Initial Reports: Boro Park & Flatbush Voted for Donovan 3-1 [Race Too Close To Call 11:30PM EST]

Initial reports are indicating that Boro Park & Flatbush voted for Donovan by overwhelming margin of 3 – 1. This is a significant victory for many of the newer non-establishment mosdos who endorsed Donovan over the more established organizations and elected officials including Congressman Jerry Nadler and Assemblyman Dov Hikind both of whom supported Schneiderman.

For example, unofficial returns at the Sephardic Community Center on Ocean Parkway have Donovan beating Schneiderman by 465 votes to 117 votes. Donovan was supported by the leadership of the Sephardic community. In Boro Park on 16th Avenue & 43rd Street, unofficial reports have Donovan crushing Schneiderman 986 – 347. Schneiderman was supported by most chasidic leaders in Boro Park.

This would be another major race in the community where the Hikind endorsed candidate has lost by a significant margin in the Jewish community. Of course, the actual race for Attorney General is still too close to call.

Dov Gordon for YWN

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