New Poll Shows Paladino Gaining On Cuomo

Republikid reports:

Rochester Business Journal did a snap poll in the last few days and their results are very interesting. Although Cuomo is still ahead, his lead isn’t very commanding. He only garnered 45% of the vote. Paladino comes in second with 42%. Warren Redlich, the Libertarian candidate gets 7% and Jimmy McMillan gets 3%. This should be good news for supporters of Carl Paladino. The controversial candidate has been plagued with scandals, gaffes, and accusations of racism and homophobia.

Carl Paladino is the favored candidate of New York’s Tea Party movement; and despite the setbacks, their support is solid, with many in the Tea Party set to vote for Carl, and the other candidates that were attracted to Carl’s Taxpayers Party Line. In New York this year, if you want to know who the Tea Party supports, just look for candidates with “Taxpayers” next to their name on the ballot. Conservative values are set to win big this year, and even in the entrenched Liberal stronghold that is New York, things are looking good for the conservative minded candidates.

If the state gubernatorial election were held today, a plurality of respondents to this week’s RBJ Daily Report Snap Poll say they would vote for Democrat Andrew Cuomo-and his running mate, Rochester Mayor Robert Duffy.
Cuomo, the state attorney general, topped Republican Carl Paladino by a three-point margin, 45 percent to 42 percent.
In a Snap Poll conducted in September after Paladino beat former Rep. Rick Lazio in the GOP primary, respondents favored the Buffalo developer by a 10-point margin.
Seven percent of respondents in this week’s poll said they would pick Libertarian candidate Warren Redlich. Jimmy McMillan, candidate for the Rent Is 2 Damn High Party, garnered 3 percent of the vote.

We can also see from this recent poll that, despite the main stream media showing that Republicans have no chance,  when we look to independent polls, we see that Siena, Marist, and Quinnipiac, along with big shots CNN, are all either skewing the numbers, or using out of date polling methods. This years Senate race was looking pretty bleak for the Republican candidates, but this latest poll shows that the tides may be turning.

Also on the ballot next week are two U.S. Senate races. In the Snap Poll, Republican Joseph DioGuardi edged Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, 51 percent to 46 percent. Respondents favored Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer over Republican Jay Townsend, 50 percent to 48 percent, in the other Senate race.

Political insiders have been speculating for weeks that the big polls may be off kilter this election cycle, and if they are right we will see a few more polls that look more favorably on the Conservative candidates.

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(Source: Republikid)

7 Responses

  1. Jimmy McMillian’s 3% should give him enough votes for his Rent is too high party to have a spot on future ballots as a political party.

  2. I read the entire RBJ article. In their sample, Republicans outnumbered Democrats 3:2. Not even the most optimistic Republican operatives expect that on election day. Congrats to the Democrats who will win in NY.

  3. My Dear Friend Charlie:

    I am a stone-cold realist, and I believe that we will have a repeat of Paladino’s surprise 20-point win in the Republican primary, even though the polls showed him neck and neck even with Lazio.


    Why?–because people are uncomfortable telling pollsters they support the politically-incorrect paladino, who is against Toeva Marriage and Abortion-on-Demand, so they lie, and tell the pollsters they are against him.

    However, in the polling booth, it’s a different story.

  4. Such a shame that NY’ers as well as most of the east coast are too stupid to see that they would always be much better off with a Conservative in office than the typical political hacks running amok on the Socialist Liberal Democrat side. The east coast could be such a better place if they would only wake up!!

  5. charliehall, it’s quite likely that Republicans and supporters of Republican candidates will outnumber Democrats at the polls Tuesday. Most of Paladino’s most enthusiastic support is among Tea Partiers (Taxpayer Party line) and polls are not measuring them. No one I know in various TP groups has ever once been polled this election season. Many TP voters have never voted before and are unmeasurable. Many TP members also are unaffilateds, Independents and Democrats (I’m a former 26 year Democrat).

    Paladino signs and enthusiasm vastly outnumber and outweigh Cuomo signs (there is NO enthusiasm for him – no one can stand him!).

    It’s all about the turnout, which has not happened yet. The polls were completely wrong on the eve of the primary; keep that in mind.

  6. You New Yorkers, should learn from our success in NJ. We finally have a Republican governor and I don’t have to tell you when NJ was better off, today or last year. Finally we have someone that sticks up for moral values and does things that make sense.

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