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Cuomo Says He Will Legalize Same-Gender Marriage

Andrew Cuomo told attendees at the Empire State Pride Agenda’s Fall Dinner, that he wants to make their hopes of legal same-gender marriage a reality.
“I don’t want to be the governor who just proposes marriage equality. I don’t want to be the governor who lobbies for marriage equality. I don’t want to be the governor who fights for marriage equality. I want to be the governor who signs the law that makes equality a reality in the state of New York,” said the Democratic nominee.

Cuomo then went on to hit Paladino for his stands on immigration and abortion rights, and urged the group to make it to the polls on Election Day.

“Take nothing for granted because people are afraid, people are anxious and these forces are looking to exploit that,” Cuomo said.

Mayor Bloomberg, making his first appearance at the event in years, vowed to the audience, “I will fight with you until we achieve marriage equality for all New Yorkers”.

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(Source: NY Daily News)

12 Responses

  1. and when the measure is up for vote the Agudah and Heikind and everyone will yell and release statements… but where are their statements now???

  2. As long ala frum yidden keep voting for the socialist liberal democrat workers party members all will be well.

    Its such a shame people fail to realize they are ALWAYS worse off when the socialist liberal democrat workers party is in the majority.

  3. I’m waiting for a statement from the leaders of Williamsburg and Boro-Park, urging everyone not to vote for this child-molestation enabler.

  4. Woops, there he goes putting his treif foot in his mouth and losing the religious Jewish vote. Down with Paladino, down with Cuomo, OK guys, who is left or right. Wait a minute i’m confuse left IS right and right is left right? Whatever, who is on our side?

  5. MD: The Agudah is a powerless organization that has no politcal clout anymore. Ever since Rav Sherer was niftar, the Agudah has not approached any significant issue facing our community.

    For example, this past Agudah convention, when Klal Yisroel is facing many important issues such as financial strain, public legal troubles, anti-semitisim, teenagers at risk, abuse, and many other issues – what did the convention focus on??? Celebrating all the years of what the agudah has done! Time to stop patting yourself on the back and start taking action!

    Dont expect to see any action from the Agudah.

  6. Andrew Cuomo’s only claim to fame, if it can be called that, is his father, Mario Cuomo. For many New Yorkers that name is some kind of magic. And since New Yorkers, like Californians, have the noxious habit of voting for the most despicable candidate on the ballot, I predict he will walk away with the prize. His opponent is too conservative for New York voters.

  7. This is disgusting! First that liberal judge phillips repeals the gay ban act in the military, now the hopeful gov of ny wants to pass alaw for this marriage. We as jews must stand up for our country and not let America be an embarresment to the world!!

  8. And as for mark levins post. The stock market was up 290 percent under liberal Clinton and the stock market is up 33 percent under Obama. Stock market down under 12 years of the republican bush family you truly are an idiot for that post

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