NYS Controller Thomas DiNapoli Keep Seat Despite Tough Challenge

Controller Thomas DiNapoli beat back a tough challenge on Tuesday night to win a full four-year term.

DiNapoli was declared the winner by New York 1 at 1:30 a.m. and quickly put out a victory statement.

But his Republican challenger, retired hedge fund manager Harry Wilson, refused to concede, saying there are more than 210,000 absentee ballots that should be counted.

DiNapoli, a long time Assembly member from Long Island, was appointed by the Legislature in early 2007 to fill out the term of disgraced Controller Alan Hevesi.

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(Source: NY Daily News)

One Response

  1. This is a shame, this guy is totally unqualified. He is NY’s Christine O’Donnell. Harry Wilson would have been a much better choice.

    After last night elections I am confident we will continue to see the mass exodus of people from NY to other states. We will also continue to have a huge budget crisis with the $200 billion owed to retirees (source NYT). Thank you to all the new yorkers who voted for this man and his cronies like Cuomo or sat it out

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