New Poll Shows Paladino Closing on Cuomo

The latest poll on the race for New York State Governor shows Republican underdog Carl Paladino trailing Democrat Andrew Cuomo by only 14 points.

A Siena Research Institute poll released earlier this week showed Paladino down by more than 30 points.

A Rasmussen research poll  of likely voters released Friday shows Cuomo leading Paladino 51-37, with 5 percent supporting another candidate and 6 percent undecided.

The report shows only 39 percent of voters in the state have a favorable opinion of Paladino. In contrast, Cuomo is viewed favorably by 57 percent of voters.

Paladino campaign manager Michael Caputo released the following statement regarding the latest poll:

“Today’s Rasmussen Reports survey of likely voters in the New York State shows Buffalo builder Carl Paladino down by 14 points against career politician Andrew Cuomo, 51 to 37 percent. This is wildly different from the recent Siena and New York Times surveys, both which showed a dubious difference. Public polls are unreliable in this volatile election season, but Rasmussen appears to have a better handle on their research in this environment. Paladino supporters are excited this race is tightening again as our statewide media buy kicks in.”

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(Source: KBKW)

8 Responses

  1. Bloomberg squeeked in a third term in his NY mayoral run. Bloomberg was a man with 100 million dollars at his disposal and also had the best team working, volunteering for his reelection. So polls mean nothing. most people actually like Carl Paldino for what he wants to do and for what he stands for. As for frum people if we don’t vote for him we are all nuts. Besides the toeivah issue Carl Paladino is for tuition vouchers. There is no guarantee that New Yorkers will receive vouchers but at least we have a candidate that will try and has good ideas how to go about things.

    Cuomo is a liberal. Cuomo is for toeivah and said so publicly many times. Cuomo is against tuition vouchers. Cuomo is part of the rotten Albany politics. Cuomo hangs around with his friend Vito Lopez who is corrupt and being investigated by someone by the name of Andrew Cuomo!

    How can a friend investigate a friend and not be bias?

    When Bloomberg ran for mayor 10 years ago many people said he will be great because he is independant and has money but there were many that did not like Bloomberg then because he was arrogant and had a big mouth but that did not bother anyone. We really care about Carl paladino having a big mouth all of a sudden? Is this the only thng we can come up with as to why he won’t be good?

    At least Carl Paladino is not a liberal and has his priorites straight. Cuomo is promising everything. People who over promise usually don’t deliver on anything. Stop looking at polls and do the right thing and vote for Paladino. Don’t be a yankee fan when things are going great. Vote Paladino because it’s right.

  2. Go Paladino!!! Let’s put him in office and give him a chance to turn this State around.
    Coumo is just more of what we’ve had until now. Who needs him. Can you imagine a Governor who would actually be willing to sign a bill for vouchers for yeshiva parents??? Its in our hands to get this done. Let’s do it!!

  3. Even if Mr. Paladino had no chance, and even though the outcome of the elections and what the elected official will do once in office is not on our hands – lev milachim b’yad HaShem – nonetheless we must show Mr. Cuomo what we stand for, what our morals demand, what our families need. That way he we will take our efforts (voice) seriously after the election wanting to get reelected.

  4. YWN, You are still trying to raise hope for your man Paladino. The Rasmussen polls are well known to be biased in favor of Republicans; the Marist poll released the same day had Paladino up by 23 points.

  5. #2,

    The governor has no power to create tuition vouchers; they would require an amendment to the NY State Constitution.

  6. In other words, if the Republicans had run a serious candidate, they might have had a chance. However if he does reasonably well, it will encourage Cuomo to push for cutting the state budget and trying to restart the private sector (though cutting the budget is bad for us, since many frum Jews get money from the government through grants, patronage or civil service careers – let’s be honest, good government might not be good for us).

  7. I don’t care for Paladino himself, who is nuts. But maybe these new polls would mean that other conservative candiates in the legislature and State level, especially Donovan, will win.

  8. Charlie, the only one here with an agenda is you. What does it take to amend a state constituion. Why can is only be done to destruct the state with immoral values and so forth. You liberals claim equality. Why are religious people, who pay school tax, discriminated against? We want politicians who will amend the constituion when necessary for fair amendments, not to introduce marrying cows (don’t laugh, after same-sex, it’s next).

    As to Rasmussen. If you’ll examine and analyze all the polls, you’ll see that Rasmussen is usually the most accurate. Do you really think Rasmussen fluctuates numbers? Rasmussen uses an effective method which is to ask likely voters. While all the pollsters who favor the Democrats will take the opinion of registered voters seriously, Rasmussen looks at those that will actually vote. Likely voters tend to favor Republicans, hence the ‘bias’ from Rasmussen. Seems like what you call biased, I call fair.

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