Brian Doherty Slams Hikind As Corrupt; Urges Him to Spend More Time in USA than Israel

In a free-wheeling interview with YWN, Brian Doherty, the feisty challenger to Assemblyman Dov Hikind, displayed some sharp differences between himself and the 28 year incumbent Assemblyman. While this is an uphill battle for Doherty, Hikind must “win big” according to one political strategist. “Hikind has 1000 times more money and name recognition in this race, anything more than massive victory over this first time challenger would further erode Hikind’s power in his Jewish base.”

Brian Doherty is a retired NYPD police sergeant who is married with three school-age children. He is running against Assemblyman Dov Hikind on the Republican and Conservative lines and has been endorsed by popular Senator Marty Golden. This is the first time that the Democratic Hikind has been challenged in many years. Below is an edited interview with Sergeant Doherty broken up by ten key topics.

Why Doherty is Running Against Hikind
“Assemblyman Hikind has an impressive history as a legislator however his best days are clearly behind him. He now has one of the worst voting attendance records in the entire legislature and clearly has lost the enthusiasm he once had for the office. His efforts now seem to be devoted to solidifying, or lately hanging on to, his political power, attempting to influence the outcome of local races and punishing those who cross him.”

Doherty On Helping Yeshiva Parents
“I am a supporter of school vouchers, education tax credits and TAP for Yeshivas or any other legitimate institution that would expand the choice offered to aspiring students and their families.”

Doherty On Social Issues
“I am opposed to abortion and I am against redefining the institution of marriage.”

Doherty’s on Hikind’s Time in Israel
“Hikind was elected 14 times to serve the people of Bay Ridge, Borough Park, Dyker Heights and Midwood. Even when he is here, he ignores three quarters of his constituency but he very simply cannot represent us if he is not here. If his interest and drive have understandably waned after 28 years, I would urge him to retire so that he can spend as much time in Israel as he likes without leaving the people of the 48th District without representation.”

Doherty on his Recent Comments on Corruption in Albany
“That statement was made in general but it can also be a specific reference to Mr. Hikind. His record is not unblemished by allegations of corruption…Also the case in which Mr. Hikind in my opinion exhibited the MONUMENTAL bad judgment of protecting the identities of admitted child molesters out of some misguided concern for the privacy of the victims. He should never have assumed responsibility for “investigating” these cases. The outcome was divisive, embarrassing and whether warranted or not, led to the appearance that he may have been protecting child molesters in exchange for political support and campaign cash. Where there is smoke, there is fire.”

Doherty on Allegations of Police not Filing Complaints at 66th Precinct
“I find these allegations particularly troubling. As a retired Police Sergeant, I can tell you that the NYPD plans it’s entire crime fighting strategy based on data collected on crime reports. If that data is skewed or falsified, it can negate every effort they make in crime reduction. And these efforts are pricey as is often the case when something is worthwhile.  Additionally, the NYPD should be concerned not only with impropriety, but the appearance of impropriety since their being held to a higher standard is paramount to the public’s confidence and trust in allowing them to accomplish their mission of protecting life and property. If police commanders cannot be trusted with the basics of crime reporting then the public trust will be shaken.”

Doherty on Recent Increase in Murders in NYC
“In regards to the recent spike in murders, the NYPD must return to the basics that gained notoriety under Rudy Giuliani and the “broken windows’ theory of policing. The NYPD must actually address the small quality of life issues once again instead of simply being consumed with being able to present “numbers” to show that quality of life summonses are being issued. Crime tumbled under Giuliani not because of the number of summonses and arrests but because of the quality. I fear that the NYPD has resorted to numbers instead of the quality of summonses and arrests and consequently, the people that are armed and out in the street committing these murders no longer fear a street encounter with a patrolmen who may be seeking the path of least resistance instead of using summonses and arrests as tools to feret out those who would do violence and mayhem on the streets of our community.

Doherty on Shelly Silver
“… I would remove Shelly Silver from the Speakership since it is ultimately his self serving and wrongheaded policies, enforced mercilessly from his bully pulpit that have ushered us along on this road to financial ruin as he stands to collect millions in awards as a partner in a law firm involved in suits that depend on legislation that Silver himself may vote on. Despicable.”

