Poll: Majority Of Americans Sick Of Obama; Don’t Think He Deserves Another Term

A majority of Americans don’t think President Obama deserves to keep his job, a poll released today shows.

With less than two weeks to go before the midterm elections, a survey conducted by Gallup shows that only 39 percent of Americans think Obama deserves to be re-elected in 2012.

A staggering 54 percent think he should be a one-term president, the poll found.

Earlier this year, between 46 and 48 percent of Americans said Obama should be re-elected.

The survey also shows that Obama has averaged a job approval rating of 44.7 percent during the first seven quarters of his presidency.

Obama’s average approval rating has declined each quarter since he took office nearly two years ago — falling by more than two percentage points in the most recent quarter to establish a new low.

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(Read More: NY Post)

22 Responses

  1. Shouldn’t a president, who knows his picture will be plastered all over, at least eat his ice cream with a spoon?!

  2. #1: Leaders shouldn’t be turned into scapegoats. Our economic difficulties should be accepted as a nisoyon from Hashem, and not blamed on the goverment. If you don’t agree with President Obama’s policies and ideology, then don’t vote for him, but please don’t call him an idiot. Being a Jew requires one to behave and express himself as befitting for “bnei melachim”.

  3. Don’t get your hopes up.

    First, he might learn from his mistakes.

    Second, the Republicans have to pick one serious candidate and unite behind her (or him). The Senate races in New York and Delaware are templates from the Republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

  4. Yeah, these horrible voters. They’re simply too stupid and bitter to think. America suffers because voters won’t accept reality. Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we’re handwired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. The country is scared. They gotta stop whining and buck up. The must give up their guns and religions and have faith in the Messiah. I believe that Obama should pass a democracy overhaul, similar to his signature legislation – healthcare reform, where he would declare dictatorship. That way, we will be able to focus on the important issues pressing the country.

  5. Dick Cheney any day before obamanation. He at least wants AMerica to survive not like obama. Number 5 don’t call obama an idiot I agree with you 100% he is an egotiscal maniac. He is very smart and coniving. He in 1 and 1/2 years gone through more monney than AMerica did since the time it become a country and his stepping in office. He has now have the government countrol 60% of business in American and shooting for 70%. He wants to suck the blood out of every american with Cap and Trade which is total nonsense. He has given our oil rigs to brasil which george soros has heavely invested in. Idoit no the American votes were sucked in by the false messiah

  6. I am not an American but the thought of Sarah Palin leading your country gives me goosebumps. Can the Republicans come up with a better alternative?

  7. To all of you people who are making negative remarks regarding the President for eating:

    Have a friend or relative take candid photos of you over time while you are eating. See what you look like. There is a reason why it is assure to watch other people it.

  8. The article states how a staggering 54% of people think he is a one-term president. It then states how earlier this year “46-48%” thought that he should be re-elected. That is the exact same thing…..either it is one term or two terms. If 54% believe he should not serve a second term then it is an obvious fact that 46% believe he should be re-elected. Come on, some intelligence please.

  9. Could someone please explain what’s wrong with Sarah Palin? She’s better than Hilary Clinton, and better than Obama, that’s for sure!

    #4, I totally agree!

    #10-11, LOL! You got my laugh for the day! XD

  10. Dick Cheney hasn’t been Vice President in two years. Joe Biden is the Vice President and he would make a great President.

    These poll shows how easily it is to bias a poll: Gallup today reports that Obama is at 46% approval, 46% disapproval. And these two polls are by the same polling organization!

  11. Sarah Palin is certainly better than any Democrat She at least has common sense, which is certainly not too common in Washington. Hashem should watch over all of us. Obama is truly AWFUL! He is doing his best to destroy as much of the country as he can before he gets booted out in 2 years.

  12. They are floating around New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. He recently won major points for stopping plans to build a new tunnel between NY and NJ because the state just can’t afford the overruns. He’s under major pressure to reinstate the project, but unless he can get some federal help, he won’t let it through (eventhough either way it comes from taxpayer money). But at least he is doing what he said in his campaign.

  13. Charlie, it isn’t biased, it’s some children coloring with crayons…

    Why should we replace Obama with Biden. Obama was the one to make progress not Biden. Obama saved this country from excessive capitalism and exeptionalism. Obama got millions of uninsured to get free insurance while the premiums of those paying only tripled. Obama got the banks the money to give loans and mortgages when they will decide to do so. Obama made sure we’re a fair country and we are distributing the wealth. He’s the one leading the crusade against the evil Bush tax cuts that steals money from the poor and gives them to the rich. Obama closed down Gitmo (did he?) and stopped the torture of innocent lone individuals. He restored Islam’s honor all over the world. He showed tough love to Israel while keeping Iran’s nuclear civil. He reset the relationship with friendly countries such as Russia etc. He didn’t govern as a partisan hawk, he governed as if it was not a united blue or united red, but a United States of America. I doubt Biden would’ve been able to accomplish 10% unemployment after inducing only a couple of trillion dollars into the economy. Let’s keep the Messiah, he will definitely save us and lead us to redemption.

    I’d just suggest why some think Cheney is VP. They keep on hearing (from you and other cronies) that Bush is at fault for nearly everything that’s going on. They know that the economy and unemployment is worse now than two years ago. They figure that if Bush is still to blame it must be him in the White House. They also constantly hear Barack Obama campaigning against Bush daily for the past two years. One may think that Obama is a candidate running against Bush for president. They figure that Cheney might be less disastrous than Bush and suggest that he should be the one replacing him on the GOP ticket against Obama.

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