Rep. Weiner Meets With Jewish Community Leaders

On Sunday, October 17th, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens and Brooklyn) met with several Jewish community leaders from Kew Gardens, including Aaron Cyperstein, President of Chaverim of Queens, who hosted the meeting, and Rabbi Chaim Schwartz, Executive Director of Va’ad Harabonim of Queens.

The meeting lasted for over an hour, with Weiner fielding questions about his work on national issues like the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which recently passed the House of Representatives, as well as issues pertaining to Weiner’s work on behalf of Jonathan Pollard and Shalom Rubashkin.

“I find it important to meet with leadership of the Jewish communities face-to-face in an informal setting,” Weiner said. “We speak all the time and update each other on what’s going on in the community and in Washington. But it’s also important to, from time to time, sit around a table in person, and brainstorm about what else we could be doing for the Jewish community.”

At the meeting were heads of several local Jewish organizations, such as Hatzalah, Chaverim, the Va’ad Harabonim, the JCC of Kew Gardens, Tomchei Shabbos, the local Bais Ya’akov, as well as other organizations.

Aaron Cyperstein, who hosted the meeting, said “Congressman Weiner gave these organizations an opportunity to discuss ways in which they can assist in servicing the needs of his constituents and how the Congressman can assist them.”

Concern about Iran’s aspirations weighed heavy in the room, and Weiner delivered the news that stronger economic sanctions on anyone in the U.S. or EU doing business with any financial institutions in Iran were the only credible way to get Iran’s attention. “While getting Russian and China to join the most recent UN sanctions was a small victory, we will not see a significant slow-down in Iran’s nuclear activity unless we really put some teeth into new sanctions,” Weiner said.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. i’m sorry, but what are we flattering this rasha? or dignifying him with our recognition, or our precious time?
    this man married a muslim on shabbos, and is extremely pro gay. remind me why we associate with this menuval?

    he spoke at my high school graduation as well as many others including B’nos Leah. why do we allow him to speak at our functions? WHY?!?

  2. Get a hold of yourself, “maniac” #1. His mother is not Jewish, for starters. Rep. Weiner is an outspoken and articulate defender of Israel. Plenty of people defend Israel loudly; far fewer do it intelligently.

  3. #1 because he is a sitting US member of Congress who represents one of the largest Orthodox Jewish constituencies in the United States. I have personally nothing to do with this meeting or Mr. Weiner but your militant approach to activism is wrong and counterproductive. Despite the last week of lunacy, the litmus test for a politician is NOT only his stance on Toaiva but whether or not he or she is responsive to the community and its needs on a myriad of issues. Rep. Weiner for all of his liberalism is an important go to guy for the community. If you were honestly involved in serious activism you would know that. Sure in a perfect world we could hand pick our candidates to be shomer shabbos, ehrluch, conservative enough on moral issues and liberal enough on social services and also pro Israel for good measure but it is obvious to all of us that we hardly live in a perfect world and we must deal with the hand we are dealt.

  4. In this election you are either voting for the socialist liberal democrat workers party & Obama OR you are voting for AMERICA.

    Anthony Weiner is part of the socialist liberal democrat workers party.

  5. From Wikipedia – “The family lived for a time in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. Weiner’s father is Jewish, and his mother is of Italian descent.”

    So Weiner’s no rasha and he brings the bacon home to Brooklyn. And beside, as Shia Hecht said…”he’s not running for Rabbi”.

  6. ive started a conversation in the coffee room about this, maybe you can all go there and discuss it once it’s approved?

  7. Defender of Israel #2 Please as good as he may sound or be. his time is up, Bob Turner is a True supporter of the Jewish Cause.

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