Doherty on his Jewish Supporters
“My most prominent Jewish supporter is the entire community of Borough Park. I have been out shaking hands around the neighborhood and the amount of support has been overwhelming. I understand that it is difficult for people to outwardly support me given the political climate that Hikind has fostered over the past 28 years to consolidate his power and to crush dissenters but my name is out there, the community is happy to have an alternative for the first time in a dozen years and win or lose, I will be the candidate who offered a choice to borough park rather than isolation.”

Closing Statement
“I am not a politician, nor am I a lawyer or an accountant. I am your neighbor who wants a better life for my children and I know that that the path of political corruption, apathy and a near pathological spending spree is not the way there.”

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(Dov Gordon for YWN)

14 Responses

  1. I don’t know this guy, but he’s already got my vote! It’ll be nice to have someone in office who actually wants to WORK on behalf of our community.

  2. Since when was Hikind protecting identities. Not only is he not protecting, he is falsely accusing the innocent as well. He already declared one man guilty even before the D.A. had a chance to decide whether prosecute or not. Once he opened his big mouth, they had to.

    Doherty must win!

  3. What is Doherty’s plan to actually get the NY State Constitution amended to allow school vouchers?

    Talk is cheap, and for decades politicians have been dangling school vouchers before religious communities knowing all full well that they can’t deliver.

  4. a big talker with no history is going to CHANGE everything. we’ve been down this road before, most people arent too happy with it.

  5. “stop going to Israel””remove Shelly Silver” Has everyone lost their minds. Is the hatred of Hikind si blinding that we would elect someone who is basically saying he would remove the jewish politicians. Lose Shelly Silver lose alot.

  6. Dov Hlkind is a really amazing person, and I think we gotta be crazy to go and vote for someone with no experience at all… we must be greatfull to Dov for all he has givin us all these years (a nice radio show saturday nights….)

  7. Hikind has definitely lost his enthusiasm for his elected position. His main issues now are all centered in Israel. Very nice but he was elected here. I’ll vote for Doherty even though normally a frum yid is preferred. However that’s in a case where the frum yid is accomplishing something. Hikind isn’t. And even his vaunted kingmaker status has been sharply curbed in recent years. Sometimes his opinion and voice can only hurt klal yisroel’s status to the political establishment.

  8. We need an Assemblyman that will actually be seen by the community. I think its time for a change. Doherty has got my vote.

  9. I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful and supportive comments in response to this article. It is my honor even to be considered as a candidate to represent to great people of the 48th District.

    The people of Bay Ridge, Borough Park, Dyker Heights and Midwood have, for far too long, been forced to send the same person to Albany year in and year out without a choice. I am proud to offer an alternative to the iron fisted rule that has left many in all of our communities without a political voice for fear of retribution.

    The next step is yours. Make the most of this long awaited choice in candidates and please, please, please get out ond vote on November 2nd!

  10. We will, Mr. Doherty. Go to the central synagogues in Boro Park (e.g. Shomer Shabbos 13 & 53) and ask around, you’ll be shocked of the negative response you’ll get on Hikind. He is a person who has taken our vote for granted for much too long and has no major accomplishments to cite throughout his career. He is the typical Albany insider that works with back-room deals and shady business to stay in power. We gotta show him that we mean business. Vote a protest vote against Hikind this coming Tuesday. Remember, this is the first chance in nearly three centuries where you can show Hikind that he too must show accountability. If Hikind wins by a large margin, his sky-high ego and arrogance will go to greater heights.

    Stop Hikind, Vote Doherty!

  11. Menchlich & joe ram,
    Hikind’s time has come. He needs to go. Enough of a loud mouth who does spend more time out of touch and country. I know ppl that went to myself includeded when an issue arose. First questioned asked do I live in his district. So what if I didn’t I am a yid going to another yid albiet a politician and my answer was no to do I live in his district and they shove me out the door so to say. So yeah I live in his district npw but no way am I voting for him. I just shoved him out the door. Goodbye Hikind

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