Zachor of a grandson. The terrorist jumped over the fence and triggered the warning fence.

The probe will try to determine why the security forces failed to apprehend him. After 100-150 meters, he arrived at the house, entered the open door and began stabbing anyone and everyone. The grandmother who was wounded was operated on this morning and received the bitter news. On the morning after the attack in Chalamish, in which three members of the family were murdered in their home, new details of the operational debriefing are revealed.

The terrorist triggered the warning in the perimeter fence of the settlement when he crossed it and climbed over it, and is now examining why the security forces failed to arrest him before entering the family’s home.

Magen David Adom EMT Ehud Amitan explains “The scene was a difficult one. When we entered the home we immediately saw four victims on the ground with stab wounds. Three of them were in cardiac arrest. We began advanced resuscitation including pharmaceutical intervention accompanied by efforts to stop their bleeding. Another victim, about 60, was conscious and sustained stab wounds in her upper body. She was transported in a paramedic unit to Shaare Zedek Hospital in moderate-to-serious condition.

United Hatzalah EMT Doron Matov, a resident of the community, explained on motzei Shabbos, “When we were concluding the Shabbos meal a call came in for persons badly wounded in a home in the community and I immediately left for the place and ran into a difficult scene. I assisted in resuscitating the daughter, but unfortunately her death was determined at the end of the resuscitation efforts, and we also provided initial medical care with the help of additional volunteers from the United Hatzalah motorcycle unit to the moderately wounded grandmother, the result of stab wounds”.

President Rivlin Responds on Motzei Shabbos

“At this difficult time, our hearts go out to the bereaved family in Chalamish (N’vei Tzuf), and to all the community there, after the incomprehensible loss they have endured last night.

“The difficult pictures, and the thoughts of the children who fled for shelter now dealing with the terrible news – it is truly heartbreaking.

“We embrace the members of the family into our hearts, and are inspired by the courage and composure of a mother who stood alone in the face of such horror, and by the IDF soldier who brought an end to the terrible campaign of murder.

“I pray for the recovery of the wounded, and wish to express my support for the IDF, and all the security forces, who are working for our safety at every moment, and especially in these last few days. I know that we will show no tolerance for those who plot against us, and we will fight terrorism, mercilessly and without compromise.

“This is the time for the whole free world to denounce terror and incitement, and join with the State of Israel in the war against terror and incitement. One who does not denounce terror is a partner to it, and has a hand in the deterioration of the whole region into a needless, bloody war, which no one wants.”

PM Netanyahu Responds

“Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expresses deep sorrow over last night’s murder of three family members in the community of Chalamish. This was an act of terrorism committed by a beast incited by wild hatred.

“The security forces are doing their utmost to maintain security and, to this end, will take all necessary measures.

N’vei Tzuf Residents Speak Out

The residents of N’vei Tzuf released the following statement following last massacre:

“Last night a celebration of life was turned into a blood bath when a terrorist took the lives of Yosef Salomon, 70, and his children Haya, 46, and Elad, 36 three innocent people sitting at their dining table. The Salomon family were celebrating the birth of a new grandson with friends and family when the terrorist entered their home.

This is not the first time that our community has been struck by terror. Our resolve remains strong and we will continue to build a better life for our children, here in our ancestral homeland. We have always reached out to our neighbors in peace but the incitement and murder continues. We call upon the government of Israel to return security to our community and all of Israel immediately. This was never about metal detectors; the incitement and murder must be brought to a rapid end.”

The funerals will take place tomorrow, details will be released when available.

Justice Minister Shaked Responds 

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said, “Less than 24 hours after his grandson was born, the new and emotional grandfather was murdered along with two of his children, a murder that interrupted the wonderful joy and celebration of life.

“There are no words to describe the despicable act and atrocity that took place yesterday in Chalamish, the slaughter of a family by a hateful animal.

“The terrible and terrible murder in Chalamish did not take place because of a magnetometer and they should not state otherwise.

“I do not remember metal detectors on Har Habayis when the Fogel family from Itamar was slaughtered. It was the result of unbridled incitement that was not stopped by leaders. In the wake of hatred taught in schools and homes. My heart goes out to the mourners in Chalamish and they should not know any more sorrow. Sad and painful in your loss”.

DM Lieberman & IDF Chief on the Scene of the Attack

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott arrived at the scene of the attack and briefed by senior IDF commanders.

PA Arrested Terrorist Three Month Ago 

According to a Times of Israel report, an uncle of the terrorist who butchered people in N’vei Tzuf (Chalamish) during the Shalom Zachor was in PA (Palestinian Authority) custody three months ago. Omar al-Abed was arrested and detained and interrogated for two weeks on suspicion of planning to perpetrate a terror attack and then released.

