WATCH THIS: Practice-Run With ‘Trump Motorcade’ Arriving At Kosel


The attached video was taken late Thursday night in Jerusalem’s Old City, as Israeli and U.S. security personnel practiced with a mock “Trump motorcade” arriving at the Kosel.

Witnesses at the Kosel tell YWN that the motorcade started at Sha’ar Yafo, travelled through the Old City, and stopped at the Kosel. This routine was done approximately 4 times – starting at 11:30PM. As of 1:30AM, security personnel were still practicing. At least three choppers were hovering overhead. Dozens of U.S. Secret Service officers were on the ground directing the Israelis.

As YWN has been reporting, Israel is in full preparation mode as President trump will be arriving in Israel on Monday, May 22.

Trump is set to meet with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin in Jerusalem and lay a wreath at Yad Vashem. He will then deliver remarks at the Israel Museum. Later that day, he will meet privately with Prime Minister Netanyahu and have dinner with Netanyahu and his wife.

The next day, Trump will spend time with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem, part of his effort to facilitate the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In Jerusalem, Trump is set to say a prayer at the Western Wall, becoming the first sitting U.S. President to visit the Kosel.

Prior to visiting Israel, trump will visit Saudi Arabia on May 20, will meet with King Salman in Riyadh, and hold bilateral talks with the King, the Crown Prince and Deputy Crown Prince.

Trump will hold bilateral meetings with the Gulf Cooperation Council, which consists of six energy rich Middle Eastern countries. The President will have lunch with leaders from more than 50 Muslim countries— including Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted for alleged war crimes— during a summit. Syria and Iran were not invited to the event as they are not part of a Saudi Arabian military alliance, that is being established to fight terrorism. There, Trump will give a speech about radical ideology and Islam.

After Israel Trump will fly to the Vatican, followed by Belgium, and finally to Italy before returning back to the United States.

Kever Rochel To Close For A Period Of Time During Trump Visit

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. For a president who’s administration can’t officially decide if the Kotel belongs to Israel or not it’s very middah keneged middah that he doesn’t even know if he’ll still be president or not by the time he returns from this trip!

  2. Instead of preparing for Trump to come to Kosel, we should be preparing for Moshiach, who hopefully will still come before Trump

  3. Assur, President Trump and his administration never had a question about the Kosel. Fake news have it quite easy convincing gullible naive people like you with their bogus stories. And with Hashem’s help President Trump, an honest and G-d fearing President, will be POTUS for the next 8 years. Hopefully Moshiach will come soon though in any event.

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