Harry Reid: Election Results Show Democrats Are The Party Of Diversity

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says the election showed that Democrats are the party of diversity, and he plans to bring up an immigration reform bill next year.

The Nevada Democrats says Republicans block such legislation at their own “peril.”

Reid spoke to reporters Wednesday hours after a national election in which President Barack Obama won a second term and Democrats could increase their Senate majority by two seats, pending the outcome in North Dakota and a decision by Maine independent Angus King to side with Democrats or Republicans.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in a terse overnight statement that he’s willing to meet Obama and the Democrats at the political center on some issues. Reid said he wants to work with Republicans, but they “can’t push us around.”


4 Responses

  1. I think it shows that it is the party of the me generation. what will the government give me today. what entitlement is coming down the pike tomorrow. Who can we tax next week to ensure I get whats coming to me.

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