The Neighbor & Soldier Acted Professionally & Neutralized the Terrorist In the accompanying video, an IDF soldier from the Oketz Unit who responded, explains the events. He too is a community resident and was on leave for Shabbos. He heard the shouts and screams from the nearby home. He ran to the home and fired at the terrorist via a window, striking him in the abdomen, neutralizing him. “I acted calmly and professionally” he explains.

Three years earlier, terrorists entered his home and tried to stab his younger sister “and miraculously, that ended as it did” he told the press.

Levaya information
The levayas for the victims of the Friday night terror attack; Yosef, Chaya and Elad Solomon HY”D, will take place on Sunday 29 Tammuz at 5:30PM in the Modi’in Cemetery. The family will sit shiva in the son’s home HY”D at 22 Rashi Street in Elad.

Times for nichum aveilim are:
** 8:00AM to 1:00PM and 4:00PM to 10:00PM
** Please refrain from coming between 1:00PM to 4:00PM

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. On another news site, a Satmar blamed “settlers” for these and other slaughters.

    I want him to say it to Dafna Meir’s HY”D children. To the parents & relatives of the Fogel family HY”D. To the parents and family of Hallel Ariel HY”D.His sympathies, as is the Satmar Rebbe (both of them) & his cult worshippers, are with the Muslim terrorists, not massacred Jews.

    And then we ask why the world hates us. Why shouldn’t they, they see our fellow Jews (if you can call them Jews) despising us. They are empowered. I wonder if they send funds to them as well.

  2. the politicians are full of bul. . i don’t believe one word they say , they say the same emty words every time
    this murder happens to our people

  3. hml, it this is true, that chossid is a fool and represents only himself. Just realize that at present, yours is an empty accusation about someone posing something on some other website that we are not aware of. It would seem sensible for you to object by writing to that website, not spreading it to this website.
    I’m just curious if you have the same reaction when extreme secular leftists express exactly the same sentiments as your Satmarer that you cited. Because many of them in fact, do say such things. We should be consistent in our condemnations of people with whom we don’t agree.

  4. Sadly, there are mindless Yiidden blaming this tragedy on those zealots who go up to har habayis against the psal of just about all gadolei yisroel. Its time to stop trying to rationalize why these tragedies occur. We don’t know and never will know other than some hateful and bloodthirsty terrorist slaughtered innocent neshamos.

  5. President Donald Trump condemned the attack and called on the Palestinians to stop promoting terrorism. He also reiterated his support for the metal detectors on the Temple Mount and Israel’so right to defend itself. Trump, considered by many orthodox-Jews and the most pro-Israel president….

    Oops. He did not condemn.

    Oh boy! He is silent on Israel’so right to defend itself.

    I guess people will rethink his “pro-Israel” mantra…

  6. Let me ask you a simple question,if someone would decide to take into his home man eating poisonous snakes and would let them roam freely all over his house and one morning he wakes up and finds his whole family wiped out ,would we blame the snakes or would be blame the criminally insane owner of the house? of course we all know the answer.

    Israel has hundreds of thousands of bloody murderous poisonous two legged snakes roaming the country and plotting day and night how to butcher their Jewish neighbors,instead of doing the only normal thing and to either expell these murderous animals or lock them up in cages,
    what does this gangster cowardly regime do? they arm them and they feed them with all kinds of social welfare schemes,
    The real murderrers of this poor family is non other than this criminaly insane self hating cowardly leftist gangster government that will not defend it’s country and people.

    No other normal people would tolerate this obcenity,in any other country a regime like this would be vomited out and overthrown by their own citizenry.
    People of Israel WAKE UP before it’s too late.
    there is only ONE solution to this problem ” THEY ALL MUST GO”
    anything else is national suicide

  7. “Gadolhadorah”
    With all due respect, the gadolei hador have prohibited ascending har habayis, in part, precisely because it would instigate violence such as this. So if any one is “mindless” it is not the yidden you cite as blaming the zealots for ignoring the psak and ascending etc. The zealots ascend, the arabs get riled up, Jews get killed. EXACTLY as the gedolei yisroel said would happen.

  8. BDE HY”D. I was there once, beautiful place with good jews. Back when i was there it seemed pretty guarded. My heart and prayers go out to all the great residents of Chalamish.

