Letter From Bloomberg’s Campaign Manager

Dear YWN Readers,

Today is Election Day. We have all worked incredibly hard to build an amazing campaign. With your support we have knocked on over two million doors, visited every neighborhood in the city, and built the most impressive field operation in this city’s history.

Now we need you to do the most important thing you can do for this campaign – go vote for Mike.

Everything we have done has built up to this day. The only poll that matters is the one that ends at 9pm tonight when the voting booth closes and we learn whom the people of New York City have chosen to be their next Mayor. That’s why we need everyone who supports Mike to get out there and vote. Make sure your friends, family and neighbors know that today is Election Day and every vote counts.

If you don’t know your pollsite, click here to learn where to vote. Polls are open until 9pm.

Thanks for your support. Today it matters more than ever.


Bradley Tusk
Campaign Manager

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