  9. The murderer posted on his Facebook page that he was going to take revenge for the Jewish takeover of the Har Habayis (i.e., for the “crime” of placing metal detectors at the gates??). So, athough the Gadol is in fact correct about speculating about the reasons for the tragedy, yet in a case where the perp actually divulges his reasons, we would be smart to pay attention to what he said/wrote.
    Regarding what chugibugi suggested expelling the snakes. So, to where would you expel over a million Jordanian citizens? To Jordan? To Egypt? To Lebanon? To the EU, or to the U.S.? It is something that is simply impossible to implement without using Nazi tactics that were employed during WWII. And you know no one would even dream of going such things. As to the “leftist govt.” you decry, you sound rather amusing. Whom do you propose to take Bibi’s place? The new Machane Tzioni guy, or Tzipi Livni, or Lapid? Oh, I know you’re probably dreaming about Feiglin somehow getting elected in some some sort of referendum or maybe a coup? Face it, if elections were held tomorrow, NONE of the above candidates have much of a chance of unseating Bibi. Moshiach Tzidkeinu? Now that’s a viable (the only!) real solution. But, as long as he is not here, it doesn’t make sense to childishly criticize the most “right-wing” govt. possible, given the present available coalition possibilities. Right now, no other candidate is electable. If you’re one of the Feiglin dreamers — well, keep on dreaming.

  10. @Gadolhadorah – normally I also don’t like when people decide that they know why tragic events like this happen. However, the terrorist himself prior to enacting this horrific act posted that he was doing this due to “Jews on the Har HaBayis”. Thus, I don’t understand why you felt the need to attack Jews that will claim the same reason. Furthermore, I don’t get this attitude of attacking commentators who at this point are still theoretical. Other than you and “hml” spewing hateful comments during a time period that we are supposed to be trying to unite I haven’t seen even one comment saying the likes of what you two are saying. Perhaps it would have been better for you two to have limited your comments to “Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes”.

    May we see the Geulah soon.

  11. To TorasMoishe:

    I’m saying the same thing (I think)….the inyan that many Gadolim believe it is assur for yidden to go up to har habayis (because they might inadvertenly what was the kodesh hakdoshim) warranted kores was not based on a fear of offending a bunch of muslim terrorists. It was based on Halacha not geopolitical considerations. These zealots who go up there are largely seeking publicity like the WOW and other zealots where the issue become about THEM. We have no way of knowing whether this particular tragedy would have occurred absent the recent security limits because of the attack on the two police last week.

  12. Why did we have to provoke these murderers?! When you know that there are vicious murderers lurking, and just waiting for an excuse and a chance to kill, I believe people should act with caution, not with wild carelessness. We have for so many years kept off the har habayis. We knew that going there was asking for trouble. So what mitzva and chiyuv gave Yiden the right to provoke these murderers, and sic these mad dogs onto our brothers?!

  13. People can blame all they want. What we really need now is for us yidden to come together as the brothers and sisters we are. During this time, we need to build more achdus, so we can be blessed and strong. Work on Shemiras Haloshon among other good things. May the geula come soon


  15. To those who comment that this is a result of Jews being on Har Habayis,
    HIs claim was that he didn’t want Israeli control of Har Habayis.
    Arabs hiding weapons in a mosque and trying to kill especially Jews has no connection.
    Israeli security dealing with this security threat has no connection.
    Muslim management who riles up their population twisting any information how they like has no connection.
    Gedolim who assured going up to Har Habayis betumah because of a danger of chiyuv kares has no connection.

    It is about Israeli security implementing security measures so that terrorists don’t hide weapons on Har Habayis and kill people. The Muslim leadership don’t like this.
    I agree with Gadolhadorah on this.
    Try to have some common sense.

  16. it’s amazing how people can deny what is so clearly a connection here.

    @aka everything you said only shows more of a connection than not. it’s a shame you don’t have the common sense to see that.

  17. Realisticguy
    It is common practice for muslims to hide weapons in mosques hopitals and schools hide behind woman and children to kill people especially Jews. The muslims attacked Jews before 67. They will hide weapons whether it is on Har Habayis, in Europe or in the U.S. if they can kill Jews and get away with it. This has no connection to Jews on Har Habayis.

    Israel security has to deal with that reality when this fact caused the death of two officers and can possibly cause more damage in the future. They are not going up to Har Habayis rather they are installing metal detectors that deal with this issue.
    Jews going up to Har Habayis is a different issue.
    The 9 days is a very good time for us to understand why the goyim persecute us.

  18. Softwords
    Its is interesting that you call it hateful to take a srong stance against a theory of another yid but not hateful to blame a yid for the death of another yid.
    I have already pointed out the fallacies in your thinking.

    As far as hml maybe your right though.

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